
Chapter 445 Bones of steel

As the fight started becoming messier, Mary and Amaya were busy helping the people evacuate.

“Hurry, get back and bring Hati and Bela. We need all the fighting power we have.” Mary said pushing Amaya toward the portal.

Amaya rushed back, Mary was right. Multiple dragons attacking out of nowhere is a kingdom-destroying disaster. Just by them rampaging for a few seconds, a fifth of the capital has been destroyed. That was probably more than Furberg’s population in the grave.

Chad, Zaleria, Farryn, Sofia, and Selena were going around fighting the dragons while Ariel had just finished healing the maid.

“Hey, won’t this be the second time you caused a kingdom to fall?” Ariel jumped in creating her holy blade and deflecting a massive boulder that was flying toward Chad.

“Shut up, that wasn’t my intention!” Chad growled remembering what happened to Alseria.

“Yeah? And neither is this time. Here catch!” She threw him the sword and conjured the bow for herself.


The ancient white dragon fell to the ground, his skin charred everywhere. “What are you?” He growled.

THUD! Sofia crashed to the ground, flames bursting from her mouth and eyes. Her wings glowed bright red as a gust of hot air surrounded her body. The plants around her started catching on fire, she was a walking furnace.


<Name: Sofia Lawrence><Race: Half-dragon (Red and Black)><Level: 29/40><Exp: 32546/670000>

<HP: 546/667><MP: 996/1294><SP: 413/516>

<Strength: 20><Dexterity: 10><Constitution: 14+1>

<Intelligence: 16><Wisdom: 14><Charisma: 20+1>

Half-dragon traits:

[Red immunity: Fire immunity and Cold resistance]

[Black immunity: Acid immunity and Poison Resistance]


1-[Reduced Elemental Cast Cost: Fire]

2-[Fire Manipulation]

3- [Stored Spell: Fireball] One per level

13-[Elemental immunity: Cold]


Due to a combination of her nature and the buffs given to her by Cain. This white dragon was finding it hard to kill her with his cold magic and whenever he tried to hit her with his claws, she just blast away with a jet of flames leaving him charred.

ROAR, the dragon roared flapping its wings as hard as it could, the entire plain around him started to freeze. “You dammed half spawn, you’re kind are always a pain. Those weird bastards never learn to keep their dignity!” His roar was so loud it started shaking the walls.

To dragons, humans were like animals. Those seeing another dragon have a kid with a human being like a human having a kid with an ape. It was plain unacceptable by the majority as a forbidden act that diluted and tainted the pure draconic blood.

Opening his jaw, the cold started condensing, and shards of ice formed around his massive jaw. A cold breath was coming.

Sofia took a deep breath, flames oozing from her nose. Her chest glowed bright red as she concentrated and more heat. The redness quickly turned into a pale blue light.

Zaleria instantly got her attention drawn toward Sofia, the girl was trying to copy the white breath that she used against Morena in Alseria. “What are you doing?! You will burn your lungs and fundamentum!” She shouted.

Sofia wasn’t listening, she just kept charging it as long as the white dragon still haven’t released his breath.

MP: 996/1294 => 905/1294 => 825/1294 => 732/1294 => 688/1294

…The white dragon unleashed his breath at full force, this was a white dragon which at a minimum compared to Morena when they first met her. If the guards haven’t seen the initial attack earlier, they would have been scared shirtless seeing the 50 feet wide cone of white frigid air blasting toward them with only Sofia standing to take it.

Sofia opened her mouth, her fangs seemed far larger than they should be. Her eyes were wide open with blue flames coming from her eyes. VAROOOOOOO! Exploding with a loud screech, a jet of pale blue flames burst from her mouth just as wide as the white dragon’s breath.

In a flash, both breaths clashed. Pushing on each other, they radiated enough magic to make the guards on the walls sick.

Sofia started getting slowly pushed back, she lacked the weight necessary to keep her in place. She bent down on all four and grabbed to the ground with all of her limbs and tail.

CRACK! Selena landed behind her cracking the ground. In the distance, the blue dragon she was wrestling mid-air fell to the ground dead. He was but an adult, couldn’t endure his brain getting chewed and spine cracked by the violent Black Jaguar. What only pained me more is that she wasn’t just biting his head, she was eating him alive.

Selena looked at Sofia getting pushed back unable to withstand the recoil.

“I will help-nya!” Selena grabbed Sofia from her back and tried to keep her in one place by using her claws to hold her to the ground. Sizzle, Sofia’s body was as hot as the red metal, just touching her burned Selena’s hands.

“It hurts-nya! Take him down-nya!” Selena growled, unlike the others, she wasn’t able to understand the difference between adult dragons and ancient dragons. She was thinking the white dragon was a mere adult.

At that moment, the breaths deflected from each other. The cold breath hit the wall freezing it with a few dozen soldiers and Sofia’s fire breath cut a straight line through the forest.

The white dragon stopped his breath getting ready to lunge at Sofia, to his surprise, she didn’t stop. Redirecting her breath at him like a massive flame sword, she burned off his wings and tail like they were nothing.

As the dragon roared in pain, both Selena and Sofia rushed at him.

On the walls, Mary had already started rushing between the soldiers ordering them to prepare every existing ballista, they were going to strike back at the adult dragons.

“That’s impossible, it will just bounce off their skin!” A soldier cried, he just watched his friends get frozen to death by a stray breath. He didn’t want to stand there and die.

Thwack! Another man punched him in the face, he was a part of the marine that came here as reinforcement. “You dare disobey her orders, get your ass moving!” He shouted.

The man had seen Mary crawl out of hell dragging two people, no matter how much hopeless this situation was, with her giving orders they still have hope.

“The bolts are there, use them quickly!” She yelled so all the soldiers can hear her.

As they looked to the side, something looked strange. Ballista bolts are usually about five feet long. Those bolts are about six feet long and their tip looked especially strange, sharp, and twisted on themselves. Most importantly, it looked new and shiny.

“Where did you find those?” One of them asked. He was responsible for the stock, he has never seen those bolts before, in fact, he recognized the wooden part but not the steel tips.

“Just shoot them, tell him something.” Mary looked at the marine soldier.

The marine soldier turned around and punched the man in the face, “Just follow orders, and don’t waste time with meaningless questions.” He growled.

Mary smiled, they were finally listening. She turned around and rushed down the wall to head to the gate. As she was running, Thud! Something cape ran at a blinding speed and picked her up disappearing into the buildings.

Thwack! Throwing her at the wall in a closed room, the man closed the door and poked from the keyhole. “Shit, a red, a half, an elf, whatever the rest are, even an angel and that weird human.” He growled. ‘I’ve seen this human with them, it should be useful as a hostage when the general arrives’ He thought.

“Using me as a hostage, that’s pretty unkind of you.” Mary stood smiling.

The man turned toward her in surprise, he was sure he didn’t say that out loud.

“Close your mouth or I will break your bones!” He growled.

“Throwing me at the wall like that would have done it if you could, isn’t that right ancient blue.” She stood on a box, putting a leg on the other and resting her head on her hand.

He started at her for a moment, BAM! Leaping ahead, he sent a punch at her face.

CRACK! His knuckles broke without her even flinching.

Lifting her eyes to look at him, “Lifting your hand on me, my husband going to be pissed. He might even wipe your entire race out of the plane.” She grabbed the man’s forearm with her hand and snapped it.

At that moment he was certain, he made a mistake, she was a problem, even more than the rest. Leaping away, he tried to make a run for it opening the door. What he saw was a wall of steel blocking his way.

Panicking, he started punching the wall to dig his way out just to find something even more horrifying. The entire room was encased in a cube of steel.

Turning around he threw a lightning bolt at her, if this was a spell then breaking her concentration should lift it.

“What is this supposed to be? Do you chromatic never get taught manners?” She glared at him.

“What are you? Who sent you?” He yelled.

“Don’t yell, I can even hear your thoughts.” She smiled. “As to what am I…You could say a messenger. As to who sent me, you could say it’s someone that should never wake up, as if he did, nothing will be anything anymore.” She smiled.

“What with the cryptic talk? Speak!” The man yelled.

“Don’t want to, I only obey my husband now. Even the one who sent me said it himself.” She lifted her hand up, her fingers turned into long blades and the skin of her arm turned to steel.

“Now I need YOU to speak, in detail. WHO! WHAT! FOR WHAT! WHY! WHERE!” The man got pulled toward her and she stared him in the eyes. The last words came out like a deep growl as her fingers dug into the man’s skull. “Unless you want me to force it out of your rotten head.” Her eyes were glowing deep green.

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