
Chapter 182

“We have a big problem, Morena is close.” Zaleria shook Cain to wake him up, it only took a split second for his mind to process what she said and enter fight mode.

“Where is she?” Cain jumped from the bed, and Selena quickly followed him as a reaction. “A bit inside the forest, bandits are surrounding the village now,” Zaleria said with a worried face. She still couldn’t feel the demon’s location but she couldn’t ignore her sister, she was a greater danger.

“If she joined the fight then I have to deal with the demon on my own? It won’t be easy. Wake up!” He quickly woke the girls up and got them ready. He and Selena would face the demon if he appeared, and the others has to help fend off the bandits.

They quickly got to the top of the tower and observed the bandits, there were well over two hundred of them. “Fu*k, that’s too much to deal with.” Cain turned toward Zaleria, “This might be a stupid idea but we need to strike first, I want you to clear as much of them as you can with a single breath. Make sure to not hit the village!” The bandits were surrounding the village so it didn’t matter how strong Zaleria’s breath was, the ones in the opposite direction are going to survive.

“That might draw my sister’s attention, she might be here to just observe,” Zaleria said if she showed herself, a clash with Morena would be inevitable.

“That demon is aligned with her, she already knew you’re here. This fight is inevitable and we have to pull through!” Cain said as he pulled his sword, looking down the villagers were panicking. Cain’s walls won’t protect them forever. Lexi’s parents were calling from underneath the tower.

“Cain are you sure we Can win this?” Sofia asked as she held her staff tightly, “Throw that thing, we’re fighting for our lives now.” Cain said with a serious voice, he could always say she was using a hidden wand.

“That doesn’t extend to me I guess.” Alice said putting her hands together, “Yeah, you stay as you’re now. Make sure to keep an eye on any wound we might sustain!” Cain warned her, that even though she will be With Sofia and Gracie dealing with the bandits, she should still keep an eye on Cain and Selena who are going to be fighting Kayden.

“Demon’s taste bad-nya!” Selena wasn’t that fond of biting demons but she had no choice, she has to fight with Cain against such a monstrosity.

“Lexi you stay back, Gracie be careful.” He then looked at Zaleria, “Do it.”

“Fine, I hope I don’t find you dead when I return.” She said, cracking her neck. Thud! She jumped to the sky, the distance at which she flew was inhuman. Sizzle! Her body flashed with flames, that crimson red inferno swelled up enough to cover half of the city, and from it, a roaring dragon soared into the sky.

ROOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR!! Lexi could feel it vibrating in her chest, she couldn’t believe what was in front of her eyes. The woman she had scolded for dragging dirt into the house was a dragon? She had heard from the guards rumors about a dragon that appeared at the gate but they thought it was just an illusion. It had even caused some people to suspect that Cain was just a mage who mastered illusion to get a quick pass.

But what was flying in front of her was real, a dragon had flown into battle at her master’s orders. They did see him fight in the garden before but all his moves looked too flashy for what they considered fighting. Even in a world of Magic and arcane monsters. Fighting mid-fly with lightning against a flaming ball was something akin to fantasy, they only heard of it in the stories and folklore of ancient heroes.

Zaleria opened her mouth and breathed a stream of crimson flames. The fire spilled like water around the village, only the wall that Cain built prevented it from consuming the whole village.

The heat coming from it was intense, and the snow that covered the village immediately melted into water. The bandits who were outside quickly retreated to the forest, doing their best to avoid being roasted alive.

From the distance, a ball of acid flew directly at Zaleria. She opened her maw and breathed and sucked in all the heat from in front of her. The ball of acid froze the moment it got close to her, yet it didn’t lose its momentum and ended up smacking Zaleria’s head like a boulder.

“I hate those tricks!” Zaleria swung her tail and sent the ball back toward her sister. Morena knew that Zaleria would let the acid spill onto the village so she will freeze it, and with that in mind, she aimed at her head.

A massive Black dragon appeared in the distance readying his breath. If Morena’s breath hit the village, it would kill everyone there. Zaleria flew toward her at top speed and cast [Hell flare] to prevent her from breathing.

The two dragons started chasing into the distance, the Echos, and tremors of their fight caused the whole village to shake violently as if it was an earthquake.

Lexi’s legs were shaking violently, she couldn’t believe that such a monster was living with her under the same roof. The fear of mistakenly offending such a monster, and the fear of offending her master who could command such a monster quickly overwhelmed her body and she fell to her knees.

“Now we need to move and…” As Cain turned he saw a horrific figure swinging his sword at Alice’s neck. Kayden was there.

Cain immediately overloaded his link with Alice and summoned her to his side immediately. She could feel the heavy pressure crush her body, teleport usually takes a second to activate but Cain just pulled her in the blink of an eye. She immediately knew that they were in a problem.

Cain did level up a lot on the forest with Selena. He did reach level seven after all, but he needs to keep those spells as a hidden card. This demon should be able to easily tank them if he knew they were coming!

[Lesser Empowerment], [Swiftness], [Haste], [Enchanting: Ringing blade], [Thunder step] Cain flashed his glowing sword screamed as it flew at Kayden’s neck. Clang! Cain’s lightning-fast attack was easily deflected.

Kayden took a step ahead readjusting his stance and delivered a sideways slash. Cain didn’t stop his [Thunder step] as he always does, he kept it active as without it he can’t hope to block Kayden’s slashes.

Cain quickly shifted his sword to a tideway guard, Kayden’s slash will surly cut him in half if he failed to block it. Clang! Metal clashed again! Cain felt his wrist scream in pain, he was taking on a 20-strength slash. And then Clang, Clang! The other two hits connected. It was Kayden’s [Triple Slash] a single hit connected as if it was three.

Cain’s steel sword wasn’t able to handle such stress and snapped at the spot. Cain immediately used the momentum from Kayden’s attack to dodge his still-moving blade.

[Mist step] Cain sneaked his hand to Kayden’s wrist and teleported away from the girls, he would want any of them to get mixed in this fight. Except for Selena, she had 19 strength so she might be able to keep up with Kayden’s speed enough for him to get an opening.

Kayden found himself falling headfirst in one of the fields close to Cain’s tower. Cain was nasty enough to teleport him upside down. When he looked ahead, He could see Cain firing a fireball at him.

Kayden took a quick breath, and all his muscles tensed. [Blade flow] [Demon blade] His body twisted mid-air as his blade got covered by dark mist. Using his falling momentum he slashed at the fireball, his demonic magic sliced it in half, forcing it to be extinguished on the spot. He landed gracefully on his toes, “Third-tier magic? Relying on that now that you lost your blade?” He said.

“You…” Kayden felt a chilly breeze as he heard Cain speak. “…Merely shared my spare blade…” [Elemental weapon] A lightning blade got appeared in Cain’s hand with a thundering boom . “…You aren’t the first nor will be the last…” The bloodlust spilling from Cain was almost unbearable, even for Kayden, Cain still had almost nine times his Mana reserve so could feel it. “…Demon that dies by my hands!”

Cain’s magic swelled as lightning covered his whole body. [Enchanting] Cain was getting ready to strike with forced fifth-tier magic.

CRACK! It was at that moment that Kayden felt something smash onto his temple, a punch so heavy it gave him a headache. His body spun in the air and his head smashed onto the ground.

“Got him-Gaw!” He was too distracted by Cain’s immense bloodlust to notice Selena approaching. She had enough strength to make him feel her punches.

“MOVE!” Cain screamed at her.

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