
Chapter 537 Enraged Goddess

The team of Nightwing began to move.

A giant Hydra appeared as Nightwing opened a portal.

The eight heads of the Hydra had the might of Cardinals each, and they began to bite and gnaw at the Darklings.

The spider army of Sherah appeared, and some of the Spiders now had Commander strength! They were as big as horses and fought the darklings bite to bite.

Angelian flew and revealed her might that could easily bring down a Cardinal.

Krysta and her family rushed forward and revealed the powerful attacks that made even some of the survivors recognize the Sword Saint attacks.

Monica's war skills were growing by leaps and bounds. But, being the weakest of Nightwing's women, she had asked Nightwing how she could help.

Nightwing had given her a powerful heritage. She was being transformed into a Daywalker Vampire. Generally, Daywalkers were weaker as they contained both light and darkness. But with Nightwing's many marvelous magic, she harnessed light and shade.

Commander Tyrs had finally become a Cardinal. He stood with Monica and fought on. His powers as a Knight had also evolved with the abilities of a Force Paladin. They had incredible defenses to tank Cardinal-level attacks and enough sword strength to critically wound a Cardinal above his level.

Together with Monica, the two could push back and become the core of their formation.

Benjie Boy, the Emperor Assassin, and Dwarven Meister Strongholden now had incredible teamwork. They could take on several Darklings of peak Cardinal level.

The Emperor Assassin was blessed with a low-quality Time Core that Nightwing had created based on Luigi and Bar-Mammon's core. Nevertheless, the materials were present, and Nightwing crafted one that allowed the Emperor Assassin to perform teleportation.

Dwarven Meister Strongholden had a strange stone armor that made him look like a golem. Nightwing had learned of the GUNPLA armor that Kyros's allies had and crafted his blend using the Gigantes Flesh. A strange integration enabled Meister Strongholden to harness earth energy in his attacks.

His hammer was also powerful and close to the quality only the strongest Cardinals could. As a Dwarven master, he crafted powerful weapons that the team had equipped.

Finally, he was the other survivor of Nightwing's massacre. Commander Joshua quickly rose through the ranks and was bestowed with many pills and pseudo-Dark Dependent cultivation.

He was now a Battle Mage and even had a low-grade Lightning Core, which Nightwing promised to improve if he had shown the aptitude of being a Battle Mage.

The newest member, Mage Commander Estus, had a lot of magic and powers that he could now harness. He had a decent foundation. But now, the power of Astra was what he was meditating on, and numerous elements were being used all at once.

Next to the main team were the other allies, who were people of Destiny.

Ikarod and his team were the strongest of the team. As a Crown, Ikarod appeared to be the secret weapon of Nightwing.

Cardinal Barakan Doragan wielded his father, the Crown, as a club and tore down the ground with every pounding attack.

The group was fighting as fast as they could as Nightwing had promised to 'keep what they killed,' and the energy of the dead would be theirs to improve their levels.

These two were so strong that most of Breveros's armies feared them. Of the women of Nightwing, only Angelian and Sherah were considered strong. The Assassin Emperor was the one they feared the most.

But unknown to them, Nightwing's real team were these people of Fate.

Nightwing watched the battle.

"...At this rate, Ikarod and the Giant team will be massacred by Kyros's allies." Nightwing sighed.

"Is that a problem? I thought that was the plan!" Luigi asked.

"It is. But... this is also a contest. Who can form a better team? Is it me or Kyros? Besides, given enough time, I probably could turn these Destiny folks to my side. My many experiments with Fate, Destiny, True Neutral, and Mysterion are giving me satisfactory results. Look at Breveros!"

"That's true." Luigi nodded as they observed Breveros bring down hordes of beasts.

"Angelian..." Nightwing called out telepathically.


"Dive underground and move out. Listrel and his forces are close by. Go to them and report our progress. Wait for my command."


Nightwing used his powers as the battle progressed to create a massive blood spike that struck a Darklord.

The hole opened up, and many cries of the Darklings could be heard as it revealed a nest!

"Angelian! Move in and kill them! A Flesh Golem is down there! Chase it and kill it!"

"Yes, Master!" Angelian followed orders and dove down into the hole as Nightwing, and the rest guarded the hole and fought and killed.

The Tendrils of Reisling was also fighting and following Nightwing's orders. But Reisling could not help and watch as Breveros revealed his true might.

Back on the moon, Reisling's main body marveled at the power of Breveros. She knew the spells of the Highwind and found that this control and use were vastly different from the Highwind spells.

"So this... is Brevero's true power. What incredible control! He was cursed and could not fight, but now that Nightwing is removing the curse, his true might is here! The plan could really work! Breveros could rise against the Highwinds, and I could become the queen!"

The armies fought on, and the battle would last another day as all the millions of Darklings that plagued the Black Bog Kingdom would finally be killed.

Meanwhile, down in the Dark Sea...

The forces of Destiny were slowly being massacred. Numerous Cardinals had already died at the hands of these assassins. And the biggest problem was that they would disappear!

An Underwater kingdom, the kingdom of Yktheis, home of the Salamander and Newt creatures, was placed on high alert to find any traces of anyone who would approach.

Lea wore her disguise as they continued to swim around one of the rooms of this city. They had entered the cities with disguises. Lea and the rest appeared as serpents. Martha is a sea crocodile race. Aron was hiding inside Puff, who also appeared as a crocodile. But as Lea's powers released a familiar aura, Aron and Martha moved out and gathered information to find the possible location of the Charmed Fallen.

"Things would be easier if I could reveal my identity," Lea grumbled.

"Princess Lea. You know why that's not possible. If you plan to work, then we should remain anonymous. Your father is now communicating with the Protos Endoxus and has verified that your story and the story of Listrel are true. But the common populace cannot just easily unite the two forces. Right now, if we want to stop the coming invasion of Edlrich and all the other forces, we have to be careful. Numerous members of your father's allies are already dying one after the other, and Destiny's forces are taking control of the Netherlands. So this mission is of grave importance. Not just for your... husband, but for the Olethros family." One of the guards tasked to accompany Lea explained.

"I know... it's just... too boring!" Lea sighed.


Suddenly, Martha and Puff appeared inside the room.

Puff immediately opened its mouth, and Aron emerged from the spatial dimension inside Puff's stomach.

"Oh? Back already? And here I thought finding the location of a lost inheritance that no one has heard or has any idea about would take you at least five days." Lea laughed.

"It was easy," Martha answered.

"Branze and father gave us some ideas. The Pit of Drowning."

"...The Pit of Drowning? Even Crowns don't venture down there."

"That's where it is," Martha answered.

"How sure are you?"

"There's a local legend here," Aron spoke.

"A local legend?" Lea frowned and turned towards her attendants.

The two shook their heads.

"The Trench of the Antipathy within the region that we know as the Pit of Drowning is the most likely place where she is." Martha clarified.

"That's the deepest trench in this region. It's a dangerous place full of will abyss fiends, wild Shades, and the like."

"The legend of the Pit of Drowning is that a minor fallen of the dark waters drowned an entire underwater city and created the Trench of Antipathy in rage because of a succubus stealing away her Fallen lover."

"...I haven't heard of that legend. And you think that this legend is tied to the Charmed Fallen?" One of Lea's attendants asked again.

"Yes. The Charmed Fallen has enraged numerous goddesses and fallen because of her beauty, which lured many men. It's also possible that the Fallen Hydron was here precisely because of that."

"Hydron...! The Fallen, who our lady takes her power from!"

"Yes. Zelah wouldn't be the only goddess that hated her. And it's strange that the death of Xermolipi is bound in secret and mystery. And why was Hydron here? I believe that many would seek the demise of the Charmed Fallen."

"So the Trench of Antipathy is...?"

"Possibly a seal or prison for the Charmed Fallen. If it's not Hydron, we should consider other gods or fallen."

"Thalassa..." Lea answered.

"The goddess of the ocean? But she's not the husband of Hydron in the history of the gods!" The attendant frowned.

"And now we know why. Thalassa and Hydron were probably... together until the Charmed Fallen took away her man. Alright. It looks like our next mission is to dive into one of the most dangerous places on the Planesworld!"

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