
Chapter 443 The one with the Ironlake

The king’s soldiers stopped close to the lord’s mansion gate to offload the potions, their commander looked around with a worried face. His sharp eyes spotted a human tooth lying beside a rock in the corner with a few drops of blood.

“A fight happened here, get ready for a fight.” The commander whispered to the other soldiers.

In the next moment, he grabbed two of his best soldiers and decided to head toward the Lord’s office. Surprisingly, Ironlake’s soldiers were nowhere to be seen, in their place was a bunch of pirate-looking ruffians going around.

No of the soldiers could bring it up as they saw the maids chat with the brutes with happy faces. Whatever they are, the common folk have already accepted them. There was another sense of familiarity around them.

After walking through the mansion unhinged, they reached the office and knocked on the door.

“This is the marine second division commander, we request meeting the lord.”

“Just open the door,” A voice came from inside the office.

As the commander opened the door, he saw Cain sitting on the guest chair with Alice and Gracie in tow reading a large map. On the lord’s chair, a strange pirate sat with his boots on the desk. He was trying to read a sheet of paper but had a stern expression on his face.

“Isn’t it Jack?” The commander smiled.

“Alemino? What brought you here, told you we’re not up to anything!” Jack immediately sat straight.

“Stop joking, why would I arrest you?” Alemino laughed. “Sir White mage, Lady Alice, Lady Gracie. My greeting. He then turned toward Cain and the girls.

“Brought the potions? Here is the map, get the soldiers to deliver potions to every house. Need every citizen to drink one.” Cain said with a serious face.

“Why? What did happen? We expected a fight to have broken out.” The commander asked.

“Haven’t the king told you? A disease has broken here and the potions are the cure, you also should have met Isbert and Nemmoxon dragging the lord on your way here.” Cain stood looking at the commander.

“No, we didn’t meet them on…” KABOOM! At that moment, a massive explosion bloomed in the distance.

A faint blow glow emitted from Cain’s eyes, his hair flashing with eldritch light and his armor seemed to emit a magnificent aura of pure condensed mana.

He could feel it, two dragons were clashing in the distance. At least, one of them was Nemmoxon. Something was off, he had missed something important.

‘We need to hurry.’ the first brain thought, ‘Unlock all the limiters’ the second brain suggested.

‘That can’t do, the humans here would die just being in the aura’ the first brain thought. ‘No, they will just lose consciousness. The risk to their lives is negligible compared to Isbert and Nemmoxon’

Cain made his decision, using just as much magic as he needs to reach Nemmoxon’s location in time and accept the risk to other people. His magic started swelling as he began to construct a spell.

It was just but a moment, less than what the eyes need to blink. Alice could feel the link between her and Cain burn hotter than red steel.

“C…” CLAP! Before she could say anything, Cain flashed out of the room leaving a gaping hole in the wall. Jack got flung at the wall and the commander rolled away with his guards. Only Alice and Gracie remained standing as they had enough magic in them not to be flung away by the burst Cain released.

A portal after the other, Cain covered the thousands of feet distance by leaping between them with the ninth-tier [Thunder flash].

The maid’s in the mansion who never fought or learned magic ended up receiving a massive shock. Like being zapped with lightning, half of them passed out and the other fell on the ground vomiting. Cain just unleashed his magic at the maximum output for a moment and it was enough to take them out.

Out in the wilderness, Isbert was drowning in her own blood and ice under a tree. The shard was the only thing keeping her alive by cooling her body and slowing her metabolism and heart rate to prevent bleeding and counter the poison eating away at her flesh.

In front of her two dragons were Clashing, Nemmoxon the bronze dragon, and a Massive green dragon that seemed to toy with her.

“You metallic are really pathetic, look how weak you are!” The green dragon struck Nemmoxon on the chest with his tail sending her rolling. Most of her ribs got broken, her vision started to get blurry, and her breath didn’t seem to recharge quickly enough.

‘His poison breath is powerful, a single whiff of his breath and I can barely move’ her limbs got paralyzed and her lungs stopped moving.

Looking at him above to grab Lord Ironlake, Nemmoxon couldn’t let the bastard live. That bastard needs to die.

Her draconic brain started pulsing with arrogance, her justice was the only right in the world. Lord Ironlake needs to die for his crimes. At that moment, she stopped seeing the green dragon as a threat but as a hindrance.

“He needs to die.” CRACKLE! The green dragon her growing with a spark of lightning.

“Do you really think that your mere breath will stop, Wyrm?” Nemmoxon growled. Like all dragons, their body responds to their arrogance, allowing them to push over what is expected of them.

Nemmoxon’s Draconis fundamentum started circulating an electric current through her veins to her replace her numb nerves. Her muscles started spazzing. She started standing up and spreading her wings, lightning crackling through her bones.

“An adult you may be, but you’re still a dragon. Can’t die easily!” The great wyrm green dragon opened his jaw and a horrid green breath of toxic gas splashed away.

Nemmoxon flew right through it, even though it was a storm of deadly poison. Swinging her claw at the green dragon’s neck while unleashing her breath on his face.

Facing this clash of titans, all the almost dying Isbert could do was form an ace wall to protect herself. The lord was lucky to be standing beside her to get protected as well.

As the two dragons clashed, the green dragon’s toxic breath was ignited by Nemmoxon’s lightning and bloomed into a massive explosion. The blast was powerful enough to flip the ground around them. Right after that, a shock wave emitted from where the two dragons were dissipating the dust instantly.

The green dragon’s right hand pierced Nemmoxon’s chest, that thrust was the source of the shockwave.

He didn’t walk unscathed, Nemmoxon had managed to rip out his right-wing completely. A feat that seemed impossible with the gap between Adults and Wyrms.

The green dragon pulled his arm off her, looking down at her head falling to the ground.

“Even Wyrms fail to move after being hit with my breath, but you even took my wing and with it my respect.” He turned around to look for the lord if he survived.

“Die in glory, Bronze.”

At that moment, a chill ran down his spine. Fear penetrated his bones, it was the dragon nor the human. Something else was glaring upon his soul from a distance.

The green dragon turned in panic protecting his neck and head with his front claws and only remaining wing.

A massive lightning bolt was approaching at a terrifying speed leaving a trail of burned ground.

“Monster…” Everything flashed as the green dragon screamed.

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