
Chapter 507 Eilistraee and Lolth

Cain smiled as she handed him the bag. Everyone in the bar glared at him with jealousy as they could smell what was in the bag.

"Here is some olive bread with sesame oil and dried fruits. I\'ve been playing with this loaf for a while, hope you like it." Mable opened the bag for him to have a look. The glittering dried fruit on the golden brown loaf of bread seemed like Jewels dotting a golden piece of art.

Cain wanted to sit back and eat that loaf right there but…such a thing is probably better shared between the girls. "Thank you, I\'m sure everyone will like it."

Cain left happier than the day he beat a whole dragon, nothing beat getting a new try at Mable\'s bread. It was then that an idea crossed his head.

There was an elf old lady who lives close to Sylph\'s royal castle, that woman was a chees making expert. Nothing proved her skill more than her business succeeding in the elvish capital. Those people hate chees in blood but they still fight over hers.

As he walked the street heading toward the cloth shop, he started thinking of a way to convince Eilistraee to join them. That dark elf swordswoman was a tough nut to crack.

Far, far away…In the middle of the night and under the captivating blue moonlight. Standing beside a pond with glittering stars, a dark elf woman danced naked with a silver blade in her hand.

Her flowing slivery hair glowed pale white under the moon glow as her eyes left a purple trail of magic after each step she took.

The moment her toes touched the surface of the water, she bounced back as if it was a solid surface.

Each swing was silent yet audible, just by looking at her swings one could tell the force hiding behind the elegant dance.

"Lady Eilistraee, the spiders of Lolth have entered the domain of the underground city of Roa. We must move quickly." A dark elf woman wearing leather armor approached Eilistraee and kneeled down.

Ting! Eilistraee gracefully landed in front of the dark elf woman.

"The city of criminals? Why should we protect it?" Eilistraee said with a passive face.

The dark elf woman froze in place, slowly looking up "Not all people there have chosen to be there. It also helps if criminals stayed there rather than in our cities."

"You as well? Think that of them?" Eilistraee made a disappointed face. "Guess it can\'t be helped, you all grown up here."

Eilistraee slowly walked past the terrified woman and started wearing her clothes. "They are dark elves like us, we\'re all criminals. The only unforgivable sin is bending knees to that accursed spider."

As the woman glared up at her, Eilistraee put her blade on her waist and walked down the hill.

"Dragons attacking the high elves, Lolth attacking us dark elves, Gruumsh attacking the wood elves, and devils attacking the half-elves. Those attacks don\'t seem random, they are trying to take us down one by one." Eilistraee said with a serious face as a bunch of dark elves\' sword maidens followed her.

"We don\'t have to worry about the devils as the archmage Lilia is their enemy, Varis should do a good job stopping Gruumsh\'s orcs." One of the maidens said with a calm face.

"The problem is us and the high elves, we\'re facing dragons and Lolth. We have two tough battles and no one like Lilia to help us." Another maiden said clenching her fist on her blade.

Eilistraee then spoke with a low voice, "We will stand victorious, those spiders aren\'t a match to our blades. We need no bows, all we need is to win."

They reached a massive black hole in the ground, the entire dark elves\' capital was built around this abyssal hole of endless darkness.

"I will get the lift ready, please do wait…" One of the maidens turned around to go inform the lift team.

The lift was a steel elevator that Lilia had made for them. It allowed them to descend the pit quickly and safely.

As she was about to start talking to them, she saw Eilistraee jump into the Abyss.

"LADY EILISTRAEE!" she screamed in horror, that whole was several miles deep, a certain death.

All the other maidens stared down the hole, "Here she goes again…" They sighed and turned around.

"Hurry and get the lift ready, she\'s finished all the spiders before we could get down at this rate."

As she fell off in the darkness, Eilistraee pulled her silver blade and took a deep breath. Twisting her body to the left and stretching her arms caused her to approach the hole\'s side.

Thud! Her foot gently touched the wall causing her body to spin, Thud! Thud! With each step, the speed increased as she fell further.

Deep underground, an army of hundreds of Giant spiders, Lolth spawns (The upper body of a dark elf woman and the lower body of a spider) covered the dark cavern.

Tip! They heard something from above. Tip! They heard it again, it seemed to be getting closer and closer.

Thud! Cling! Eilistraee landed right in the middle of them with a downward swing. The ten-foot-tall Lolth spawn got cut in half.

Before the spider\'s blood could touch the ground.

CRACK! Eilistraee\'s steel boots shattered on the impact leaving her barefoot. "Tch!" she frowned.

\'I still lack control, lost quite a bit of momentum with this.\' She twisted her body and redirected to force of her fall from vertical to horizontal and swung her blade.

The spider\'s corpse got cut again as Eilistraee rushed through her to the other monster. Spinning like a fan, she swung her blade relentlessly chasing the retreating spiders and spawns.

They couldn\'t even see her, all they witnessed was a silver flash of light followed by a purple trail and a bloodstream.

"The maiden of Eilistraee, stop her! We win if she stopped moving!" One of Lolth\'s spawns screamed, lifting a massive rock and throwing it at Eilistraee.

Cling! The rock was cut immediately as Eilistraee rushed forward. CRACK! Her arm and shoulder armor shattered immediately.

\'Again? I do have to work on using big momentum effectively\' Eilistraee could perfectly use small momentum in her swings, but when it came to using a lot to sever a boulder or redirect her fall, she tend to use more than needed and end up shattering her armor or weapon.

"That\'s it! Throw more at her before the rest arrives!" The Lolth spawn yelled lifting another boulder and throwing it.

Thud! Eilistraee quickly dodged to the side and took a stance in the blink of an eye.

[Blade Dance: Moon Pulse] Thud! Eilistraee rushed forward with a silvery blueish light following her blade.

Slash, she sliced one of the spiders in the blink of an eye. Ba! Dump! The momentum of the last heartbeat of the monster got absorbed by her blade and used to fuel the next attack and recover the lost energy.

Slice! Slice! Slice! Eilistraee zapped a silver bolt across the spider and immediately reached the Lolth\'s spawn giving orders.

At that moment, as her blade was going down, the Lolth spider disappeared into the shadows.

\'She\'s fast! Can\'t let her run away.\' Eilistraee didn\'t stop and rushed behind her.

"Come to me! Maiden of Eilistraee, you shall become one of us!" Lolth spider conjured a shadow blade in her hand. "Let\'s dance!" She cried.

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