

WULFRIC looked back at the things that Hildred said to him earlier, about the possibility that Aster was only acting on that video that was taken from Edmund\'s button camera. 

According to Hildred, Aster on that trending video was calm and collected despite facing a hostage taker.  So, the question was, how could he be afraid of him to the point of crying and begging for his life?

The answer to that question was quickly revealed the moment the filming of that music video began.  Even if Wulfric had no idea what was good or bad acting in terms of the entertainment industry, he could tell at a glance that Aster was very talented. 

He had shown such a wide range of emotion in just a span of minutes.  Even if he didn\'t know what the music video was about, just by watching his performance, he could easily tell that the song was about hopelessness.  If he could do that, then he could have also easily staged that \'fearful\' and \'cowardly\' act.

The first thing that Wulfric should have felt was anger for being deceived.  Under normal circumstance, he knew that he would have flown into rage by now.  Yes, he was indeed angry.  But beyond that, he was more upset.  And even underneath that, he felt hurt. 

Because he understood that the reason Aster staged that act was because he didn\'t want him to be interested in him.  So, he acted in a way that he believed would make him lose interest.  That meant that at that time, he probably just wanted to make him leave Delryria and never bother him again. 

That\'s right.  For Aster, he was nothing but a bother.  A bother that he wanted to get rid of.  Someone who he didn\'t want to have any connection with.  Maybe in his mind, the first meeting between the two of them was nothing but a bad memory he just wanted to forget.  He probably even hated him.

He wanted to feel indignant.  To tell himself, so what?  There were so many people out there who hated him.  It\'s nothing rare if another person was added to that list.  Did this kid think that he was so special that he would feel bad just because he disliked him?  He should be the one feeling offended here.  Being played by a mere teenager like that.  He should now be thinking how to teach him a lesson.

But the fact was, he wasn\'t thinking about that.  He wasn\'t even that offended.  All he could think of was that was he really that unbearable?  Realizing that in Aster\'s mind that might indeed be the case, he became more depressed. 

Hildred observed the ever-changing expression on Wulf\'s face – from worry, to frustration, to anger, to helplessness, and finally, to depression.  He raised one of his brows.  Just what was going through the head of this prince of theirs?

Whatever that might be, it definitely had something to do with Astrid Townsend.  As he only started having that reaction while watching the teenager act.  And what a wonderful performance if Hildred might add.

He watched movies now and then if he had time and he must say, this Astrid was much more talented in comparison to other actors and actresses he had seen so far.  Now he understood why he didn\'t even notice that he was acting on that video Ed took from his button camera.  Because the other was simply that good.

"Ahm, General, they\'re leaving.  I think they\'re changing location.  Should we continue to watch?" Edmund suddenly asked.

Wulfric seemed to come back to his senses because of that question.  "No," he just said before standing up and walking away.

Hildred was a bit startled by this sudden turn of events.  He also quickly stood up and followed after Wulf.  The only one who remained in a daze standing there was Edmund.

"Wulf, wait!" Hildred called.

Wulfric stopped and turned around.  His expression showing that he was annoyed that Hildred stopped him.  "What?"

"Where are you going?"

"Where else?  Back to the base," Wulfric said as if he just something stupid.

"Are you really okay just leaving like this?" 

When Hildred asked that, Wulf turned quiet.  He sighed.  He wasn\'t sure what kind of mental battle this guy was experiencing inside his head right now.  But he was sure that it had something to do with Astrid. 

He felt like he had to intervene.  If he let Wulf leave here right now, he\'s certain that whatever connection the other might have made with Astrid would also end here.  How could Hildred let that happen?  Especially after seeing firsthand all the emotions that Astrid managed to evoke from Wulf today. 

If that were to happen, then Wulf might not be able to meet another person who could make him feel all those emotions.  And wouldn\'t that just be sad for this stubborn general of theirs?

"What else should I stay here for?" Wulfric grumbled.

"For your teenager, what else?"

"I told you, he\'s not my teenager," Wulfric said, annoyed.

"Fine.  Then, for Astrid," Hildred corrected.  "You wanted to be close to him, right?"

Wulfric scoffed.  "Who wants to be close with who?"

After saying that, he turned around and continued walking.

Tsk.  This stubborn guy.  "Are you thinking of just completely forgetting that you ever met that kid?  Is that really what you want?"

Wulfric once again stopped and turned to Hildred.  "If I were to do that, then he would definitely jump in happiness.  Didn\'t you see how hard he tried to make me completely uninterested in him?"  A bitter smile suddenly crossed his lips.  "He hates me.  So, what do you want me to do?  Continue to pester him and make him hate me even more?  No thanks.  I\'d rather we both think that we had never met at all."

Hildred was rather shocked hearing such a tirade from Wulf.  Who would have thought that he would one day hear him say such things?  As he thought, this Astrid was really good for Wulf\'s EQ growth.

He didn\'t show the surprise in his face and just asked calmly, "But I\'m asking if that\'s what you want.  So, is it?"

And Wulfric just exploded.

"Of course not!  I want to talk to him, I want to have a normal conversation, I want to be closer.  Shit, I don\'t even know why I feel this way.  I just do!  And I don\'t like it.  I don\'t like all the emotions that I\'m feeling because of him!  I\'m fucking Wulfric de Lunaris and I never feel this way towards anyone!"  He was panting after he said all that.  And then he added in a voice that only he could hear, "Only him."

Hildred wanted to smile hearing all that.  Wulf was really saying all these things right now.  How exciting! 

"I don\'t think Astrid necessarily hates you.  Hate is such a strong emotion.  Unless, of course, you killed his parents on the day you two met.  Which you didn\'t.  I think, he just find you annoying.  You know, like some kind of insect, constantly buzzing around," he explained.  "That means there\'s still room for improvement.  All you have to do is one thing." 

Wulfric remained quiet for a few seconds, as if thinking.  And then he asked, "And that is?"

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