
Chapter 222

Cain dragged the bag back to his room where he had a look at what was inside. It was full to the brim.

A pair of spiked Knuckle-dusters.

Two daggers with the aggravation of a butter knife at the side.

A roll of steel wire, a pack of nails, and small throwing knives.

A small pouch that had some jewelry inside. Ten rings, three necklaces, three pairs of earing, two pairs of bracelets, a holy symbol, and a silver glided pen.

However, what carried most of the bulk was the armor set inside, a set of medium plate armor for Alice.

After putting everything down, Cain called all the girls to his room so he can fit them all.

Alice was the one to open the door first; her eyes sparkled the moment she saw the jewelry layer down on the bed.

When they were all inside, Cain closed the door and started the process.

“First, I would like to re-enchant your items so would mind taking them off?”

Sofia and Selena took all of their jewelry off and gave it to Cain. He didn’t take the link rings saying they were alright.

“Let’s start with you.” Cain looked at Selena, “You can’t use magic so I will enchant your jewelry with that.

He took her ankle guards and enchanted them with [Haste] and [Thunder step]. He then went to her hand guards and enchanted them with [Lesser empowerment] [Swiftness]

He then nervously grabbed her collar, Cain started at it intensively as sweat started dripping from his forehead. “Please, be pure enough to not break.”

Eventually, he smiled and gave it back to her [Polymorph]

Polymorph was the same spell the druid used to transform into animals. By the way, Cain later learned that they took a massive blow when the arm suddenly appeared in the forest and managed to by enough time for the city to close the gate.


[Ring: [Link]]

[Collar:[Polymorph] Fourth-tier]

[Left foot ankle guard:[Haste] Third-tier]

[Right foot ankle guard:[Thunder Step]Third-tier]

[Right-hand wrist guard:[Lesser empowerment]First-tier]

[Left-hand wrist guard:[Swiftness] First-tier]


Selena quickly checked her new jewelry and put them on, Cain then instructed her on how to activate the spells with simple gestures. She quickly picked them up and Cain advised her to try Polymorph first. He had already sent what she was transforming two so she didn’t need to think.

As she activated it, her body slowly quickly twisted as her skin grew dark and fur-coated her. Her hands turned into paws and her jaw grew bigger. She turned into the bestial form she represents, a Black Jaguar.

In Cain’s eyes, she looked just like a big, muscular black cat. To her surprise, she could still speak in that form albeit with a bit of difficulty.

Unlike her human form, all of her muscles were visible in her Jaguar form. She was almost as big as a tiger.

Cain approached and gave her a pet. In Cain’s hand, she felt like a rock that had grown some fur. Her body was hard, dense, and warm. Cain remembered when she snapped the princess sword, for her to have done that, her bones and muscles must be harder than steel. It was her 20 strength in effect.

This form of her was designed to kill, and only to kill. He was convinced of one thing, if she wished, she could kill all four of them before they could even respond. Cain’s magic can’t save nor teleport him fast enough to evade her paws or bite at this distance.

Cain grabbed her old knuckle-duster and asked her to bite on them, she tore a chunk of them as if they were made of soft cheese. He wondered if giving her a weapon is meaningful at his point.

He then grabbed her new knuckle-dusters and enchanted them with [Durability] It was a simple enchantment that increased the structural stability and rigidity of an object.

“Please, don’t use your full strength with them, they might break. They are weapons to use when you need to hold back.” He warned her.

“Don’t worry-gaw, as long as I’m punching something soft they won’t break-gaw.” She replied there was no meowing, only a faint growl in her voice. She had a point though, human bones are more fragile than steel which means they should break before her knuckle-dusters.

Cain gave her a wry smile, it has been ages since he had to worry about something being too strong.

“No wonder you bite through that death knight helmet, armor won’t stop from now on,” Sofia said smiling.

Hearing that, Cain wanted to see her punch something with all her might.

Cain patted her again, this time across her back.

She seemed to like it a lot as she started purring as she had never done before. “I don’t want to get technical, so I will make it simple. This form and your real form are separate, if you ever found yourself in a dangerous situation, transform and run away.”

Selena turned on her back, she looked like a big, buff, black cat that had grown to the size of a massive tiger. She was almost twice as tall as he was.

“Is it a bit too big?” Alice asked, she had looked in her father’s library for books about jaguars and they weren’t supposed to be this big.

“It’s a reflection of her great physics, just remember Zaleria’s draconic body. That is the reflection of strength.” Cain said.

“I thought that would be constitution?” Sofia added as she remembered what Cain explained before.

“Constitution is how long you can survive, you HP. Strength on the other hand is muscle and bone density. The denser they are, the bigger they grow, and they become harder to cut.”

In short, Even if Selena’s body didn’t grow larger. Giving her a beast form will show what kind of strength she is storing.

“Master.” Gracie called Cain, “What is it?”

“Where did her clothes go? Don’t tell me we need to buy her new ones?” She was worried since Selena’s clothes disappeared when she transformed.

Cain laughed, “You don’t have to worry, the spell store the clothes in a small pocket dimension for the duration. They will return once she transforms back. Haven’t you noticed that Zaleria never lost her clothes?” Cain replied happily. This was a question many people had once they were learning Polymorph.

Selena quickly turned back to her human form. Her clothes immediately returned. The magic felt funny to her since she wasn’t used to it but it was still doable.

In her jaguar’s form, she could feel her senses sharpen even further, it was like she had returned to her true nature. She couldn’t wait to test it out in a real hunt.

He then turned toward Sofia, her enchantments were good but not enough. The stronger he makes her, the less he has to worry about her safety after all.

He started with her ankle bracelets. Just like with Selena, instead of weak effects, he will give her spells she can’t get. The first one was [Lisworth’s Resilient Sphere] to protect her and the other one was [Elemental shield]

Then to her wrist bracelets, the first one was [Short Invisibility] and [Soundless]. For her earing, he decided to leave them as they are. And for the necklace that had Mana bank, he decided to change that into [Lesser healing] as Sofia already had enough MP and she also has access to his Mana through [Enchanter’s link]

When Cain was putting the necklace around her neck he noticed something on Her head. “Come a bit closer, let me have a look at your head.” He pulled her head closer to him.

Sofia awkwardly turned her head to him and bowed down. He meticulously inspected her scalp and eventually found what he saw.

Two black spots seemed to be poking out a bit. “I didn’t expect this to start happening this quickly but, your horns are growing,” Cain said with a smile.

Sofia quickly pulled her head back confused, what did he mean by horns? She wasn’t Alice.

“What horns?”

“Your draconic horns, I bet there are some wings at your back and even a tail. When you reach level 20 you will probably get a Dragonborn or Half-dragon.” Cain’s explanation seemed short to her but as long as he didn’t think it was a problem, she wouldn’t care.

That meant she will slowly develop draconic features the more she use her bloodline. Until one day she might morph into a real dragon. Cain did tell them about evolution and she was determined to take the path of dragons with witchcraft. Her role model was Zaleria, she wanted to be at least that strong.

“Let me be clear, those spells will consume your Mana to activate, if you happened to not have enough, they will draw directly from me.”

Sofia nodded, “I will be careful.” Before it was a life or death situation, now they should try and use their own strength instead of relying on Cain’s Mana.

Selena didn’t seem to understand what he was talking about so Cain gave her some advice. “Don’t keep just using them over and over. That will drain my energy.”

She seemed to understand that as she nodded energetically.

He then turned toward Alice, she seemed nervous because it was the first time he was going to gift her jewelry.

Cain looked at the collection he brought from Dolrig, Cain looked at the rings and wondered what would be best. Giving her a spell or an enchantment. Alice already had plenty of spells to use, she might be better off with a simple buff.

Cain grabbed one of the rings and thought about an enchantment he had not heard of in decades. To him and other people, it just didn’t make sense to use. But to Alice, it might be a game-changer.

This spell requires a great flow of holy magic, an unhuman physics, and strong blood. To even cast the enchantment on the ring, Cain had to siphon some holy magic from Alice herself.

[Divine Health] Only available to paladins and high clerics, a spell that grants you immunity against most common diseases while giving you the ability to heal them as well.

He then grabbed a necklace; this was going to be a simple spell yet a scary one. [Elemental burst] This can be mixed with her devil Aura to create pulses of holy and curse magic. Just like how heating and cooling might break the metal, this spell will be especially effective with her dual nature.

[Disguise] This was another spell useful for her. An illusion spell that disguises your outer appearance. With this, she could walk in her devil form without worrying much about being recognized. The only problem is that people with wisdom or intelligence higher than 15 can see through it. Cain cast the enchantment on a ring and gave it to her.

He then gave her the other remaining bracelets as a simple buff [Enchanting: Amplification] to increase the potency of her magic.

He then turned toward Gracie who was standing beside them. “For you, let’s start with the weapons first.” Cain pulled her all on her items in front of her and started explaining how the two daggers work.

They had a small container in the handle, which he immediately cast a preservation enchantment on. She can fill that with spit and it will slowly drip onto the blade. The rest of her weapons were just like the ones she had before. Just sharper and more durable. Cain then stared at the throwing knives and nails and thought of something.

“Cain I take a drop of your blood? I should be able to bind them to you.” Cain pointed at the throwing knives and nails.

“What do you mean?” Gracie asked.

“When you throw them and they stick to something, they will instantly teleport back to your pocket.”

Gracie immediately pulled one of her daggers and sliced a small wound on her finger. She was getting sick of keeping track of her ammunition, now it will be as if she had an unlimited amount.

“Well then, I will start.” Cain started the ritual to bind the weapons to her. It took some time just because how many of them were.

After that, he spent some time fine-tuning all the enchantments and correcting any misconceptions about their spells since they learned them quickly.

The night quickly fell.

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