
Chapter 174 - Darkness Collapse

The dragon was smiling and had a very peculiar expression.

Martha turned to him with a rather annoyed expression.

"No, you're not."

"Shut up, Martha. You're memories not back. It'll come to you soon."

"I'm pretty sure that your not. We only found a dragon egg."

"Egg-Eggxactly! I'm the egg!"

"You... are the egg?"

"Yes. I hatched and ha been Master Kyros's pet for a time now. Since he um... went and fought the Flood Calamity."

"Blood Calamity." Martha corrected.

"Uh... no! You have it all wrong. That's why I said your memory hasn't returned. The enemy was a- um... The Blood Calamity at first. But then he came back stronger in the future, which you still don't remember because your memory hasn't returned yet, and he-he was called the Flood Calamity. I, a dragon whelp, sacrificed my life, bit and ate that darkness and found myself thrown in here."

"The Blood Calamity is a woman." Martha casually corrected..

Kyriachos turned to the dragon with a confused expression.

"Correction. He was... masquerading as a woman."

"Really now? Why?"

"Who knows what vampires think?"

"The Blood Calamity is a Succubus."

"... No. He was, as-as I said... masquerading as a succubus."

"So a male vampire is masquerading as a female succubus?" Martha gave the dragon a strange look.

"Ha! Your foolish words reveal how misguided you are! Succubus ARE females. So, you are redundant. See? Your memory hasn't fully returned yet!"

Martha was shocked at how shameless this dragon was.

"Are you really a dragon? Where's your pride?"

"Pride? I am bound to serve Master Kyros!" The dragon shook his head.

What was his pride compared to the possibility of acquiring one of the strongest Fallen power?

"Then what does he look like?" Martha challenged.

"Ha! You dare doubt my words? After all, I did to you and saved your life? Our master is a man of and great heroic strength! His strength can break the sky, and his very footsteps cause his enemies to tremble at his mighty form!" The dragon gave a broad answer.

"He's ten years old! What tremble at his footsteps?!"

"I was describing the aura and power that he inflicts upon his foes! The darkness he controls is just amazing! At the appearance of the power he gained from Lord Kyriachos, all trembles before him!"

"He's a Paladin harnessing the strongest powers of light."

"Ha! Such idiotic claims! You are clearly still being affected by the darkness!~" The dragon laughed. He knew that this woman was trapping him.

"No. It's true. Kyros has the power of Ancient God Soter." Kyriachos confirmed.

"ANCIENT GOD SOTER?!" The dragon exclaimed. This just didn't make sense! How can someone who Kyriachos respected wield the light? Wasn't Kyriachos implying that Martha can wield the darkness and regain her memory because of Kyros's blood's dark, potent power? How was he able to wield the power of Soter?

The dragon had sensed several powerful gods and fallen energies hidden within Martha's soul. But he didn't know who they were specifically. But the most unlikely name would be Soter. Such power couldn't exist within one body!

"Quit acting and stop pretending to be part of our team!"

"Hmp. You still harbor doubts? Soon, you will remember the many times I saved your life. You will soon remember that Master Kyros has not yet come to a point where he needed to use the power of light since I met him. It's only natural that I didn't know! But now, my respect for my master has grown leaps and bound!" The dragon gazed to the empty void above as tears began to trickle down his eyes. How he managed to produce tears despite being a soul no one knew.

Martha rolled her eyes and turned to Kyriachos and watched his expression at the very faulty and obviously messed up lies of the dragon.

"So basically, the Blood Calamity or the Flood Calamity is a cross-species transvestite? Interesting." Kyriachos asked.


"Huh. Never expected that. Oh well. So what's your name, Dragon-Pet of the Steel Family?"

Martha's mouth was wide open in her shock.

"Lord Kyriachos. I am the son of a Heretic God, Orgen Pendragon! Since his death, I was the chosen one who devoured him to take the mantle of his might! I have slain countless saints and devils and even fought against Sword Saints!" The dragon began to list his impressive and heroic deeds as part of their unique means of introducing himself. To dragons, bestowing or revealing a name was one of the dragon's highest acts of respect. Not many would know the true name, and their introduction always meant revealing who they were, not just with their names but their deeds.

"I remember now! Kyros's pet dragon! Dorothy! It's you! Oh, my little pony bear!" Martha jumped and hugged the dragon.

The dragon froze at Martha's sudden action.

Martha's eyes locked on the now froze dragon and gave a dangerous sneer.

"Dorothy, huh? So you also are into the whole trans thing. Wow. Things must have changed since I disappeared..." Kyriachos mused.

The dragon wanted to say something, but Kyriachos's massive head suddenly changed and became a strange black stone that somehow glowed and was seated on a massive throne.

"I guess it'll be easier for me to bestow you the power in this form." Kyriachos's voice was heard.

"I- I- my real..."

"Aright Dorothy. Since you two servants of Kyros are here, you both must be in some bind, right? Is Kyros alright?" Kyriachos asked.

"That's right! The knights!" Martha suddenly remembered the specific scenario they were in. But, for some reason, her memories were lost and only returned as Kyriachos brought it up.

"Fallen Kyriachos! Please help me leave this darkness! I have to go back urgently!" Martha pleaded.

"Relax. There is still time. Time flows differently here. While True Time does pass here since you entered this Realm, the way you can leave this place allows me to send you back to the real world in a way that you can travel up to several minutes into the past. Let's say it's been five minutes since you arrived in this realm. While five minutes have also passed in the real world, I can send you back on the first minute in the real world."

"That's possible?!"

"Yes. But again, I can only turn back time up to several minutes since you entered this place. True Time has still passed after all, and no one can revert the time of True Time. Only Calaminus, the Time God can."

"Right! That weird god..." Dorothy recalled.

"How early can you send us in?"

" I can bring you back several minutes right after your soul entered this place. Shall I do it now? Or do you think your maddened body can survive a few more minutes? I still have to explain the power I will grant to you."

"Several minutes after? Then I should be able to handle it!" Martha concluded. She needed to know what power she would have.

"Alright. Then, let me explain. You guys are lucky that this Separated Realm is very weak. I'll be using this entire Separated Realm and will collapse this place to give you Darkness Source. It will be similar to the Darkness Core that Kyros has. But unlike Kyros, you will be a being of Pure Darkness. The other possible powers from Kyros's bloodline that you could have awakened cannot be awakened anymore. But I believe this is one of the ways Fate prepared for you, who are bound to Kyros. He needs allies. Strong allies. And since no being in this entire universe can wield contradicting powers and coexists, this should be the answer. Kyros's Coven might be Fated to harness specific Codes of specific Gods."

"How does Master Kyros wield it?" The dragon asked in curiosity.

Martha frowned at the audacious dragon but decided to listen.

"Kyros's Divinity, the Divinity of Mysterion, allows that."

"So Lord Kyros is a God!" Martha had already suspected this but hearing the confirmation of her lord's identity still shocked her.

"Ha! You didn't know? I, Orgen Pendragon, knew of my master's real identity!" The dragon took the chance to reveal his real name to Kyriachos.

"Shut up, Dorothy!" Martha silenced the dragon.

  His identity is much more than that, as you might have noticed. The fewer people know about it, the better. I'll be collapsing this place now. Martha. The Gods and Fallens will consider you to be my daughter. So never reveal the name Kyriachos until you are strong enough to kill gods and fallen."

"I understand."

"The Dark Core I will craft will be different than what Kyros has. Kyros has the Core of True Darkness element. Yours will be made from the power of a Separated Realm. The more you devour powerful and unique dark-dependent creatures, the more this core will increase its strength. It will give you the ability to distort and bend space. With this, you will have your own dimensional space. You can also use the Separated Realm to move through the darkness and even perform teleportation magic. This core is perfect for an Assassin like you!"

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