
Chapter 540 Ancient Knowledge

Cain rested on a steel bench inside the fortress, he stared at the massive braziers hanging from the ceiling.

\'Those mages never came when I was here.\' Morena thought from inside his head. \'They came looking for Tiamat.\' Gray added.

\'They said Asmodeus is imprisoned under the ninth layer.\' The second brain said with a worried tone. \'But he has the ability to control all devils at will, there is no way another devil could imprison him.\' The first brain exclaimed.

Asmodeus, the Devil lord and the undisputable king of the nine hells. He was a tall man with two massive horns extending from his reddish forehead. He is immensely scarred and most of his body is filled with bizarre wounds. And even though he has the power equivalent to a god, but he never claimed to be one, always getting enraged when being called one.

He was at the beginning of things and he is stuck in hell for one reason or another and cannot escape. He is the embodiment of law even though he is evil, the law is at his core and that is inescapable. He exemplifies order in its strongest and truest form. He fights law and order at the fights law and order and the frontline of the cosmos. A battle that he is very proud of.

That man holds one of the most powerful abilities in the world, he can control all devils at will. The devils are known for being immensely powerful, yet he always never used that power or even got serious.

\'For this reason, I think his imprisonment is all but a scheme. I bet he has even more goals.\' Cain thought standing up.

Mei popped out of nowhere and landed on his shoulder, screaming in his ear "Cain!"

Cain stumbled to the side, grabbed her in his fist, and moved her away from his head. "What do you want, you almost blew a hole in my ear."

Confused and scared she cried, "Cain, she is here. Titania has reached our grove!"

Cain needed to think for a few seconds about what he just heard, "She can\'t enter the maze without me knowing." He replied.

Mei scratched her head, "I know, she and her guards are stuck outside in the rain. Each moment that passes she gets more angry and frustrated, allow her entry!" she cried.

"Fine, fine, she can enter but make sure to inform her, I will be there soon." He said with a serious face.

"You\'re not coming now?" Mei asked with a confused face.

"Yeah, we just got attacked by some devil mages and there\'s something off…I will have to ask about some things here first so go ahead." He replied and she nodded.

"Just hurry, she is a bit snotty," Mei said sighing, she then disappeared in a puff of white smoke as quickly as she appeared.

Cain looked around, focusing on his magic he could sense where Abornazine was. He was upstairs with Sofia going around the fortress.

Cain started walking across the iron hallway, outside in the garden. A deserted field of dry dirt and sand, dead twigs and bushes, decorated with bones and disturbing rock formation. Selena and Zaleria were there checking the place, the two seemed to like the vast open space where no one would complain if something broke.

He could sense Alice\'s presence on the other side with a bunch of devils, trying to peak at her mind with the slave link he has. She quickly allowed him access without much resistance. She seems to be talking with them about how should they build a city around the fortress and who would do what.

As he tried to sense Gracie, she immediately appeared from his shadow. "Did you call me?" She asked with a straight face.

"Ah, no…you\'re surprisingly alert." He gasped.

"A maid must keep an eye on her master\'s needs, no matter what I\'m doing, I would always come as soon as you call." She said looking at him, clenching her fists. For a moment her eyes scanned him.

"What were you doing?" He asked, she was still holding a broom in her hand.

"The mansion requires deep cleaning before we leave for the elvish kingdom, I was just helping the maids." She looked at the broom.

"Can\'t you just have the succubus do the job?" He asked.

"I tried, but they don\'t seem to care if it\'s men or women…leaving them alone with the maids is a bit dangerous."

"Did they do something?" Cain was about to start getting angry when she shook her head.

"They did go for the maid, they tried to go after me…" She showed Cain a bloodied knife, "Nothing a few stabs can\'t calm down."

Cain sighed, "As long as you can keep them in order, if you felt threatened at any moment, just alert me and I will come immediately. Is there anything else?" He asked with a worried tone, a lot of things can go wrong with a hundred succubi roaming the place.

"Nothing, everything else seemed to go smoothly. If there is nothing else, I will be going back before they get any funny ideas." She bowed, disappearing in the shadows again.

After walking a bit, passing by a few Abishai cleaning and rearranging the decor (If you can call black metal plates and molten steel, humanoid bones, and burned cages a decor) Cain wanted to change the place more but this was ultimately the best for hell. As it\'s unhealthy for humans to decorate their homes as devils, it was unhealthy for devils to decorate their homes as humans.

He stood in front of a massive door, behind it was Sofia and Abornazine. This is Tiamat\'s personal room.

Cain tried to push the massive door open but he needed to resort to [Telekinesis] He saw Sofia in her Tiamat form resting on a massive obsidian bed. Abornazine standing in front of her talking about the fortress\'s inner function.

"She doesn\'t seem interested, can\'t you tell?" Cain said walking in, Abornazine turned toward him. "But she must know if she wants to utilize this place to its full potential."

Cain patted the old man on the shoulder, "I know you are excited old man, but let her rest for a day, collect her thoughts first. Here I will give you a task to do in the meantime."

"Tell him about it, Cain, I really want to take a nap." Sofia cheered.

"A task you say, I can\'t refuse the order of the fortress lord." Abornazine bowed.

Cain was surprised for a moment, "But she is the lord of the mansion."

"You\'re her husband, she elaborated that you\'re to take all responsibility and rule the mansion. This is why I was arguing and tried to get her to at least know a few things." Abornazine stood tall, he reminded Cain of Sebas, but in a different way.

"Go to the treasury room with some people and collect me all the books that speak of Asmodeus or Rakshasa. If you find anything about other devils organized it as well." Cain stated.

"I see, should I create a library in one of the empty rooms?" Abornazine eyes glowed, this was the first order he received in centuries. He might look like that, but he still enjoyed his work.

"Do as you see fit, I want the information easily accessible. Assign a librarian if the need arose." Cain nodded.

"I shall bring all the knowledge accumulated by the dragon goddess in her eons of domination." Abornazine bowed deeply, leaving Cain and Sofia alone.

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