
Chapter 212

The wraith pulled away from Alice in panic, “What is a devil doing here? Was it that bastard who summoned you?” The wraith screamed, a deathly screech echoing in her voice.

“What did you say?” She growled back at her. Alice slowly lifted her hand toward the wraith [Dispel evil and Good]

A wave of cursed magic pulled the wraith toward her while the second wave of holy magic blasted her away. The wraith’s body twirled in place as if it was put in a mixer and then suddenly disappeared.

Poof! The wraith reappeared behind Alice swinging a spectral scythe, “I’m a ghost!” She screamed [Death scythe]

Alice immediately turned her face toward her with an annoyed expression, “Just as he said…” [Banishment] The Wraith’s scythe got erased immediately.


[Devil’s Aura: Holy/Curse]

[Shapeshift: Human/Devil]

[Devil’s Eyes: Blazing Sun/Eminence Eclipse]

Amaterasu’s blessing: Sun.

[Holy Healing]

Amaterasu’s blessing: Eclipse.

[Cursed Decay]


[Sacred Flame]

[Spare the Dying]

[Toll the Dead]

[Word of Radiance]


[Cure/Inflict wounds]

[Detect Evil and Good]

[Detect Poison and Disease]

[Guiding Bolt]

[Healing/Harming Word]

[Protection from Evil and Good]

[Shield of Faith]




[Borrowed Knowledge]

[Calm/Upset Emotions]

[Gentle/Unkind Repose]

[Lesser Restoration]

[Prayer of Healing/Harming]

[Protection from Poison]

[Warding Bond]

[Zone of Truth/Lies]

[Beacon of Hope/Despair]

[Bestow/Lift Curse]

[Day/Moon light]

[Life Transference/Absorbance]

[Mass Healing/Harming Word]

[Protection from Energy]


[Spirit Guardians]


[Death Ward]


[Guardian of Faith]

[Locate Creature]


[Dispel Evil and Good]

[Greater Restoration]


[Mass Cure/Inflict Wounds]



[Divine Word]



The wraith immediately backed down, Out of all the people here, she was the biggest problem to deal with.

“Brother Xalari, This devil here is bad news. Let’s retreat for now!” The wraith wasn’t stupid, even the gods have gave up on dealing with devils. On top of that this one was using holy magic, no matter how she looked at her, it was a problem.

Xalari wasn’t even listening as he was engaged in heated battle with the two mages.

“Rest in Peace!” Alice swung her hand and Cast [Banishment] again The wraith skillfully fazed into the ground and evaded the spell. “Can you stop using holy magic, it’s gross to see a devil do that!” She emerged a few meter away from her, [Summon Ghost] Multiple black spectral beings rose from the grounds and surrounded Alice.

“Cain has said that we clerics have a limit on how much power we can draw from our god, because humans’ bodies are fragile. So what if a devil was the one to draw it?”

Alice then looked to the eclipsed sun in the sky, ‘So this is why you gave me that prophecy, you just wanted someone to clean after you’

“By Amaterasu’s name, BEGONE!” Alice words boomed like thunder, [Divine Word] All the ghosts that the Wraith summoned got exorcised in one go.

“Xalari. this is really bad. I can’t take her on, she is my natural enemy.” The wraith run away toward Xalari who was still clashing with Sofia.

Alice flew behind her while still keeping an eye on everyone else, ‘Yamauba needs healing…’

As she was flying by her, Alice sneaked a touch in and cast [Heal] to heal her broken shoulder.

‘We have really grown stronger, we’re still relaying on Cain’s Mana thought’ Alice thought as she watched the Wraith incorporate herself in the lich’s body.

‘Selena have grown strong and her instinct have became sharper, Cain also gave her some special enchantments that he refused to tell us about. Sofia displayed an extraordinary talent in learning fire magic, not to mention how she endured the pain of all the buffs Cain put on her. Out of them, I’m the least worthy of my power. Cursed magic from being a devil, All of my dual spells are just blessing from Amaterasu, the other spells Were transferred to me from Cain with [Borrowed Knowledge]’

As the lich got merged with the wraith, his body got engulfed in a dark mist. A horrid transformation began as what remained of the lich’s flesh evaporated and he started floating.

His mantle disintegrated revealing his bony skeleton and all the enchanted jewelry he was wearing. A golden crown adorned his head as an ancient grimoire floated in front of his hand.

“Sister…you always been such a sweet heart…I will avenge you.” The lich’s necrotic Magic swelled, Sofia immediately backed away as she could feel he was too much for her to take right now.

“What happened?” She screamed looking toward Alice.

“The wraith have merged with him just like what Cain predicted, we have to act together if we wanted to buy enough time!” Alice said flying to stand behind Sofia.

[Fire breath] Sofia charged her breath [Sacred Flame] Alice then mixed her holy magic into Sofia’s chest. Cain had told them about this before, the boss has multiple phases.

The first phase is the three separated, A lich, A death knight, and the wraith. The second faze is who ever fall first be it the death knight or the wraith, they will merge with the lich.

If the death knight merged with him the lich will transform into a Lich king, and if the wraith merged with him he will transform into an Elder lich. If the lich was to fall first, he will merge with a random one of them.

What Alice and Sofia were now facing is an elder lich, even though he has a crown, he wasn’t a king but a prince as Cain said.

[Globe of Invulnerability] The lich mumbled a word and his body got covered in a crystalline sphere. The fire breath splashed as it hit the sphere, “Fools.” Alice and Sofia heard a voice from behind them as they were focused on breaking the sphere.

The Lich Grabbed Alice from the neck [Power word Kill] The insane surge of Necrotic magic rushed toward her, even though she was a devil, resisting a ninth-tier spell was impossible.

“Hehe! Protect the Upper rank!” Spindle emerged from her back with a scary smiled on his red face and took the hit for her. His body immediately went limp as his soul was sent back to hell.

“You bastard!” The lich screamed in rage at the little creature that wasted his ninth-tier instant kill spell. In a burning fury he threw Alice away like a rag doll.

Sofia was about to fly away and grab Alice so they can retreat as the elder lich was supposed to be Cain’s opponent, not their.

In that moment, a body flew beside them and crashed into a big rock. When Sofia looked, he was Takeshi. Daraku and Lisa were lying on rocks into the distance.

“Mere humans think they can take me on, what foolishness!” When Sofia looked to the side, a gargantuan black dragon was marching toward them.

“Are you having troubles?” Morena asked the Elder Lich.

“Not a chance, I was about to finish on my end. Little brother how are…” The lich turned toward the death knight just to be faced with a horrific scene. Selena was munching on his skull, CRACK! The death knight’s head burst like a melon. Selena slowly turned her head to Face the elder lich, Licking the black blood on her face.

A low growl escaped her jaws. Thud! She leaped at an incredible speed. [Dimension gate] Yamauba then teleported her directly into the lich. Using all of her strength, she launched a punch toward his face.

Crack! The lich body slammed into Morena’s side.

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