
Chapter 268

It only took Chad a few minutes to reach the guild. Just looking at its old walls from the outside told him enough.

CREEE! Slowly pushing the door open, he walked in.

All the adventures looked toward the door as they usually do. They were faced with Chad glaring at them.

“Hey, who is that man?” One of the adventures asked his friend. “I don’t know, never seen him here before.”

“He is kind of giving me a familiar feeling.” One of the women said as she stared at him.

“You’re right, that’s a nice beard.” Another one told her.

Chad ignored them and walked straight toward the quest wall. He frowned.

“This has to go down, this as well, also this, why is this here?” Chad started tearing the papers left and right.

“Hey what are you doing, if you won’t take those quests then hand them to us.” He heard a voice call him.

When he looked behind it was a party of adventures. They are looked no older than 20 years old. A brown-haired kid with a long sword. A girl with a weird mage hat. A nun from the church and a girl with a bow.

“This one?” Chad looked at the paper that was in his hand.

“Yeah that one, now hand it over!” The kid tried to snatch the paper from Chad’s hand but failed.

“This is a goblin quest, do you antidotes?” Chad asked with a serious face.

“Antidote? For what?” The mage asked with a confused face.

“The goblins’ poison.” Chad’s voice was starting to get louder.

“Goblins has no poison. Those primitive creatures can barely manage clothes.” The girl with the bow replied.

“Yeah, we’ve been taking quests for the past weeks and we were fine.” The nun replied with a proud face.

Chad had started to get worried. “This might be a sensitive question for you girls but please answer. Did you have an early Period this month?”

The girls’ faces paled the moment they heard his question, “Goblins’ poison is slow-acting, take those and hurry to the alchemist and ask for an antidote immediately.” Chad handed them four gold pieces.

After watching the newbie rush outside, Chad stared at the guild’s reception desk with a sharp glare.

The guild representatives who were watching him signaled for some adventures to protect the desk.

Chad started walking toward the desk with heavy steps and a sharp glare.

“Hey, hey, old man. This is as far as you go.” One of the adventurers drew his sword and approached Chad.

“Sit!” Chad yelled at him and the adventure sat on the ground like an obedient puppy.

“And you go sit back on your tables.” Chad glared at the rest of them. They all obeyed his commands. Chad didn’t only have 20 charisma, he had it from birth and is a master at controlling it. Women melt at his sight and men revere him as they do a role model.

Chad walked toward the desk and slammed the paper in front of the receptionist. “I will start with this if you please. Why are you not telling people about the goblin poison?” Chad asked with a charming smile.

“That poison does not exist. Another adventure by the name of Cain Lisworth has reported it before but when sent a letter to the capital for confirmation. They told us that no such thing exists and that it was probably a mistake from a new adventurer.” The receptionist replied as she was under Chad’s charm.

Chad smiled, “So he noticed it, as expected of him.”

Chad then turned toward the adventures. “Slimes can spit acid in your face and ruin your weapons and armor. A single splash on the face can leave you blind. Rats carry diseases so don’t take such quests without adequate preparation. Don’t you dare fight goblins without consulting an alchemist for an antidote, They killed more than hydras. All adventuring parties must at least contain a scout and a healer if they want to survive. Don’t take any quest before researching the monster’s abilities first…”

Chad kept lecturing them while infusing his words with both his charisma charm and the spell [Motivational speech].

Some of the guild receptionist who Chad excluded from his magic (Since he wanted to affect as many adventurers as he can) has started to panic. Who was this man?

“See who’s here.” The guild receptionist turned in happiness as they head the guild master walk down.

Alen slowly walked down the stairs staring at Chad. Chad also stared at him and started walking toward the stairs.

The receptionist hid behind the desk thinking they were about to clash.

“I believe you could have done something about this?” Chad growled.

“I can’t, the orders are given from the higher up at the capital. My predecessor was sentenced to death with his whole family for disobeying the orders. I’m not taking any chances with Mary around.” Alen replied with a sad face. They didn’t know when the inspectors will show up. If they came and found anything wrong, the inspector’s first move would be to take Mary as a hostage and then arrest Alen.

“So you can’t move, I understand.” Said Chad. Running outside the country was the safest option for him to protect Mary.

“Did you really think we will let this past us? We’ve been waiting here for a week.”

A man clad in black clothes walked from the door dragging an unconscious Mary by the hair. At the same time over a dozen people pulled their weapons and surrounded Chad and Alen.

“We’ve asked you to give us the information about Cain Lisworth and send him to the capital but you ignored our order. Now this man comes here to spit nonsense, don’t blame us for what happens next.” The man pulled his dagger and traced a wound on Mary’s cheek.

“You…Let her go!” Alen screamed.

“Don’t even…” Before the man could finish talking he felt an ominous presence coming from Chad.

“You’re after Cain? These hands are all you need.” Chad ripped his shirt off to maximize the power of his charisma. He had noticed that about half of them are women so this was quite effective.

Thud! Chad leaped at a blinding speed and punched the man holding Mary in the face. The punch was so strong it sent him flying outside the guild.

Chad stood up, “So you had defensive magic, no wonder your head survived that.” The man outside didn’t even move, the magic only protected his head. However, the sudden acceleration broke his neck.

As Chad was now focusing on fighting those inspectors. He released the spell that charmed the adventures. At that moment they saw a bunch of people jumping at Chad.

Chad ducked down and grabbed one of the investigators by the ankle with his right hand. He then stood up, pulled him, and delivered a backhand punch to his pelvis.

One of the women pulled her now and aimed at Chad, when she shot her arrow, she killed one of her friends with a headshot. Confused at how she missed, she aimed again at Chad’s head. However, she killed another of her friends.

Chad blocked the investigators’ attacks with his bare hands. Having 20 in strength and Constitution was helpful.

[Bigby’s Hand] Alen assisted him with his magic. Those investigators were no joke, they were all at the level of A-rank adventures. The head guild at the capital uses them to carry its business as special agents. It was a necessity for them to be strong to be able to deal with adventures. But with all of that, Chad was throwing them around like rag dolls. This man was on the next level just like Alen. An S-rank adventurer at the least.

Alen stared at Chad as they fought and he thought. Everyone who fought against the earth dragon was worthy of S-rank. That included Chad, Cain, Zaleria, and even the demon Kayden.

Yet, if Alen was alone those investigators would have killed him with sheer numbers. But for the rest this wasn’t the case, he could see them surviving this.

“Am I really the weakest now?” Alen smiled as he sent a fireball at the investigators. “Sorry, Chad but I want to start blasting. You have to do without my support.”

“Surprise!” A man jumped in and sliced one of the investigators. It was none other than Edward.

“I don’t know what is happening but I’m supporting the Guildmaster. Light them up!” He screamed and the mage in his party blasted the investigator with [Scorching rays]

With that, the other adventure joined the fight. The whole Furberg guild has started a fight against the investigators of the main guild in the capital.

Chad has once again unintentionally sparked something big.

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