
Chapter 202

“Master please wait for just a second, I will roast that thing immediately!” Gracie said as she was being healed by Alice. The snow started to fall, and Cain gently lifted the rooster.

“This man is no food, he is a warrior deserving of a proper burial,” Cain said as he used [Stone shape] to dig a grave, a hint of sadness in his voice.

Alice could catch on to his feeling, that rooster was no ordinary monster. “Cain, is there something special about that dark rooster?” She asked slowly.

“Kenku people, half-human half-chicken. This is one of them, cursed to wander the world blindly as a rooster. We had to put him out of his misery.” Cain said as buried the fallen warrior.

“Cursed? Was it a devil who did this?” Alice asked. Feeling called out, she had never heard of Kenku people before.

“No, it was the dragons. They cursed them for rebelling against their dominion, and for actually putting up a fight.” Cain gave the rooster a quick prayer. ‘I don’t your name but rest in peace.’

“Let’s move out, we still have a long way ahead of us,” Cain said as he guided them away.

On the other side of the world, Sylph was Inspecting the reports made by the elvish army. The cleanup and repair after her fight with the blue dragon were still not over. She felt both exhausted and bored, she preferred to fight than deal with this.

Knock! Knock! someone knocked on her office door, she wasn’t expecting a visitor so she frowned. This mostly meant more work and she was ready to send whoever walk through the door to the torture room.

“Come in!” She said brushing the thought from her head, she was still trying to act the part of a queen until Cain arrives.

“Your majesty, I have a letter from the dark ones. They dare call us and offer to help!” The elvish woman snorted, disgust clear on her face.

“Resend them a letter and say that we appreciate the offer but we’re fine. A single dragon isn’t much of a threat for us!” Sylph said, feeling a bit relieved knowing who the stupid dark elf woman that sent them such a letter was.

“But your majesty, can we treat such an audacity as if it was nothing?” The elvish woman frowned. Dark elf and elf were in a war for thousands of years, and the bad blood between them has already fermented into mortal disgust and malice.

“What they did in the past, is in the past. If they tried to be friendly, we should have no problem accepting such a thing. Make sure to write that they might also get attacked so they should preserve their power.” Sylph said with a distant look on her face.

“You don’t mean…” The elvish woman gasped, what she was hearing was nothing less of a first in three thousand years.

“We’re making peace. Unlike how my father treated them, I’m going for peace as the tree had already forgiven them!”

The woman backed down upon hearing Sylph’s declaration. “The tree forgave them? After they tried to burn it?”

In the distant past, a group of elves tried to burn Yggdrasil. The tree then burned them instead, cursing them to be the dark elves of today. The elves who were protecting the tree then declared war on the dark elves and drove them out of the holy forest.

“Go!” Sylph dismissed the elvish woman.

When the woman left, Sylph took a deep breath. “It hurt!” She growled, feeling like a sharp nail was inserted into her heart. ‘I don’t mind being used but this has been going for a week now, what are you doing Cain!’

Feeling too uncomfortable to work, She walked out and called one of her trusted slaves. This Farryn Caiqirelle is the same one she put on the throne when she went to fight the dragon.

“Mistress, did you need my help?” The woman bowed deeply and Sylph just walked to the couch and laid.

“Cain you do the paperwork, I need some rest. If you didn’t know anything just ask me.” Sylph said as she closed her eyes.

Farryn Calmly walked to the desk to finish Sylph’s work, glancing at her mistress even now and then. “Mistress…”

“What, which page are you stuck on?” Sylph replied without opening her eyes.

“No that, I just wanted to ask you for a favor…”

“Would be alright if vouched for someone for me?” Farryn asked with a worried face, she seemed to be troubled with something.

“Tell me the details first, I can’t say anything without knowing what it is.” Sylph sat up and looked at her.

“Someone I know is wanting to enter the royal academy of magic, the director has rejected them for being of low birth…” Farryn dropped her head, it was known as the royal academy for a reason only the royalty of the elves can enter. She was asking Sylph to allow her to break the rules.

“And the reason? There are a lot of other great academies, why seek that one?” Sylph asked, there was another magic academy made for nobles that might be easier for a commoner to get in.

“I…” Farryn struggled to reply… something seemed to bother her. “That girl is wanting to fight for the higher ranks.” She finally said it.

“Ho. So a commoner is wanting to overthrow one of the elvish nobles and take their place? You know that’s a felony right?” Sylph smirked, walking toward her desk.

…Farryn didn’t know what to say, she started to sweat. Both her and the girl she wanted to get into the royal academy can end up being killed by Sylph, and their death wouldn’t be painless.

“Guards!” Sylph screamed and an armed soldier immediately rushed through the door. Farryn face turned pale.

“Bring me the royal Academy headmaster!” Sylph ordered them.

They quickly nodded and rushed back out to bring the man.

“Mistress…” Farryn gasped.

“It won’t be a felony if I was the one to order it, but I will have you repay me later!” Sylph smiled.

“But how can I repay you…” Farryn couldn’t comprehend how someone like her could repay sylph who now owned the whole elvish kingdom.

“Soon I will send you to look for a human named Cain Lisworth, he should be now in the human kingdom.” Farryn tried hard to hide her discomfort, if there were something elves hated more than dark elves or dragons, they were humans and dwarfs.

“Do you want me to kill him? Or perhaps enslave him?” Farryn said, thinking about how much trouble she would have.

“I know you’re going to hate this but…I want you to become his slave, follow all his orders, and offer yourself to him until he reaches me here.” Sylph said, knowing that elves’ pride wouldn’t allow them to do such a thing. In their past life, Farryn was the one to bring Cain to her as a slave.

“But mistress, such a thing is just…” Farryn closed her mouth before she would start yelling. “I know I’m your slave…but asking me to go to a human is just…”

“He isn’t a normal human, he is special. I bet you would start to like him after a while.” Sylph said, trying to convince Farryn.

“Fine I will do it, it’s not like I have a choice do I?” Farryn replied with a bitter smile.

Sylph laughed, “You might not realize it but this is an increase in your status, so please try to get comfortable with him.”

Farryn and Sylph quickly finished the work and awaited the academy director’s arrival. Since it was an order from Queen Sylph, the director immediately accepted Farryn’s request and let the commoner girl into the academy.

After two days, Farryn had packed her things. A whole range from magical items to money and to a special item made my Sylph. The whole kingdom was in an uproar as Farryn wasn’t just Sylph’s maid and slave, she was one of the strongest elves in the whole kingdom, and having her leave was a big thing.

At the gate of the elvish kingdom, Sylph was accompanied by the royal guards to send Farryn off.

“Take care,” Sylph said with a smile.

“You’re the one who sent to this, remember that!” Farryn frowned, now that she was leaving, her only hope was that Cain as a human will only live for less than a decade and end her suffering. A decade for elves was like a year to humans.

“Also, remember that not all people are on the same level as you. Make sure to keep your strength hidden until you meet him. He will tell me what to do!” Sylph said to her and then suddenly seemed to remember something, “Also, I’m not sure, but he might be holding a deep grudge against you so…good luck!”

Farryn Immediately punched Sylph in the face, sending her flying.

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