
Chapter 105

Chapter 105

’I hate to admit it, but I did not expect this to happen. Especially when I never saw a guard in the palace,’ Zach thought to himself.

There were hundreds of guards, and they had surrounded Zach, Aurora, and Aria from all sides. All the guards were carrying a spear that had the tip of the golden gem.

The guards were in their human form, but they didn’t have legs. Instead, they had a pointy tail that was glowing from the tip.

’They somewhat remind me of scorpions,’ Zach chuckled.

Aurora and Aria stared at him in disbelief after seeing Zach laugh in such a dire situation.

Aquitius, the sixth, furrowed his brows and said, "My little brother sent you in his favorite carriage. That was the message that you are an important person. Even though I have a higher army than him, I don’t want to anger him. He is not only the sea king, but he is a sea god too."

"I am furious right now, but I can’t do anything to you. So take your concubines and leave!" he said in a loud voice.

After hearing that, Aurora and Aria yelled, "We are not his concubines!"

Even though they said the same thing, their feelings were different.

Aurora was embarrassed after hearing that, and her face flushed when she said that. While Aria was angry after hearing that. And her face twitched when she said that.

"Oh... I apologize for the misunderstanding," the sixth apologized. "But if you are with him, then you must leave too."

"Daddy!" a girl’s voice rang in the hall.

Everyone’s attention was diverted to the voice after hearing that. They saw a beautiful blue-haired maiden standing at the entrance of the hall.

"What are you doing here, Aquarius?" the sixth asked in a calm voice.

It was none other than the sixth’s daughter, and her beauty certainly defined her as a princess. She had blue hair and blue eyes, and she was a mermaid.

Aurora frowned her face when she noticed Zach was looking at her. So she puffed her cheeks and pulled Zach’s sleeve. She nudged him and hugged his arms to get Zach’s attention.

"So there is an event in the evening, right?" Aquarius asked.

"Yes, indeed," the sixth nodded.

Aquarius showed him a couple of dresses and asked with a cheerful smile on her face: "Which one do you think looks better on me?"

"I am doing something important, so go ask your mother," the sixth replied.

"But mama told me to ask you!" she groaned.

"You look beautiful in everything you wear, my princess, "the sixth responded in a hurry.

Aquarius puffed her cheeks and yelled, "You are an idiot! I hate you, daddy!"

After saying that, Aquarius ran away, leaving the hall dead silent.

The sixth turned to Zach and said, "I apologize for causing a scene."

"Don’t worry about it. I can know how you feel," Zach replied with a sigh.

Watching Aquitius and Aquarius reminded Zach of his little sister Zoe, who also acted like that every time she wore clothes.

"Now, please leave."

"I think there has been some kind of misunderstanding," Zach asserted. "The fifth told us that Rilu was his wife and you had kidnapped her. But after seeing your daughter, I am certain that’s not the case."

"That son of a—!" the sixth cursed the fifth and raised his hands.

The guards lowered their spears and left.

"I apologize for such a trivial misunderstanding. I should have known better," the sixth said with a sigh. "And please, don’t call my wife by her name. She is the Queen."

"I understand," Zach nodded.

’Now, the sixth seems to be the most mature out of the three brothers. And he doesn’t have an ego like a king. He even apologized to me even though he wasn’t at fault for the misunderstanding.’

"You all can stay at my palace. And as an apology, I will give you the best room in the palace," the sixth asserted. "Follow me.

He took them to a big room with a pool, a grand-sized bed, a magnificent chandelier on the ceiling, and a soft, furry carpet on the floor.

There were no open windows in the room as it was underwater, but there was a huge glass window which was actually a side of the wall. The window was transparent, and they could see the beautiful scenery underwater. Not only that, but half of the ceiling was also transparent.

"It’s so beautiful~!" Aurora awed in amazement.

"More beautiful than your palace?" Zach asked with a grin on his face.

Aurora puckered her lips and said, "Of course not."

"Do you like this room?" the sixth asked in a calm voice.

Zach raised his brows with a curious look on his face and asked, "Can I ask why we are getting special treatment?"

"Because of my brother and as a token of my apology...?" the sixth replied with a slightly confused look on his face.

"I meant to ask, why are we getting special treatment from your brother?" Zach rephrased his question.

"Oh!" the sixth exclaimed and said, "How would I know that? I can never understand what goes in his mind."

"However, I think it’s because he likes you," the sixth added. "Did you do something for him that could have made him happy?"

"Uhh...well... I nearly slashed his neck..." Zach replied with an awkward smile on his face.

"What in the... how in the world are you still alive?!" he asked with a baffled expression on his face.

"No one in the realms of the sea, men, women, land, sky, and even Netherrealm, dares to look him in the eyes, and you are saying that you are still in one piece after nearly slashing his neck?"

Zach forced a smile and nodded.

"Do you know why no one dares to look him in the eyes?" the sixth asked.


"Because the moment someone looks him in the eyes, they incinerate into ashes," he asserted.


Total players in the game 403826.

0 new players logged in.

43 players died.


Author’s Note- Bla bla bla

Thanks, @UniversalGoat, and @devlincross, for the gifts.

@devilincross, your name will be used as a character/NPC in the upcoming chapters!

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