
Chapter 155 - Before You Were Born, I Am!

Kyriachos was in no means an evil being despite being the Lord of the Fallen. When he was born together with the many beings, he was a necessary ingredient to form the universe. And even though he could tell that the Divine and Corrupt parents of Kyros were the ones responsible for sealing him, he never really had bad intentions on Kyros.

"Why do you think I wanted to supplant your soul back earlier? It wasn't just me being cruel, but I expected that you wouldn't be able to get out of here anyway." Kyriachos explained.

Kyros closed his eyes once more and concentrated. He began to frown. It was as if his body was not even there!

"Why is it like this? Dark Maddening shouldn't be that bad. Calaminus is also there! He should be able to help me!"

"It's not that simple! Nephilim. You underestimate my Darkness. It can never be tamed. You summoned my Darkness from the depths of your soul The Dark Maddening you suffered isn't the usual kind. You drank the blood of a being that rules all Fanged and all creatures of charm!"

"But I already drank their blood! The maddening should not be that terrifying! I have awakened the Corruption of Fanged Fallen and drank the powers of the Charmed Fallen!"

"Exactly. Do you know why we call the Fallen's power Corruption? Because of that. Although you are a Nephilim, it doesn't mean you have mastered Divinity and Corruption. So I figured that's why you had the third soul. One that can balance between the two."

"Balance? You mean being of pure light is also bad?"

"I am not of the light. You'd have to ask Soter about that. But in general, we who are sources of Light and Darkness are immune to our own madness. But you are just a young little mortal with no powers to contend against the Darkness. And worst of all, you awakened my Darkness! The one that is the source of Separation!"

Kyros was silent. He felt as if his understanding and estimations of the powers that Gods and Fallen had been severely limited.

"Tell me about your Code. Maybe I can figure something out."

"Figure something out?" Kyriachos laughed.

"I am the Abyss itself, the Darkness that Separates. No one has wielded my darkness and maintained their mind and sanity. It will empty your mind and drain them! It's probably possible for you to wield my Code and be in control, but right now, you are just too weak and lack the power of other Divinities and Corruption to contain it! That was one reason why I intended to take over your soul and had been very calm in answering your questions. You and I already got off on the wrong foot, but if you are going to be trapped here for all eternity, might as well build rapport, right?"

"There has to be away."

"Well, the first one is by me. Because unless you are me, you won't be able to pull yourself together in that darkness. Your other option is to awaken Soter's power. Maybe awakening her Divinity will allow you to have a surge of Light that would give you some mana to cast spells. But then again, the issue is that your body has engulfed itself in darkness, and it's even possible that if I send the soul back, you'd be rejected, and your soul will be in an out-of-body situation. Which is even more terrifying as that Blood Calamity can eat you."

"What if I cast Skotos Eis Phos here? If I get the purest Dark, wouldn't it become the purest light? Hyperion's severed the universe. You created the gap to preserve the separation of entities and beings, so Light is attempting to unify that gap. Dark separates, but light unites! Of course, it balances itself with Hyperion's Severance and your Separation. It aims to restore a tie but not make entities and beings one again, but to unite them!" Kyros explained.

"... What?" Kyriachos frowned.

"Healing, hope, trust, love? Aren't they all attributed to Light? You separated everything. Light brings people back together. They don't combine and become one, but it links them! That's what Light is. If I release that light as you bring me back to my soul, it should allow me to dissipate the darkness and help me link with my soul!"

Kyriachos had a very confused expression.

"That's what Light is?" Kyriachos had a doubtful answer.

"... You Fallens are very exhausting people to talk to. Just give me some Dark power."

"No way I'm touching you. That feeling of having my darkness become light is too painful!"

"Don't touch me then. Direct dark energy to me."

"You want me to shoot you with my dark energy? Can you even turn them into the light? I don't think that you would be so skilled at doing those things to my attacks!" Kyriachos clarified.

"Don't worry! Didn't you wonder why I was able to turn your darkness into light when you touched me? It's because you are a part of me! Wasn't it your darkness that magnified my Dark maddening? So this power you have is theoretically under my control. I think that's what those seals are. I don't have the power to convert other external sources of darkness, but it should be possible if it's anything within me. So anything from you can be converted as we have seen earlier. Skotos Eis Phos should work on an attack coming from you."

"But you do understand the risk. You are only a small wisp of conscious soul! This isn't a vision. Your soul seeped into this place where I am sealed. It's one thing when I touched you earlier, but to shoot you with pure dark energy? It could kill you! And not only will your soul disappear, but I won't even have the chance to leave this place!"

"Then it means End was fated to win." Kyros laughed.

Kyriachos looked at the young man, who showed no fear. Instead, he sensed to form of hesitancy in Kyros's eyes.

"Alright. Let's hope that your parents made enough preparation. But if this works, it means you will have the means to visit me. Promise to visit me here." Kyriachos sighed. 

"I promise, Grandpa."

"... You think that I'd be offended, but I was one of the power sources that forged you, so... in terms of creation, I am your grandpa. Anyways, let's hope this works. Pay attention, Grandson. I'll show you the concept of Dark through this." Kyriachos raised his arm and gathered dark energy.

Kyros could see the surge of power and finally saw the true power of Darkness.

"Separation can only be achieved through distance. The Concept of True Cut severed the oneness of creation. Other Divinity and Corruption created the force and impact to send these planets away from each other. The Darkness filled the gaps between the space. My darkness had another role after it filled the emptiness and became space itself. My darkness held the many galaxies away from each other. And to keep them apart from each other, I harnessed the only spatial force that could pull and stop things from constant motion. I set the limits and created the circuits of these planets. And that force to create motion was created. The powers of Devour that all Fallen have are derived from this. For to keep the heavens away from each other, I created this. Gravity."

The majestic power of darkness was revealed.

"Apart from True Night, this is my other Code. True Devour. Better survive this Nephilim. Let's hope your Mysterion is something my darkness can't swallow!" Kyriachos shot the dark energy to Kyros.

A small black hole was thrown towards Kyros.

"Time to ride the wave." Kyros smiled as he watched the black hole fall on him.

Back in reality, not a second has passed since the Blood Calamity had stabbed Kyros in the chest. The darkness seeped out of Kyros's body, and the Blood Calamity was trying to pull away from her arm as she sensed the Code of Kyriachos.

"True Devour! What is this man?!" The Blood Calamity shouted as she severed her hand to abandon the point that was dug inside Kyros's body.

The darkness seeping out of the large hole in Kyros's chest began to devour the severed arm. It wasn't even a second, and the arm was gone, and the chest of Kyros returned. But this time, Kyros's entire body was covered in a strange darkness.

The mad Kyros glared at the Blood Calamity.

"You dare fight me in a contest of devour? You might have True Devour, but you are too weak Nephilim whelp! Before you were born, I was already a saint!" The Blood Calamity roared as she harnessed a large amount of her Soul Blood and revealed her monstrous form.

Four carapace-like black wings appeared behind her, and it grew hundreds of red teeth and had a strange muscle-like firmness as if it was the insides of a large mouth. It was like a large petal with the Blood Calamity standing in the middle like the center of a flower.

At that exact moment, Kyros's soul finally returned.

The darkness still engulfed most of Kyros, but the darkness in Kyros's eyes suddenly vanished and revealed his human eyes.

The plan worked. Kyros managed to link with his soul. And the small surge of light restored a lot of Kyros's magic points.

It was enough.

The massive mouth began to bite at Kyros and covered all of Kyros's retreat.

"How arrogant. Little girl, Before you were born, I am." Kyros laughed.


A massive wave of bright light erupted and covered the entire area.

The shrill cry of the Blood Calamity echoed out as Kyros's entire body was releasing an intense light that he shone like the sun.

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