
Chapter 113 The World That They See (End)

"Their audacity peaked and also went down drastically two years ago. It was when they asked the help of some corrupted Heroes to kill me, but ended up falling due to Eliseus\' intervention."

In terms of heart purity, the Dark Elf\'s is not as pure as the Light Elf\'s. They can think of harming their kin due to their greediness—just like how humans behave in general.

Their involvement with Dark Magic is the reason why they are no longer as pure as they used to. Practicing Dark Magic, which has been ingrained in their blood, weakens their connection with nature.

They no longer can maintain a clear mind forever, unlike Light Elves, and because of that, they can do things that Light Elves abhor. For example, envying the others for what they have—just like humans.

"Ever since then, they cease their direct attempt to harm me..." Haletha sighs lightly. "Still, they keep trying their best to remove me sneakily. I was afraid Envenaddle Family\'s lineage would end with me, which was why I decided to have a daughter."

While listening to Haletha\'s story, I am also talking to Luxia. She thought I had been intentionally ignoring her for not talking to her, so she asked me to have a conversation with her.

Thinking that I would get nothing out of it, I was surprised by her knowledge. I learn many things from her about Dark Elves, so talking with her is really rewarding; I regret I forgot the fact that she has lived in this world for a long time.

About Dark Elves, I now find the reason why there is no King in Envenaddle Family, why Haletha doesn\'t have a husband despite having a daughter, and why she also said she is the father and the mother of her daughter.

No, it isn\'t because she was impregnated by an irresponsible bastard; it is the weird nature of the Elven Race. At one point in their life, female Elves are hermaphrodite. In other words, they are female and male at the same time.

They can choose what gender they prefer more when they find their soulmate, and most of the time, the female Elves decide to be a female and forfeit their manhood. I know, this is as fascinating as it is... Peculiar.

The reason why Haletha got Arieda was, she, being a former hermaphrodite, impregnated herself. She likely did this because she didn\'t meet someone who tingled her heart, but needed to have an offspring to continue her lineage.

In other words, the reason why she chose to be a female was to be able to bear Arieda. I don\'t know in details how this exactly happens—no one but Dark Elves know—but I think it is better to not know it.

I will just think she just did something that some species of whiptail lizards do—parthenogenesis, but with magic.

"Oh, no. I have ruined the mood, haven\'t I?" Haletha says regretfully. "I am sorry to talk about such a boring thing. You can forget everything and enjoy the meal."

"It is fascinating to me how similar Dark Elves to humans in general is," I remark, waving off Haletha\'s apology. "I have been enlightened, so there is no reason for you to feel sorry. Besides, I was the one who brought the topic up."

"Indeed, that has been fascinating," Eliseus backs me up. "There are very few of us, Cursed Creations, that are curious about the other races, so we don\'t know much about the other races. Listening to your story is insightful."

I look at Vibiane to wait for her comment, but she doesn\'t have any. The only cell in her brain can\'t come up with a good thing to say, so I motion her to stay quiet to prevent her from saying something stupid.

Haletha may have been already tired of all of the farces she has endured for years. She has been in need of someone who is willing to hear her complaints, so seeing that we are willing to hear her out, she becomes loose mouthed.

She has let some of her frustration off, and in return for listening to her complaints, we got a very useful information regarding Lysimork\'s affair. As a future Demon King, I will be able to use the information to my advantage.

This is why none of us—at least, Eliseus and I—looks bored. We fully listen to whatever she says, because we don\'t want to miss even a tiny bit of information.

I am sure Vibiane doesn\'t understand about this simple thing, and that makes me wonder how well she has been doing in the military.

"I thank you for your understanding," Haletha says sincerely. "Very well, now, let us finish our meal. I actually have something to give you as a token of gratitude later."

"That is unnecessary," Eliseus and I collectively say. We mean it, really.

Our relationship with Haletha will be more special if we don\'t receive any reward for what we have done; that way, she will feel more indebted to us. Besides, the information and the meal is already rewarding enough.

"I insist. This is a part of the Dark Elf culture—we can\'t receive anything for free."

"... We will gladly receive it then." Sighing, we eventually nod out head.

The conversation stops afterward; no one talks to each other as everyone is busy finishing their food. This way, the meal ends.


After finishing our meal, Haletha invites us to come to her garden. She says it will take time to take out her token of gratitude that she will give us, so we will spend our time in the garden for the time being.

Unlike any other gardens, most gardens in Lysimork are above the ground. They are made around the massive tree trunks, supported by the strong branches of the tree.

The garden we are visiting is no different, so we have to climb the stairway, which is basically a trunk that is cut to look like one, to get to it. There are many things to see while climbing the stairway—mostly greenery—so it is not boring at all.

"There should be an Essence Peach that has ripened in the garden," Haletha offhandedly says as she turns to me. "You can give that to your little friend, so she can grow faster."

"My little friend? Oh..."

"Essence Peach?! There is the legendary Essence Peach here?!"

I am surprised by the fact that Haletha can detect Luxia even though no one from my troop can detect her, but I am even more surprised by Vibiane\'s sudden exclamation.

She is excited—I get it—but the way she expresses herself is too much. I mean, it is just a fruit—why does she have to react that way?

"You can only eat one of those once a hundred years. It is hard to cultivate it, but the Nature Essence it contains is enough reason to cultivate it. I haven\'t eaten one myself, but people say it could make an old human young again!"

After hearing that though, my mind changed.

\'I want it! Don\'t let that stupid Monster girl get it!\'

I nod my head simply at Luxia\'s exclamation, because I fully agree with her. It is better to feed the peach to her than to Vibiane; obviously, feeding it to Luxia is more beneficial to me.

Luxia has been proven to be more helpful than Vibiane has ever been to me. In fact, instead of acting like a proper, experienced senior, Vibiane has been acting like she can\'t do anything without my help.

She only knows many things about fruits. Other than that, she sucks at everything.

"Here we are, everyone!" Arieda exclaims when she reaches the last step of the stair. "This is the garden that I make myself. What do you think of it?"

Making a garden at such a young age is awesome—I am confident I can\'t do it—but considering how small those hands of hers are, I am slightly sceptical about how awesome the garden will be.

"Hoh? This is indeed... Impressive."

By the time I set foot in the garden though, I immediately figure the reason why Arieda is so proud of herself. Once again, she reminds me that her child like body has nothing to do with how old she is and what she is capable of.

Looking around the garden, I find countless of kinds of flowers and vegetations decorating it. All of them are organized orderly, making it pleasant to look at.

When I take a deep breath, I feel like the calming scent in the air cleanse my lungs from any impurities. The air is rich in Nature Energy; in short, it is very calming spending your time here.

"Ah, look at that." Haletha points to a three that is as tall as I am at the corner of the garden. It is directly under the light that the tree branch above it is exuding. "That is the Essence Peach."

As soon as I hear that, utilizing my Footwork Skill, which is basically just me running with Magic, I dash at the tree at the same time Vibiane does. I reach the tree first, of course, but something other than the Essence Peach catches my attention instead.

I can see the entirety of Lysimork and the surrounding area through the window in front of me. Surrounded by the darkness of Amizanima Forest, it is the brightest place in the forest.

It is the most beautiful part, yet looks isolated. I feel like Lysimork is built here intentionally for this reason: it represents how Dark Elves see the world.

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