
Chapter 267 - Fight Of Mezal

In another realm, where time and space had no meaning...

A tall, mysterious man watched as the fighting occurred.

"As expected... that Mezal has been corrupted by the Nephilim. To think that a son of Hyperion would resort to such tricks and mind games. Whatever. Mezal Steele's death is still certain. Several Grim Champions for the son Hyperion is not a bad trade. On to the next show..." The man waved his hand and turned to another trap he set.

"Activate Trap." The tall man waved his hand

Back on the dark planet... A handsome young man wearing gigantic, dark steel armor was seated on a throne. He suddenly opened his eyes. He could feel it as the last sight of Commander Shellcross was finally sent to him. Dragon Commander Pyrestarter was in another world, so when he died, no vision was sent back. But this time, a vision was sent on his death.

The vision had a familiar character. A few days ago, the young prince had been having visions of a majestic dragon. A beautiful woman with a vampiric power was devouring on a dragon. And the dragon that this woman was devouring was not an ordinary one, but a Thane Dragon!

The sight of power and beauty aroused the young prince. He knew it was Destiny's vision but didn't understand it yet.

"So that dragon is among the Nephilim's allies. And it's a beautiful as she appeared in that vision." The young man smirked.

"Gemfire." The young man called out mentally.

"Yes, Lord Cardinal."

"A young dragon is headed towards you. Capture her. She will be my Chambermaid." 

"Yes, Lord Cardinal." The woman respectfully answered. But as the link between the two ended, a great rage surfaced in her heart.

"First, the Nephilim takes my husband, and now, it seduces my lord?!" The woman who answered the call of the Cardinal was the very same woman who was the wife of Pyrestarter, the slain Dragon Commander.

Her wings grew large, and so did her form. Finally, the form of a Wyvern appeared.


With a wave of her wings, she flew with an incredible speed, surprising her Champions.

"Come out! I know you are here!" The loud roar of the dragon echoed as she raced towards the sky.

She then smelled a familiar scent, and the rage built up.

"You dare devour my husband?!" Another boom and the wyvern flew in a specific direction.

"Master Martha..." Puff called out as he saw the approaching dragon.

"I know. That woman saw us. Let's go! We can't fight her head on!" Martha began to retreat and opened a void, and dove into it.

Back on the other battlefield...

Even the Shaman Commander was caught off guard from the sudden movements of Mezal and the Emberdon Champions.

"What are you doing!? Chase!" The Commander called out and awoke the Grims.

The Grim Champions was not in a formation that was ready to tackle a sudden. Mezal and his group had already pushed outside of the circle and even chose a direction where they were furthest from the circle.

"They must have changed plans and communicated through Message Talismans in the middle of the battle." The Shaman Commander guessed. 

"They might have underestimated the wraiths and found that the plan to push through in separate directions would not work and made this one. They can't speak out as they know I am listening...." The Shaman Commander explained to the Grims, who was reorganizing their ranks and chasing the fleeing magic carpet.

"Add pressure to their retreat to make them fly faster. Champions chase them so that they will move at an incredibly fast speed. Show me the scene of them smashing into the wall as planned." The Shaman Commander ordered the Champions.

"Yes, Madam." One of the hovering Grims rushed out of his position and gave chase at the tail of the retreating flying carpets.

Mezal and the Champions had no trouble pushing through with only a few wraiths in front of them.

"Retreat at full speed on my command! Activate the magic to make the carpet fly twice the speed! The Soul Wall has fallen! We can escape!" Mezal shouted, and the Grims pursued faster as they heard that that carpet had yet to reach maximum speed.

"Fly faster!" The Commander ordered, and the Grim's entire body began to emit a dark aura, and they flew faster.

The group began to dive deeper and used more and more of their attacks. Finally, they were moving closer to the place where the Soul Wall once was.

"Now! Retreat!" Mezal ordered.


Two eruptive sounds boomed out. 

One of the sounds came from the Grims, who anticipated the speedy retreat and sped up with a power twice of their current speed, and another from Mezal leaping off the carpet and kicking a Force Wall that sent him flying towards the Champions!

"Die!" Mezal shouted as his body flew towards the approaching Champion.

As he did, a Shield appeared on his left hand, and thick Earth Energy enveloped Mezal. His actions were the opposite of the plan. This was the same attack he performed with Kyros's aid. But with the increase of his level and him learning the basics of Branze's Force Push, he did the same technique and refined it.

Mezal flew so fast, and the approaching Champions was caught off guard. All seven of the Champions were flying together in their facade to chase the Champions. But, in that split second, when Mezal did something beyond their expectations, all they could do was harness powerful magic energy to defend against Mezal.

Their soul was being drawn out of their souls created a strong wall in front of them. Ice began to form as the soul magic had condensed into their Elemental Affinities.

Mezal was blessed with two genius sons. One who made the theories and another who showed him how to do it. And like this, the attack that Kyros showed them when they finally reunited, [Force Stab], was easily passed on to him.

Yet as instructed, Mezal didn't reveal any of this. In his fight against the Crab Commander, he only showed his ability as a Force Paladin and hid his abilities to perform True Cut. And now, Mezal revealed another set of skills he already had even before they fought the Crab Commander. 

"[Piercing Meteor Charge]!" Mezal shouted.


The Ice defense was broken through, and it shattered as the Mezal's meteor struck it.


"No..." The Grim's soul dissipated.


Four of the seven Champions were caught in the charge. Their soul body was affected by the Holy Earth of Mezal's attack.

The flying carpet was about to reach the Soul Wall in their retreat, but suddenly...

"PIVOT!" Demerus shouted like a madman carrying a large comfortable chair, and the Emberdon's made a swift and sharp turn and charged off to follow Mezal.

Using the same concentrated beam attack, they shot a laser to one of the Grim Champions.



With no defenses to protect him, the Champion died immediately from the beam.

The group caught Mezal and sped off fighting through the hordes of wraiths who were not being controlled and began to hover in the air in confusion.

The Shaman was shocked at what happened. It all happened too fast, and she was some distance away from the battle.

"What?!" The Shaman Commander erupted in anger.

The execution of Mezal and the Champions was so accurate and precise that the charging Champions had fallen for the trap.

The energy that the Emberdon's used up when they made their pivot was recovered at the death of the Champion. The Myster Experience System caused them to have a boost of power.

"Just like we planned..." Mezal sneered and secretly laughed.

The truth was, he and the Champions knew that the Shaman could still hear them. The tale of Mezal had small lies that only the Champions would know. Mezal couldn't gain power from his Trinity Sword. When they were still on the other side of the portal, Kyros had already asked everyone to name all of their techniques and abilities.

Mezal revealed that the Sword and Shield of Steele had an ability that allowed him to magically equip it. As long as it was within a few meters from him, he could instantly wear it. So although he was holding Trinity in his hands with the other hand holding the smaller blade of Trinity, the shield was quickly equipped when he did his charge.

And Trinity never had the ability to recover energy. Mezal could recover Force energy because of the Myster Experience System. Those words alone were hints that the Champions noticed and knew that there was a counter plan. Mezal also sent a simple message through the Message Talismans that they all had and learned of the different details of the plan.

Their goal was to fool the enemy and kill as much as they could. They faked a battle of attrition where they were being drained of energy and prolonged it as long as they could so they could. In the minutes where they dealt with the endless swarm of wraiths, Faye actually leveled up again! Mezal used him [Force Wall] to protect them, but even though he wasn't fighting, the deaths from the wraiths easily replenished his Force energy because of the Myster Experience System. 

And the final part of the plan was to fake a retreat and attack at the least expected moment. But, as Kyros had told them, Mezal only revealed another set of his secret skills when he was sure that he could kill the enemy.

The last two Champions fled as they could see Mezal jumping around the area and the Emberdons moving towards them.

The Shaman commander grew angry as she realized she had been fooled.

The Shaman began to chant with a familiar language that Mezal recalled to be First Word.

All the wraiths and the surviving Grim Champs began to reveal a dim bluish glow.

"No! Commander!" The Grim shouted.

"What's happening?" Demerus asked as Mezal reached the flying carpet.

"Soul Sacrifice. It's the same power of my Family's [Death Stance]. But as to how she plans to execute her next attack, I don't know." Mezal watched cautiously.

What Mezal didn't say was that he felt a terrifying crisis in his heart. He then saw it in his vision.


Curse of Destiny Activated.

Mezal Steele will die after seeing all his companions die before him.

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