
Chapter 207

Standing in the middle of the sky, Cain observed the battlefield. everything seemed to move slower for him.

‘This was the ninth-level spell [Acid Rain] it must be Morena’s doing, well it doesn’t matter as I could dispel that from here.’

“Cain!” Zaleria flew up to him immediately, “You made it back.” She said with a big smile on her face.







[Magic resistance] Granted by the high MP capacity.

[Illusion resistance] Granted by the 20 Intelligence.

[Spirit resistance] Granted by the spirit stones.




[Create Water]

[Shadow cover]

[Shadow creation]

[Shadow read]



[Burning hands]




[Earth wall]

[Lightning grasp]

[Lesser healing]

[Lesser Empowerment]



[Shadow mark]

[Shadow pocket]

[Short invisibility]

[Marlin’s floating platform]


[Mist step]



[Scorching Rays]

[Animate Dead]

[Call Lightning]



[Dispel Magic]

[Elemental Weapon]




[Lisworth’s Tower]



[Sylph’s Tiny hut]

[Lightning strike]

[Summon lesser Demon]

[Thunder step]

[Stone shape]


[Arcane Eye]


[Charm Monster]



[Control Water]

[Dimension door]


[Dominate beast]

[Elemental bane]


[Elemental shield]

[Lisworth’s Speedy courier]

[Giant insect]

[Grasping Vine]

[Gravity Sinkhole]


[Hallucinatory Terrain]

[Ice storm]

[Sylph’s secret chest]

[Locate Creature]

[Sylph’s Private Sanctum]

[Lisworth’s Resilient Sphere]

[Phantasmal Killer]


[Shadow of Moil]

[Storm Sphere]

[Vitriolic Sphere]

[Elemental wall]

[Animate Objects]

[Antilife Shell]

[Circle of Power]

[Cloud Kill]


[Elemental Cone]

[Conjure Elemental]

[Conjure Volley]


[Control winds]



[Destructive wave]

[Dominate Person]


[Far step]

[Flame strike]



[Hold monster]



[Dragons’ Modify Memory]

[Negative Energy Flood]


[Planer Binding]

[Raise Dead]



[Steel wind Strike]

[Synaptic Static]


[Teleportation Circle]

[Temporal Shunt]


[Sylph’s tree stride]

[Arcane Gate]

[Blade Barrier]

[Bones of Earth]

[Chain lightning]

[Conjure Fey]


[Create Homunculus]

[Create Undead]


[Sylph’s Grove]

[Eye Bite]

[Flesh to Stones]


[Globe of Invulnerability]

[Gravity Fissure]

[Investiture of flames]

[Investiture of Ice]

[Investiture of Stone]

[Investiture of Wind]

[Investiture of Lightning]

[True Seeing]

[Crown of Stars]



[Mirage Arcane]

[Lisworth’s Magnificent Mansion]

[Lisworth’s Enchantable Sword]

[Plane Shift]

[Power word Pain]

[Prismatic Spry]


[Project Image]


[Reverse Gravity]






[Horrid Wilting]

[Antimagic Field]


[Control Weather]

[Dark Star]


[Dominate Monster]



[Incendiary Cloud]

[Maddening Darkness]


[Mighty fortress]

[Mind Blank]

[Power word Stun]

[Reality Break]

[Mind Break]

[Elemental Burst]

[Tidal Rage]


‘I failed to reach level 17 But with this much I should be able to handle Even Morena on my own, not that I want to do that as I need to conserve my power to force a ninth-level spell and break the dungeon’s gate.’

“Zaleria, thank you for holding the fort while I was away.”

“No, on the other hand I wasn’t able to do anything or Morena would have damaged the city.” Zaleria said with a sad face.

“That’s not true, if you wasn’t here she would have jumped into the fight and turned the tide at the first minute. You existence have provided us with this crucial week.” Cain smiled as he put both his hands together.

“What should I do now?” Zaleria asked with an exited face, she could finally fight.

“I did expand a lot of MP to stop Morena’s spell just now, would you mind holding the fort for another minute while I recharge it a bit?” Cain asked her with an innocent smile.

“Of course, the MP potions storage is on the west district!” Zaleria directed him pointing with her finger.

“About that…I have another way of regaining my MP, just watch.” Cain put both his hands together and cast the spell [Far step] It worked just like mist step but the distance was far greater and it was enough to teleport him from the sky down to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Cain landed in front of Edward’s party, he was bare foot and shirtless, with his 18 Charisma. His chiseled back was the only place Edward’s mage could look at.

Edward wanted to call him but he closed his mouth feeling the intimidating aura coming from him, ‘This air around him, it’s like that of a monster’ Edward was fining it hard to recognize Cain as a human.

Cain slowly walked toward the greater Zombie, Edward’s team has already killed the zombie knight.

“Hmm, you were alive until yesterday morning. It was Morena who did this to you.” Cain attempted to touch the zombie’s chest.

GRWAAA! The zombie growled swinging his arm at Cain. “Calm down, I will relief you from your pain.” Cain teleport behind the zombie and touched his back. The Undead fell motion less as Cain used [Enchanting] To suck all the Mana inside him.

“Bleh! Disgusting…” Cain spat the sour taste in his mouth, what disgusted him wasn’t the necrotic Magic but Morena’s gross sent attached to it.

[Enchanting: Wind touch, area of effect] Cain used his enchanting on the air around him to extend the effect of his Mana sucking powers. He instantly cleared his immediate area from zombie and regained a great chunk of his MP.

He then turned around and walked toward Edward and his group, With each step he took their mage flinched. “Can you show me your swords?” Cain asked Edward while adding his charisma into the order.

Edward Handed him his swords before he could realize it, [Enchant: Flow] He using enchanting to link the swords temporarily to Alice’s holy Magic and to his own MP poll. With this Edward will find it easier to kill the zombies and each time he dose so, Cain will be able to absorb their MP.

Cain handed him back his sword, enchanted the Soldier’s armor with the same magic as he did to the arches bow. There wasn’t much he could do to the mage beside ignoring her sneaking a touch on his back.

At that moment, the Sky turned red and the sun was eclipsed. An eerie wave of necrotic Mana covered the air that made the fine hair on Cain’s arms stand. “It’s beginning?” He mumbled.

On Morena’s side.

“SHIT! SHIT! How could someone like him break a ninth-tier spell? This is impossible!” She bit her nail in scorn, it was then when she felt Cain’s presence disappear from the sky and appear on the ground. “Why didn’t he teleport to me if he can? Yeah, I know…He is exhausted from what ever trick he used!” She grinned.

Swoosh! Sofia came flying at an incredible speed and kicked Morena in the temples and sent her rolling.

Having her thoughts cut short, Morena immediately released the S-rank dungeon and causing the break. The catastrophe officially started as hordes of Undead and ghosts started spewing from it’s gate.

Morena looked ahead of her to see Sofia flying toward her again, being enraged [Elemental Cone: Acid Cone] She tried to melt her to the bones with a quick fifth-tier spell.

The elemental cone spell create a cone of elemental energy of the caster choosing, Some mages even resembled the spell to a minor dragon breath. The spell can be released from the caster’s focus and rush forward.

Sofia charged straight in, [Investiture of flame] She immediately used the sixth-tier spell Cain had hammered into her those past seven days.

The spell was similer to her burning body spell, the only difference was it provided her with extra propulsion, heat, Immunity to fire and cold damage as well freedom in controlling her flames during the spell’s 10 minute’s duration.

In the contest, Sofia’s spell won over Morena’s.

Morena’s Acid cone evaporated the moment it got close to Sofia’s burning body making the great witch question her sanity for a moment.

“This is how you use witch craft!” Sofia screamed as she grabbed Morena from the face [Elemental Cone: Fire Cone] BOOM! With all that fire being trapped between Sofia’s palm and Morena’s face it exploded sending Morena crushing into the tree’s as her body was engulfed in flames.

Alice stood in her place breathing heavily as she gritted her teeth from the pain, the flesh in her palm had been torn apart to the point her bones were showing.

“I guess being immune to fire doesn’t meant immune to blasts.” It wasn’t the fire that torn her flesh apart but the sheer force of the explosion that cared it away. After a few moments she felt Alice’s holy magic seeping into her through the link with Cain, her hand quickly healed.

[Sofia, You can’t win against her so retreat and Leave the fight to Zaleria]

[You don’t need to worry about that, she had already ran away into the dungeon] Sofia replied with an exhausted voice, she just sensed Morena retreat into the dungeon gate so there was no point in chasing her now.

[I understand, The waves are going to start soon so take your position]

[Fine, Let’s get this done with quickly so we can have a proper night rest]

[That’s true]

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