
Chapter 21

-Melody Lee-


Lise left her breakfast untouched and sat beside the bed, hugging her legs close to her chest. The cold tiles beneath her bit into her skin, but she didn’t care. She felt like she was dying, her lower body ached so bad that she had to grit her teeth tightly.

Though the medicines she took helped to ease the pain a little, they didn’t have any use in terms of giving a shred of comfort over what she felt.

Even Lise’s breath was shallow.

The doctor had checked on her, Gael must be the one who had called him to see her condition, and it was an embarrassing moment when he said that she shouldn’t be engaged in sexual activities for at least a week.


She wanted to laugh in depression when she got that advice.

And now her own mind shut her out. The only thing that gave her comfort was the fact that she was alone. No one would bother her or touch her, until Gael appeared again.

Yet, her solitude was broken by the ringing of her phone somewhere. She didn’t know where her bag was, since Gael took her away from the night club in the blink of an eye, after killing his two business partners.

He was insane, there was nothing he wouldn’t do... at this point, Lise was sure about that.

The phone kept ringing until the silence returned, but it didn’t take that long before it rang again. This happened four times before Lise decided to stand up and moved her limp body toward the source of the noise.

Lise found her bag on the couch, it seemed someone had put it there, or maybe Gael himself... that did not matter, she needed to find that phone and see who was so eager to talk to her.

Once her phone was in her grasp, Lise could see a number she was very familiar with. She didn’t save his name, but she remembered his number by heart, because that was the only place that was safe for Lise to remember him.


His voice sent shivers down her spine, as she could feel her tears falling on her cheeks again.

“Lise, are you okay?” he asked, with concern evident in his voice. “I know you are not, tell me where you are, I will come to pick you up.”

Lise didn’t speak, she gritted her teeth, feeling the pain rushing through her veins once again.

“I am worried about you, where are you? Please, tell me where you are, I need to see you.”

Lise couldn’t tell him where she was and reveal that Sol even existed, or else, Gael would hunt him down and do what he had done to the two men from last night. He was not human, in literal sense. He was a devil...

She shouldn’t have picked up this phone call. She must have ignored this, but she missed his voice and the way he worried about her... It was so comforting to know that someone was genuinely worried about you, that he would never hurt you the way the other person had destroyed you.


“I didn’t expect, a mere girl is able to control you,” Knox snickered, his dark blue eyes ablaze, as he glared at him condescendingly. “Do you think you can overpower me?”

Gael tilted his head, glanced briefly at the fire that he set on the aircraft, which in time would turn into meaningless rubbles.

With the fire as the background to Knox, he looked dangerous, devilish and deadly, yet Gael didn’t feel an ounce of fear. If there was anything, he only yearned to bring him down to his knees.

“She is not a mere girl. She is my girl.” Gael emphasized the last words, claiming what belonged to him. “True, I can’t overpower you,” he chuckled mockingly. “You are part of Chaos.”

Gael walked toward the dead body and nudged it with the tip of his shining shoe.

“But, I assure you that you will not like what a desperate person is able to do.” Gael then walked toward Knox, standing closely to him. “Moreover, aren’t you the same as me? Falling in love with a mortal?” he mocked him. “Chaos will like this story more.”

“Chaos just obliterated the Red Moon pack,” Knox said calmly.

Shock flashed in Gael’s eyes. “Shit,” he cursed under his breath.


Chaos took Blue to the gates of a city, but they didn’t walk past them to get inside, as Chaos simply teleported both of them behind the city gates and in the blink of an eye, they were already in the midst of a bustling street, with people coming and going, clutching their cloaks around their bodies while tightening their shawls, fighting against the cold wind.

“Where are we?” Blue asked, she saw a car drive past them and then a man riding his bicycle with a big backpack on his back.

However, Chaos didn’t answer that question and walked forward along the pavement, drawing attention from women around. They would look at him twice and then giggle at each other, while their faces turned red with their eyes full of curiosity and adoration.

Blue witnessed their strange behavior and lifted her head to see Chaos’ reaction, but this man didn’t give any response, as if he didn’t see it, or maybe he simply didn’t care.

Blue hastened her pace to match his. As she panted heavily, her breath turned into white soft smoke.

“I am tired,” Blue whined, but Chaos ignored her. “Chaos, I am tired.” She tugged at Chaos’s jacket, so he would stop, but when he didn’t, she tugged harder until he stopped. “I am tired.”

“Do you smell it?” he asked her instead.

Blue knew what he was asking for. “My nose is frozen.” She scrunched her nose, upset.



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