
Chapter 417 Crown Of Twelve Stars

When Histerion hurled Kyros to the sky, Kyros quickly felt that Histerion's power was forming around him. With his Heart of Brimstone, many rocks and mountains of Brimstone began to surge out. Kyros knew that Histerion transferred the power and was forming within.

Histerion took the lead and clashed with Lanthanou.

With numerous attacks around him, Lanthanou could not sense the darkness that had moved deeper into his dark elemental incarnation.

The power of Mysterion had helped Kyros hide in the initial meteor attack, and he dove in and raced towards the actual form at the darkness's core.

Kyros saw Lanthanou and grabbed his Crown, and activated [Skotos Eis Phos].


Kyros tried to connect himself with the Crown and take the darkness as he caused it all to transform into light.


Lanthanou's form and the power source was the crown itself, and it was being directly attacked by Kyros using the element he was weakest against!

As the powers of the light surge, Kyros begins to draw out the dying darkness and perceive the memories of Lanthanou.

The Crown's power contained many memories that had been forgotten long ago.

A woman stood at the far realms that could not be traveled through in space or time.

Her clothes were as bright as the sun, and she rode a white planet that looked like a moon. On her head shone twelve powerful lights that caused her to see through all the time and all realities.

She kept on fleeing as the realms around him began to change.

"Monsters! They altered it! They altered the true future! They changed End!" The woman cried as she tried to flee.

"Changed it? I defined it." A sinister voice spoke as a powerful conflux of planets and universes breached and stood to stop the woman.

"Hahaha! You can't escape forever, Prophecia!" Lanthanou appeared on the other side.

"In the beginning was Beginning and End. One set to begin things, and the other was destined to stop them. And through it, all things must come to an end. But the one thing that End could not end was Beginning herself. And so, he set out to do what his name was." The strange conflux of energy spoke.

"How dare you! You will not win End! And you, Lanthanou! You betrayed my father's trust!"

"What he doesn't know would never hurt him!"

"You won't succeed! Beginning will never let you win!"

"Your powers must have grown weak, Prophecia. The moment you were forgotten, we had already won!"

"Lies! My father will defeat all of you!"

"How and why would he fight me? The problem with your father is that he is too joyful! Even your loss will not affect his emotions and view of the world! The End shall reign as the future is forgotten! Blame yourself for involving your father! Why were you born to have powers that could prevent the End? But now, End has won! History will only move!"

"If I lie, how did she come to being? With you forgotten, the strongest Being That is to Come has been born! Allow us to introduce the victor that will end Middle! Eschathema!" Lanthanou laughed as the universe tore and numerous heads tore through space.

Eight heads of the Okto-Khefali emerged. And above the eight heads was a woman.

"No... It cannot be! The Last Days!" Prophecia felt her power weaken as the Woman Who Rides the Beasts appeared.

"Since beings like you cannot die, to be forgotten and sealed is the answer! Fall now! Prophecia!" Lanthanou laughed as the three powerful beings fought against the woman.

Entire universes were used as weapons and swords, and End began to wield realities and the power to End as she slashed out towards the body of Prophecia.

The massive Okto-Khefali moved and bit at Prophecia while the dearness of Lanthanou bound the woman.

It was a battle that was simply too much for Kyros's perception or understanding. The battle took place across time, and each attack had effects that made their mark on all timelines.

At the end of the battle, Prophecia gathered her powers and made the twelve lights on her head turn into stars.

"Crown of the Twelve Stars, may your light of the future remain bright! The smallest ray can piece the treacherous emptiness of End! So shine! Shine and let the whole universe know! End is not the real End!" The woman released the powers, and the twelve stars flew off her crown as the entire realm began to be boxed up by oblivion.

Kyros saw himself back in the real world.

Lanthanou recovered and moved to kill Kyros!

"She's your daughter!" Kyros shouted with all of his might.


The power of Brimstone erupted out as Histerion was greatly angered.

Kyros was nearly slain when the power of Brimstone smashed on the real body of Lanthanou and sent him flying down and digging through the curst of the Yggdrasil.

The universes in the Recorded pages trembled as the memory of who Prophecia was was approaching Histerion.

But the darkness within the Unrecorded Pages quivered.

"You fool! You made me do this!" Lanthanou cursed and wielded power within the realm of the Unrecorded Pages, and with great effort, Lanthanou made his move.

"[Epilanthanomai]!" Lanthanou used the power that had his very name!

The power surged and rippled out of the realm.

Many Gods and Fallens felt the power, and many were confused and did not even know the power behind this.

Beginning, Fate, and Wisdom suddenly forgot about the Unrecorded Pages in the faraway realms. But the attack that Lanthanou was forced to do had numerous problematic results.

"Did you feel that? That power!" Fate exclaimed.

"Of course! We have an enemy that can make us forget! End has someone that used these powers to alter everyone's memories!" Wisdom exclaimed.

The ripple moved out, and even those at the side of End felt it.

"Relax. That one is our ally. You have just forgotten him..." End answered. But his expression remained ugly.

"Why was he forced to use this power? It will alert Histerion!"

And as expected, the real body of Histerion felt a strange crisis. He felt his power being called or used somewhere, but he could not remember when.

"End... I told you I don't want to take part in this war. But it seems history is still being attacked!" Histerion cursed.

As Lanthanou severed all memory of the Unrecorded pages, the power of darkness inside the Unrecorded Pages grew by many folds.

"That blasted Lanthanou! He made me forget about this place!" Histerion cursed as his massive Brimstone punch on Lanthanou had left nothing but the Crown that began to fall apart on Kyros's hand.

"What will happen now that your true self cannot remember this place?" Kyros immediately asked.

"It means I can' send more of my power to help in fighting. But Lanthanou, as you can see, has grown stronger! The good news is, you managed to force him to make a move that will make the gods and fallen who sided with Beginning sense the power of Lanthanou. This could delay the End by millions of years! So, Nephilim! Survive this battle and win! And if you do, Beginning will finally have a chance to see the future!" Histerion urged.

​ But Kyros glanced to the dark skies above.

The full power of Lanthanou formed in the sky, and the weight of the Universe could be sensed.

Kyros knew that Lanthanou's base power had now surpassed that of Conquerors!

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