
Chapter 375 In the deep Sea

Just with a single look at the guildmaster, Cain could tell something was off. There was weird magic waving around him that he recognized well.

“Damn, this is might be more complicated than we thought. It explains the guild’s downfall.” Cain said as the guild master was taken into an interrogation room.

Instead of torture or questioning, Cain kept the guild master knocked out with sleep as he asked the guards to provide him with a sharp knife and some clean clothes.

“Please, this isn’t for the faint of hearts.” Everyone left beside King Baltos and Noel, Chad went to pick up the other girls.

“What are you doing?” Noel asked with a curious face, was this a secret torture technique that he knew of?

“Healing him, more like fixing I say.” Cain reached with the knife to the man’s eye, masterfully removing it from the socket while not damaging the nerves behind.

[Telekinesis] “Got you little fucker, I haven’t seen your kind in decades!” Cain pulled a worm-like tadpole from the man’s socket.

The tadpole quickest and screamed as smiled. Baltos could feel his skin crawl and Noel felt like throwing up, this thing was the guildmaster’s eye.

Cain looked straight to the tadpole and grinned, “You can see me right? Keep your heart healthy for me because I’m coming.” Using his magic, Cain snapped the tadpole’s head and crushed it.

Deep on the sea floor, the creature resting in his lair growled as he watched Cain’s grin with an anxious heart. “How could a human know of us? Now probably he knows only of me…But he then wouldn’t have sensed the tadpole. He said decades even though he looked no more than two decades old. Half-elf, no, it can’t be he has no ears.”

The creature’s multiple tentacles twirled around as his green three eyes gleamed with a faint green light.

His countless tentacles twisted as they started thinking with him, “Could a mere human reach me? No, I mustn’t risk it, the plan is almost complete.” The creature turned and swam outside into the darkness.

“Relay this to the human slaves outside, stay low and hunt any hunt the white-haired mage who is in the capital.” All the Krakens did his bidding and rushed toward the surface.

“Dragons you come next, once I connect with hell and purify my body, you’re days of ruling the mortal world shall end. We Aboleths shall regain supreme.”

Chad went to pick up the girls from the market, they had to buy clothes for Nemmoxon as she only had rugs. They also couldn’t resist the urge of shopping in the capital’s massive market, even though the prices made them have second thoughts.

“Why all of those, are you having a second wedding or something,” Chad asked with a worried face, seeing the girls carry a ton of bags.

“We hope it was the case.” Hati sighed “(Cain is going to kill us, this was more money than what we could earn in a month)” Skoll busted them.

“How much did you spend?” Chad glared at them. Alice and Sofia looked to the side.

“Around 150 gold coins on clothes, trinkets, and some magic items here and there.” Gracie was about to give Chad the bill before Alice snatched it from her hand.

“We only show this to Cain!”

“Fine, fine! let’s head back to the inn so we can move to the castle. Cain seems to have already negotiated with the king.” Chad said, quickly reading all of what was written in the bill in a second and smiling. 150 gold coins is a lot but they seem to have spent more than half on Cain.

“Let me help you carry the bags, can’t let you carry them all alone.” Chad carried all the bags alone which made him look small in comparison, even though they were light in his hands. He alone to the space of full carriage with how wide he became.

As they walked the street, a little girl called her mom. “Mom, that’s the girl I saw in my dreams, she beat the bad guys by crying.”

“Get here, you and your dreams. I don’t want to see you run outside like the last time!” Her mother pulled her inside her home.

“You know her?” Sofia asked.

“She ran from home last week and got caught by some strange people, I beat them up and made her memory look like a bad dream,” Nemmoxon replied with a straight face.

“Do you always do that-nya?” Selena looked at her with a strange face.

“Pretending to be a beggar or a beach commoner, begging for money or help to test people’s goodwill, and lastly enacting justice on the unsuspecting evil doers. This was my parents’ motto.” Nemmoxon replied.

“Your parents?” Asked Alice thinking about another two dragons that were possibly hiding in the city.

“They died a few years back, at the hand of an aboleth-Kraken hybrid monster. He trapped them in a cave on the sea floor and used magic to erupt underwater magma to kill them.” She said with an unchanged expression.

For a moment, Alice didn’t know what to say. “They died a prideful death fighting the evil, I shall avenge them and take the monster’s head,” Nemmoxon said before Alice could reply.

Back in the castle, Isbert slowly opened her eyes feeling a horrible headache and pain across her body, then looked down, she was naked and the court mage was treating her wounds.

“Emily, what happened…?” Isbert asked, the small wounds across her body looked strange. As if someone intentionally gave her multiple small cuts.

“Her temperature is increasing, turn her around for a second. We need to be quick” she heard a man’s voice at her side.

、 Emily grabbed Isbert’s left leg and turned her to the side, spreading her legs apart slightly. At that moment, Isbert felt something cold get pushed in her back end.

“KYA!” She screamed and leaped out of the bed like a terrified cat.

“Few, I did get in. She is stable for the time being.” Cain smiled with sweat dripping from his forehead.

“What are you doing you…”

“How are you feeling? Did the cold disappear?” Emily asked with a gentle voice. It was then that Isbert noticed, she was feeling rather hot and warm.

“I seem to have worked, I admit that I lost the bet.” Emily smiled looking at Cain.

Cain briefly explained to her that he has inserted small silver pieces across her body and enchanted them to absorb her magic and emit heat. A temporary solution to ease her suffering and make sure she is healthy until they deal with the root of the problem.

Isbert nodded, grabbed the bedside chair, and threw it at Cain, “That doesn’t explain what you did earlier!” She was furious, not only had he seen her naked, he did…

“Your temperature was drastically increasing, to protect you from brain damage due to the high fever I had to give you medicine and that was the fastest way to give it.” Cain dodged the chair and hid behind the bed.

“That still doesn’t give you the permission to tinker with my body!” She threw the bucket of water that was beside her.

“I first only did the silver insertion to your right arm. When your parents felt it warm, they permitted me to do what I see fit. Their daughter’s life took priority, they said!” Cain yelled.

“As if I care!” she yelled and threw a whole vase at him.

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