
Chapter 480 Calming down

Cain flicked his finger [Lisworth’s Magnificent Mansion]

He created a new version here in hell. He can’t call the mansion he created in the outside world, but this should look the same.

“Come in, we have a lot to talk about.” Cain lifted Jella up with [Telekinesis] and was about to move her into the gate. He made sure not to squeeze her too much as she looked in a bad shape. That was the reason he didn’t just expect her to walk alone.

It was at that point that she spotted Sofia, the one who killed her.

CRACK! [Ice Spear] Jella launched an attack at Sofia without a second hesitation.

FLASH! Sofia didn’t stand still as well, the moment she saw Jella charging the attack, she also launched a [Firelance] spell at her.

As the two spells clashed, they exploded in the middle and the two girls flew aiming at each other throats.

Cain regretted not keeping a tighter hold on Jella, he didn’t want to hurt her by applying too much force with [Telekinesis]

BAM! Sofia flew with a [Fire Storm]

Jella flew with a countering [Ice Storm]

Cain immediately teleported between them and caught them with [Telekinesis] This time he didn’t hold back and kept them in a tight hand. And then using [Anti-magic field] he erased the spells they were casting.

“Don’t fight down here, do it outside,” Cain said with a smile and he lifted a finger.

“Let me go, I will kill her as she did me!” Jella growled.

“Yeah, you will die again.” Cain laughed glaring at her, Sofia had already entered a new league. In fact, he believed that Jella was only stronger than Ellie here.

He was almost certain that Mary had some hidden power. Even Isbert would beat Jella since she has sword skills on top of cold magic.

“Told you to let me go!” Jella growled.

Cain sighed, this girl is going to be a problem to deal with. It’s probably better to send her to her mother as quickly as possible.

“Sofia, please stand down. I will deal with her.” Cain looked at Sofia.

“Got it, sorry for going out like this.”

“No problem,”

Cain then turned toward Jella and cleared his throat, “How could I explain this best.”

“Let me go! I will…”

“I don’t care,” Cain said glaring directly at her eyes.

His voice terrified her for an unknown reason, just him glaring at her so closely made her knees shake.

“You won’t be fighting anyone here, won’t be saying no nor talking back to anyone. I made the effort to come all the way here to drag your sorry ass from hell for your mother’s sake so shut up. Otherwise, I will throw both of you here and go on with my life!” He infused some magic into his words through [Dominate person]

He didn’t want to mind control or enslave her before getting her out of hell. This should give her a sense of weakness and keep her in check for the time being.

“Yes…” She looked down, almost crying.

“Good girl, now let’s get you something to wear.” They all walked into the mansion.

“Go take a bath to clean up first, Gracie will get you something to wear.” Cain sent Jella to the bath with Zaleria and Farryn. Those two should be able to keep an eye on her.

In the meantime, Cain headed to his room with Ellie and Gracie. The other girls have gone to do their things.

The reason was simple, Gracie had told him she was hungry, as did Ellie.

As they entered the room, Cain grabbed a glass cup that was beside the bed.

“Gracie, a knife.”

Gracie immediately pulled one from her wrist and handed it to him.

Ellie just stared at her, confused as to why she was hiding a knife.

Cain slashed his wrist and filled the cup with his blood. [Lesser Healing] And he closed the wound immediately.

“Here, this should keep you for a while.” Cain looked at her with a smile.

“Thank you.” Ellie grabbed the cup with both hands and looked at Cain with a smile. “I will…”

“Hurry up!” Gracie suddenly spoke.

Ellie got surprised she almost spilled the blood. “What is it…”

“Get out.” Gracie had already opened the door and is kicking Ellie out. “Drink it fast!”

As if not having an option, Ellie gulped the cup down in one go and rushed outside.

Gracie looked at the door and looked at Cain, “My meal…”

Cain smiled at her, “Did you have to kick her out like that?”

“I’m hungry, let’s start!” Gracie took her clothes off immediately.

Back in the capital, Chad was taking a nap in the royal garden. Sleeping on the grass under the spring sun was unmatched.

BAM! BAM! A few feet behind him, two individuals were fighting. Ariel and the dragon maids exchanged blows as if their life depends on it.

Each blow rattled the whole castle and almost caused panic among the guards.

“Sir Chad, what is happening?” Baltos approached him with a worried face.

“They argued about who’s going to spend the night with me, told them to fight it off,” Chad replied without opening his eyes.

“Why would you do that?” The king was confused, what was Chad thinking when he started such a fight?

“They didn’t listen when I choose, so they can deal with it on their own.”

“Come on, please stop them. They will ruin the garden at this pace.”

“Fine,” Chad stood up.

As the two were fighting, none of the guards could approach the deadly zone. But Chad walked right through, without care.

The two immediately stopped fighting just seeing him approach.

“Tell her to know her place!” Ariel growled.

“Yeah? Me, you know your place!” The dragon maid growled.

“Unless you two sit calm and get along, I will start spending the night outside,” Chad said.

As the two processed what he just said, they understood what he meant and calmed down.

“Sorry…” They apologized.

Back at Furberg, a new problem was arising.

It was the middle of the night and Lisa was walking down the hallway toward William’s room when she heard something leap into the house through the window.

She immediately took her knife out and got ready. With that maid Cain created and his powerful barrier, the attacker must be a resident of the city.

As she rushed toward the sound’s location. She was surprised to see a familiar face that she hadn’t seen in over a decade.

Bloodied and resting her back on the wall, the buff red-haired woman stared at Lisa with a smile.

“Hehe…” She giggled, coughing blood, “Did you miss mommy?” The woman was barely able to speak.

“What the fuck are you doing here Melissa? I thought I will never see you in my life again!” Lisa growled.

Melissa laughed painfully, “As usual, no respect for me…But yeah, even I didn’t think I will need to come back.” She started coughing blood again.

“Fine, don’t talk. Let’s treat your wounds first.” Lisa dragged Melissa inside and called the maids to help.

As William came in, he saw Melissa and his face went sore.

“The fuck are you doing?” He said the same thing Lisa did.

“This really hurt my fragile heart you know. Little Willy boy, you have grown big since the last time I saw you.” She stared at him with a smile.

“People like you don’t deserve respect and you know it mother, just spit out why you came back after all those years!” Lisa growled.

William signaled for all the maids to leave the room.

After everyone left, Melissa spoke.

“The Cubus lair was attacked by the dragons, I came looking for the white mage’s help…” She had to stop for a moment, “There is bad blood between me and him, but he is our last hope.”

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