
Chapter 210

A massive mushroom cloud rose to the sky as the entire city shook, if not for [Prismatic dome] All the build and walls would have been blown away like paper.

Cain’s body trembled as he stared at the gaping crater in front of him, his vision slowly darkened and his legs gave up. ‘Shit, two in a row was too much I guess…’ His body fell from the top of the gate, his upper body’s skin seemed to be burned from how much Mana he forced out.

Spindle jumped from his shadow to catch him before he could hit the ground. It wasn’t his MP that run dry. It was his HP and SP that got carved away from the backlash of forcing two ninth-level spells in a row.

“He’s too heavy!” Spindle growled as his small frame wasn’t able to stop Cain’s falling.

Thud! Thud! Edward Jumped from the side and Cached both Cain and Spindle, “Got you!” He yells happily.

For a moment spindle panicked, he wasn’t supposed to be seen by other people. “Healers! Healers!” Edward screamed ignoring the worried Spindle.

“I saw nothing besides how he saved the city, go…” Edward Said, spindle immediately got it and hid back into Cain’s shadow. Miko came rushing in with a group of healers to get Cain fixed, in their whole lives they haven’t seen such excessive Mana burns.

As Cain was being treated, Morena and the three dungeon bosses emerged from the shattered gate. “Brother, you lost all our troops!” The death knight growled morning his fallen comrades.

“Have they been put to rest?” The wraith said, her eyes looking sad while a smile crossed her lips.

“Don’t look at me like that, I never expected to face someone who could chain two ninth-level spells like this!” The lich yelled in anger.

“Can you three shut up? He should be out now that he did that, it’s our chance to strike back!” Morena growled, Now that both her sister and Cain have been taken from the fight, winning shouldn’t be a problem.

The triplet stared back at her and calmed a bit, they could fix the dungeon gate later and gather new troops. On the other hand, it was better they start turning the city’s population into undead and replenishing their army.

Swooosh! The lich heard a sharp whistling, and when he turned around he saw a red ball of flames flying toward them at a crazy speed.

“Magic?” He exclaimed as he sensed condensed magic coming from it.

“I will take care of It, you take your place in the back line!” The death knight jumped in front of him brandishing his greatsword.

The lich used [Mist step] to move back far enough.

ZONZONZONZON! A weird blue gate of magic appeared in front of the fireball and teleported directly behind the lich.

Sofia landed behind him [Fire breath] Flames gushed from her mouth like an endless stream. [Force…] The lich’s magic failed before he could protect himself, Yamauba in the distance was pointing her staff toward him.

“Brother?!” The death knight screamed trying to jump toward him but he was cut short by a massive blade closing at his face. He instinctively dodged Takeshi’s slash, just to receive an uppercut from Selena that sent him flying a few feet in the air.

The wraith acted quickly, her touch can rend the flesh weak and seep the life from it. She attempted to grab Selena.

As her hand got closer, Selena’s shadow twisted violently and the accursed aura of hell gushed in a sickening radiance. Even though she was a ghost, the devilish hand that appeared from the shadow grabbed tightly into her.

Selena rushed toward the Death knight and the being that was in her shadow emerged instantly. The wraith pulled his hand quickly as it started to burn from the holy magic, “How could this be?” The wraith cried, unable to believe that she was sensing a devil while being burned by holy magic.

Alice stood up in front of the wraith, and a shock wave of holy and cursed magic burst from her body. The triplet bosses started to burn from the holy magic while the cursed decay magic started eating away at Morena’s skin.

“You accursed existence!” Morena screamed as she tried to gather her breath. Swish! An arrow grazed her cheek, her body started to feel hot. When she looked into the distance, a woman clad in black and with red hair was aiming her bow at her.

“Poison?” Morena exclaimed just to feel a stab in her thigh, [Acid burst] she covered the area around her in acid to fend off anyone that was close to her.

“How, ouch!” Daraku rolled to the side and hurried to stand by Alice’s side, his right arm was burning with acid, “Even after Lisa made the chance. Well at least got one in!” He smiled; He had prepared a makeshift poison from what he was able to steal from the alchemy shop in this chaos. He wanted to give Morena two-dose but he only managed to get one in.

“Good luck with that, even though I don’t remember how I made it!” He gave Morena a smug face as he dropped the bottle he was carrying. A small portal appeared and the bottle got teleported to Takeshi.

Takeshi didn’t bother opening the bottle and just sliced it with his sword, “I leave the rest to you!” He screamed and rushed toward Morena.

“The fool, did he think you alone could take me on?” The death knight said to Selena as she was left fighting him alone.

Thud! Thud! She started jumping in place, holding her hands up. One was open with her claws extended while the other was a closed fist. “Cain said I should just trust my instincts, he said that I was a loser to a berserker than a warrior-GAW” Her white fangs emerged to the word as her eyes started faintly glowing with menacing gold light.

Crack! Taking one heavy step she disappeared for a moment. The death knight pulled his sword up to block her attack. It wasn’t a punch, Selena jumped up and grabbed his head with her left claws, and looked down at him.

“ROAAAAAAAAAAAAR!” She roared at the top of her lungs and hammered his head with a barrage of punches.

“GRAAA!” The death knight growled as he grabbed her tail and slammed her on the ground, like all cats do, she landed on all four instead and used her claws to grab onto the rocky ground.

The death knight could feel himself being pulled by her tail, “What immense strength!” He screamed swinging his blade at her. She ducked down and ended with her tail sliced off.

As if unbothered, Selena chanced her stance in the blink of an eye and punched his wrist with all her might. Forcing him to drop his sword mid-swing.

“GAW! GAW!” She followed with two straight punches but the death knight parried one with his right arm and caught the other with his left.

Without stopping, Selena opened her jaw attempting to bite his face-off, “GAWGAW” Her growl and wild fighting forced him to jump back, I didn’t feel like he was facing a humanoid but a wild beast.

Without stopping, Selena rushed after him still wanting to bite his face-off, the death knight turned around and started running away in circles around her in the hope to get his sword back.

It was then that he noticed something scary. Selena’s severed tail had grown back up. He looked toward Alice and an evil smile was crossing her face, “You monster!” He screamed, he never heard of a devil that can heal people let alone a one that can grow limbs back.

He quickly managed to grab his sword back but Selena was already on his trail and they started exchanging blows. Selena’s punches weren’t strong enough to get through his skin most of the time. But he also wasn’t able to predict her wild swings so he didn’t manage to hit her a lot.


[Sword Arts]

[Triple attack]

[Hellfire Orb] Launch an orb of hellish fire that resembles a fireball but holds an immense amount of necrotic magic.

[Marshal Undead] Unless the death knight is incapacitated, it and undead creatures of its choice within 60 feet of it have resistance against effects that turn undead [Powered by the creature’s charisma]

[Undead nature]: The death knight doesn’t require air, food drink, or sleep. His MP acts as SP. If his MP dropped to 0 The creature starts perishing.


[Compelled Duel]

[Necrotic Smite]

[Hold Person]

[Magic Weapon]

[Dispel Magic]

[Elemental Weapon]


[Staggering Smite]

[Destructive Wave (Necrotic)]

[Magic resistance]

[Turn undead resistance]

[Necrotic Magic]





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