
Chapter 455 Night-born

After getting Sofia to his room and Having Lexi by her side, Cain smiled. Thud, he fell on his face exhausted. “Are okay?” Lexi rushed toward him.

“Yeah, just tired.” He replied.

“Hold on a moment, I would call someone to carry you to your room.” Lexi looked out of the door, she spotted Katherine and Jemima walking with buckets and brooms.

“Come here for a moment!” She called them out.

The two maids looked at each other and then walked toward her. “Need something?” Jemima asked while Katherine just stood behind her.

“Carry him to his room, he is exhausted.” She pointed toward Cain who was on the floor.

“Is he alive?” Katherine asked.

“Of course I’m, do I look dead to you?” Cain replied.

“Well, you’re hardly breathing,” Katherine replied poking him with the broom in her hand.

“Exhausted, get me to bed.” Cain wriggled around.

“Probably you should take a bath first, clean the sweat off,” Jemima said looking down at him.

“Just want to close my eyes for a few moments, the bath can wait.” He said wriggling again.

“Fine, come here!” Katherine grabbed Cain from his sides, easily lifting him up as if he was a bag of wheat.

“Be gentler,” Cain growled.

“Can’t do, we’re almost in your room,” Katherine said even though they still haven’t exited Sofia’s room yet.

After putting him on his bed, Jemima looked at him with a smile. “We’re busy now so we have to go, will send someone to watch over you so take a short nap.”

Cain didn’t even more, speaking into the pillow which his face was plummeted onto. “Okay.”

After a minute or so, the door opened and Ellie walked in. “Master, you’re awake?” Cain didn’t reply, he was asleep.

She walked in and stared at him.

He was still asleep in his bloodied shirt, didn’t even bother changing.

She was asked to watch over him, in case he needed something. How bad her luck could be, to be the only one available. Sitting beside him was almost unbearable, especially with the blood on his shirt.

She slowly dragged a chair to his side and sat down staring at him. She seemed restless with her foot tapping on the ground. She then turned to face the door.

After just a few seconds she stood and walked to stand by the door. That also didn’t last long as she quickly approached him again.

Her hand slowly reached for him but she quickly stopped.

She stood and walked toward the corner where she curled into a ball, closing her nose and eyes in silence. After a few minutes, she stood back up and approached him with a worried face.

Carefully, she approached his side sniffing the blood on his shirt. After taking a few deep breaths she bit her lips as hard as she could and went back to the corner.

After a few minutes, her eyes were bloodshot as if she never slept for days. Her hands shaking and her lips drooling. Thud! She punched her own face. Thud! And did it again.

It’s been almost an hour, she was already shaking like a tree in a storm. Standing up slowly, she approached Cain. No matter how much she wanted to run outside the room, her legs kept moving toward him.

Approaching his neck, she opened her mouth.

“You won’t walk in the sun if you drank directly,” Cain said.

At that moment, she felt as if ice got dropped on her back. In a single leap, she was stuck in the corner terrified. He was awake.

Cain slowly sat up, staring at her with his sleepy eyes.

“From when you were awake?” She asked.

“Since you got in the room, come here.” He grabbed the water cut that was beside his bed, drank it all, and put his wrist on top of it. With a flick of his finger, a small lightning blade wounded his wrist spilling blood into the cup.

“What are you…” She growled.

“Here you go, drink first and then explain to me how did you become like that. Last time I saw you, you were a normal human.” Cain said moving the cup toward her.

Unable to resist the smell of his blood, she quickly leaped to snatch the cup, gulping it down in one go. Her nerves finally relaxed, she hasn’t drunk anything in a day so she was starving.

“Better?” Cain smiled.

“Yeah…What now? Will it be better to kill me?” She gave him a sad look.

Cain blinked twice as if he didn’t understand her.

“I’m a monster now, how would you let…” She was about to start when Cain stooped her.

“I’ve seen enough in my life, but I have never seen a vampire that resisted my blood for an hour.” Cain smiled.

“A vampire, so I really became a blood-sucking fiend.” She looked down.

“Is that a problem? Guess it is depending on the circumstances.” Cain patted her head.

“What do you mean?” She stared at him.

“You might not know but, in this mansion, we have zombies, succubus, dragons, devils, and even ancient monsters. A vampire won’t be a problem. Explain how it started.” Cain looked at her with a serious gaze.

“I was bitten years ago, the fined feasted on my whole family when we were moving from Ourals to Furberg. I only survived through sheer luck. The vampire was later killed by adventurers who hunted him down.” Ellie explained. “After that, I started to have a feint craving for blood but it wasn’t much. I could smell blood from afar. But there was something off, women blood smelled like bread while men’s blood smelled sweet.”

She looked at Cain, “Knowing that, I could resist the smell of women’s blood easily but I had trouble resisting that of men. To keep myself from becoming a monster, I started avoiding men, only surrounding myself with women for years.”

“But that recently ended, you didn’t bite anyone right?” Cain glared at her.

She looked down, “No, Olivia invited me to help her clean the lab. There I saw samples of your blood, it smelled fantastic…”

“So you thought a drop is fine and ended up stealing a whole bucket from her?” Cain smiled.

“Pretty much, that’s it.” She replied with a guilty face. “I got addicted after the first sip. From that moment my craving for blood only intensified, and now that I was to watch over you…” She looked at Cain’s shirt.

“You couldn’t resist the smell of my blood, that’s fair since my blood is rich in Mana. That is what vampires perceive as sweet.” Cain said looking at her.

“What about men and women?” She started at him.

“Don’t know, never heard of that. It’s probably just your personal preference. For now, show me your mouth.” Cain asked her to get closer.

After taking a closer look at her fangs, “As expected, still haven’t bitten a living person. That’s a good sign.”

“I can be cured?” She smiled.

“Sadly no, it’s already too late for that. But, that means you still can walk in the sun and not trigger the purification of churches.” He said with a big smile.

“What?” She didn’t understand.

“Simply put, vampires, aren’t considered inherently evil creatures. Let me explain…” Cain smiled standing up, he didn’t get much sleep but he surely rested enough.

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