
Chapter 582 On The Ship,

In the capital, under the bright sun, and above the still calm waves. A pirate ship has gotten fully ready, with men running across like busy ants.

Jack walked out of his cabinet and stared up at the wheel, "Woman, the men are lacking!" He yelled. Charlotte took off one of the wheel\'s handles and threw it at him. Bang! She hit him right above the eye leaving a black mark on his face.

"You almost got my eye!" He cried rolling around, knocking a barrel into the sea and one of the sailors leaped to retrieve it. "Please be careful, captain." The sailor yelled.

"He\'s too stupid to know how to be careful, people like him need to lose an eye and an arm before becoming experienced." Charlotte grabbed back the handle and screwed it in its place.

Jack stood rubbing his eyebrow, glaring at the red-haired woman. "Your mother would have been a better pick to take with us."

"And have you bunch of buffoons exhausted an old woman to death? She is skillful but old, forget it." She grabbed a rope from the ground and threw it to the ship crow (The sailor standing as watch atop the central pillar)

"Well, he\'s about to come. You better behave while he is here." Jack growled, all of his sailors have seen Cain go crazy at the aboleth, and have seen the forces he can call when trying to find jack.

"The white-haired one, I admit that he is dangerous. But nothing can boast over the uncanny depth of the sea." Charlotte looked at the waves, the sun reflecting on them with a beautiful glitter that hide an endless dark depth.

The two kept getting ready till an hour has passed. ZON! ZON! ZON! A blue portal appeared and Cain walked out, followed By Sofia, Selena, Alice, Gracie, Marina, Mary, Hati, Farryn, Zaleria, Isbert, and her sister Sarah, Nemmoxon flew from the water in the distance as she sensed Zaleria and Sofia. Chad and Ariel also walked in behind and took a deep breath of the salty air.

"This place is sure better than hell!" Ariel said with a smile. Charlotte glared at her, "You\'re comparing to hell…"

Cain looked for Jack, "Let\'s sail as soon as possible."

"How about the king? He will come to say goodbye and send us out." Jack replied with a puzzled face.

Charlotte was next to speak, swinging her arm across the air. "Men, drop the sails. We\'re setting out immediately!" She then stared at Jack and snorted. "Want to wait for Baltos? It will only make our troubles."

"She is right, Baltos can\'t support pirates as they are still considered criminals. It\'s better to leave like this. But don\'t worry, I notified him just a few minutes ago and he said to not worry about the marine in his waters." Cain replied with a smile, stepping on the rail. THUD! He leaped away, flying to the crow\'s nest on top of the tallest mast.

The sailor keeping watch got surprised and almost fell, Cain saving him with telekinesis. "Sir, the wind is unfavorable, Umberlee doesn\'t seem to be in a good mood." The crow replied looking down where he almost fell.

"Umberlee? Just drop the sails, she has nothing over us." Cain said with a smile, his eyes glowing blue [Control weather]

A strong gust of wind blew, GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! The ship groaned like an orc struggling to take a shit, almost making Cain worry about the integrity of the wood.

"Is this a normal sound?" Cain asked and the sailor nodded, "It is, well, the wind might be a bit too strong…"

"I see, I will drop it a bit." Cain then kept reducing the power of the wind until the sailor told him it was fine.

Sofia looked into the vast sea, seeing Nemmoxon swim in the distance made her a bit curious. "Grandma, can we swim like that?"

"We can learn, but our lungs can\'t process water like hers," Zaleria replied remembering how they fought underwater before.

"Well then, I will go for a swim!" Sofia immediately jumped off the ship and onto the water. SPLAT! The moment she fell into the water, some sailors almost freaked out. To have someone fall off the ship this early.

Sofia swung her arms but she kept drowning, she had no skills in swimming. But she didn\'t panic, with her lungs and her power, she can probably drown on the ocean floor and jump up easily.

She slowly gathered magic on her feet [Burning feet], channeling a wave of heat to evaporate the water rapidly. PSWOSH! The pressure generated repelled her forward at a decent speed.

On the ship they only saw a faint red flash from the sea and then she leaped up into the sky with a jet of flames beneath her feet. She quickly flew back to the water and out, "This is a bit fun, it\'s hard to control the flames underwater but it\'s possible."

Zaleria smiled, "We shall conquer the sea!" She leaped into the water mimicking Sofia.

Nemmoxon approached them, "Please don\'t. It will be terrifying to see seaborn red dragons." She sighed, "Also, you\'re scaring the fishes. Please swim normally or return to the deck."

"Why should I care about the fish?" Zaleria growled.


"I understand." Zaleria and Sofia immediately exited the water.

Cain laughed from atop the crow nest. "We have a lot of food stored, I can dive deep to hunt as well so you don\'t have to worry." He then stared down at the beak, Selena was sitting there staring forward as if keeping watch. He know she wanted to take a swing but hated the salty water sticking to her hair.

Thud! Cain leaped down to the quarter deck and landed with a gust of winds. "It\'s time to build two homes." He lifted his staff up and smiled.

Charlotte stared at him, "Build what on what and with what?"

"A house, we need a bath and decent beds. It\'s my responsibility to make sure the girls find something pleasant." He replied with a smile.

"In the sea? A hemp bed is the best they can ask for." Charlotte shook her head.

Clap! Cain clapped his hand as the staff started flying around his body. He slowly levitated. A blue flash rushed from his hands as he got the spell ready, [Lisworth\'s magnificent mansion] He bound a door to the ship, labeling it the Lisworth\'s quarter.

Charlotte wasn\'t that versed in magic but she could tell, whatever he cast wasn\'t a simple spell. Had they been fighting, she will have retreated upon sensing so much magic moving.

Alice walked toward him, "Already linked it?"

"Yes, but since there is one mansion we have to share it with father and Ariel. I did as the servants (Ghosts) to separate into two halves." Cain smiled, "This will have to do until I got time to build a whole mansion, which usually takes a year."

"A whole year? Are you building by hand?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"Of course, Or I can buy one and then stuff it into the magic. All of those building spells need to consume a building in question."

"What about the one in hell?"

"That is the same building, but the alternative version existing in hell. It\'s a bit hard to explain in detail." Cain opened the door and went in.

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