
Chapter 400 Calculated Flames!

In the wake of intricate operations such as these...

Qiu Yang found himself momentarily bewildered, a breathless pause that gave way to swift comprehension. His gaze bore an expression of respectful admiration as he addressed his superior, Liu Yong, his voice infused with genuine awe, "Boss, that was a masterful maneuver you just orchestrated!"

His admiration was palpable, an unspoken acknowledgment of a genius strategy at play.

Recently, the Global Shipping Group orchestrated a press conference of tremendous consequence, openly proclaiming their intent to exact a heavy toll upon the naval forces of country E.

Yet, the devastation was wrought in the face of a massive conflagration that ravaged their primary naval hub. Dozens of maritime vessels, ranging from colossal warships to inconspicuous submarines, perished amidst the searing inferno.

Could this be mere coincidence, a twist of fate\'s whimsy?

Or was it inextricably linked to the machinations of the enigmatic Global Shipping Group?

In the crucible of this pivotal moment, the Global Shipping Group, in a remarkable publicity act, disseminated an official declaration through its web portal, asserting vehemently that the conflagration bore no nexus to their operations.

An intriguing narrative began to unfold, a tale woven from contradictory threads.

They who claimed involvement now declared innocence, while those who protested innocence suggested an uncanny correlation between the conflagration and the Group\'s proclamation.

Qiu Yang\'s countenance was alight with satisfaction as he departed from Liu Yong\'s office. In less than half an hour, the Global Shipping Group had artfully crafted an official announcement, disseminating it across their website and social media channels.


Amidst this evolving narrative, one figure stood out: Shi Feng, an ardent admirer of the Global Shipping Group, nurturing dreams of someday joining its ranks. A routine glance at his phone brought him face to face with a revelation that set his pulse racing.

"What\'s this?" Shi Feng\'s exclamation reverberated through the expansive office, capturing the attention of his colleagues. The announcement on the official account of the Group had ensnared his curiosity, its content an irresistible blend of sympathy for the blazing catastrophe at country E\'s paramount naval port and an unequivocal repudiation of culpability.

Chuckling enthusiastically, Shi Feng proclaimed to his peers, "Have you all heard? Fask Harbor, the colossal naval bastion of country E, has fallen prey to an inferno, consuming a fleet of warships. Any of you aware of this development?"

His voice carried through the room, every word a beacon to the ears of those within earshot.

"I wasn\'t aware; I\'ll check online for news," one colleague responded.

"This fire\'s blaze, it\'s almost poetic justice!" chimed another with delight.

"Truly a spectacle, a blaze to remember!" a third voice resonated.

Laughter and commentary erupted, a chorus of shared amusement. Country E had positioned itself as a relentless adversary on the global stage, and the fire had become a cathartic release of collective satisfaction.

Interrupting the camaraderie, another colleague interjected, "Remember, just yesterday, the Global Shipping Group unveiled their grand plans, vowing a punitive blow to country E\'s navy. Could this fire be their doing?"

"Ah, we hope it\'s their handiwork, though their capability might fall short," someone else quipped.

"Absolutely, it\'s hardly been any time. Pulling off something of this scale so swiftly would be truly remarkable."

Sensing their interest, Shi Feng took the plunge, revealing a tidbit he had just gleaned, "For those following the Group\'s official account, there\'s a captivating announcement—clearly stating the fire is not their doing."

A collective gasp ensued.

"Another announcement?" The room buzzed with disbelief, prompting the immediate online search of those not yet in the loop.

"Unbelievable, this really exists!"

"The masterstroke behind this, it eludes me."

"My theory? They\'re obstructing country E\'s naval prowess."

"What a spectacle, a feat of strategic brilliance!"

The contagion of dialogue spread throughout the office, each member contributing to a lively symposium of speculation.

Yet, the enthusiasm wasn\'t confined to these four walls. The resonance of the Global Shipping Group\'s actions reverberated far and wide.

Just a day ago, the Group\'s press conference had dominated headlines. Now, their latest move had captivated the discourse of the masses. Within a span of mere hours, the blazing spectacle at country E\'s naval hub and the Group\'s proclamation had ascended to the zenith of global chatter.

As conversation rippled across nations, a pivotal question emerged: Was this fiery catastrophe tied to the elusive Global Shipping Group?

For citizens of the realm of Yan, the fervent hope persisted that the Group\'s fingerprints adorned the flames. Yet, reason tempered these aspirations; the logistics of orchestrating such an event in the span of mere hours were practically inconceivable.

The Global Shipping Group\'s actions bore the hallmarks of grand theatre, a web of intricate plots and motives. The fire\'s origins remained uncertain, leaving room for speculation to flourish...

At Fask Naval Port, the blaze had been quelled, leaving a desolation scene behind. Amidst the ruins, Matthew Ryan, a high-ranking naval officer, stood solemnly, his countenance etched with ire.

Assigned to unearthing the truth behind the conflagration, Ryan surveyed his surroundings, a motley crew of officers in tow. One officer stepped forward, delivering unsettling news, "Your Excellency, our divers have discovered submerged breaches on nearly every vessel. Enormous, circular apertures mar their hulls."

Handing over photographic evidence, the officer awaited Ryan\'s response.

A brooding silence hung in the air before Ryan broke it, seeking counsel from his team, "Gentlemen, what do you deduce from this?"

Their conjectures ebbed and flowed, weaving a tapestry of hypotheses.

"It is my belief that these holes are the crux of the matter. Leaks from our supply ships, combined with the release of diesel fuel into the water, instigated the blaze."

"Indeed," concurred another officer. "Evidence supports this assertion. Multiple warships suffered fuel leaks, igniting the all-encompassing conflagration."

Ryan nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on his team. "But how did these gaping fissures come to be? What could possibly puncture through such formidable vessels?"

An expectant hush enveloped the assembly, a tableau of contemplation and uncertainty.

The riddle remained unresolved, an enigma of unparalleled proportions.

No one dared advance a theory, each grappling with the profound mystery—of how these breaches emerge.

A palpable disillusionment clouded the air, Ryan\'s discontent simmering as his thoughts betrayed him: a consortium of ineptitude.

An officer, however, strode forward with clandestine tidings, whispering a revelation into Ryan\'s ear. An abrupt metamorphosis gripped Ryan\'s features, a mixture of astonishment and dismay.

And so, the curtain fell on a scene brimming with intrigue, foreshadowing the chapters yet to unfold...

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