
Chapter 118 118. Amy's Hatred.


Kevin\'s eyes widened with shock. Although he knew a bit about Amy\'s family history, he still didn\'t know the details. That was why, the story caught him by surprise.

Amy continued. "Unbeknownst to the maids in the kitchen, I was hungry at the time which was why I went there, and I couldn\'t stop myself from listening to what they were whispering about to the very end"

"The mansion originally belonged to my mom and Dad before they died, but the maids working in the house at the time noticed a few things that they weren\'t supposed to."

"Brian had a huge crush on my mom and although she loved my dad more, he didn\'t give up on being with her."

"My mom became a full housewife after giving birth to me so that she could focus more on taking care of me. I was two years old at the time."

"Whenever my dad left the house, Brian would come to our home uninvited and would sometimes dress like my dad, even to the point of having the same haircut as him, just so he could fool her into thinking he was her husband."

"It\'s because Brian and my Dad are twins, so he thought his plan would work, but he was never able to fool her despite everything."

Amy\'s mother had warned him to stop what he was doing. At first, he claimed that it was all a joke, but each time Brian realized he couldn\'t fool her, his acts became more daring.

Amy\'s mom initially thought he would abandon his love for her once Brian noticed that she didn\'t share the same feelings for him as he did her.

But she was hugely mistaken.

Brian started visiting Amy\'s mom more frequently. At first, it was once a week, but soon it became three times a week and he became rough towards her.

Amy\'s mom wanted to inform her husband of what was going on, but she didn\'t want to see a situation where both brothers would end up fighting, with one killing the other.

Reporting him to the cops wasn\'t an option either because she knew Brian knew people who were high up in the city\'s police force.

People with wealth and influence like Brian Stark couldn\'t be arrested due to the increasing rate of bribery and corruption that was slowly eating at the hearts of the masses.

A few months later, Amy\'s mom couldn\'t handle it anymore, she was pregnant and she knew who the baby belonged to.

She knew that if she continued to keep it a secret from her husband, it would be disastrous.

And so, she told Brian to stop visiting her and that she was pregnant, thinking that he would be too scared to take responsibility and would abandon her instead.

If that happened, she could come up with a way to make her husband believe that the child was his and they would resume their lives as though nothing ever came between them.

But Brian was adamant about raising her unborn child as his. He wanted them to leave the city together and raise the child as their own, away from his twin brother.

But Amy\'s mom didn\'t share the same dream as him and she noticed his expression becoming grimmer as a hint of maliciousness was hidden deep within him.

Brian was determined to end his twin brother so he could finally be with her forever.

Amy\'s mom realized that there was no way to convince Brian anymore. His mind was too twisted and he was ready to do anything to make sure that they ended up together.

And so, she told him not to worry.

She told Brian that his brother would be traveling to Diamond City for a business trip in a few weeks and once he was gone, she would leave the town forever with Brian, Amy and their unborn child.

This made Brian Stark really happy, he couldn\'t wait to see his brother leave the city so he stopped visiting her for a while, so he could get everything ready for when he and Amy\'s mom would leave the city together.

But Amy\'s mom saw this as her opportunity to be free from Brian. So she begged her husband to let them leave the city together with Amy, who was still a baby, and that she would explain her reasons once they successfully found a safe place to live, as long as it wasn\'t the city they currently lived in.

However, she warned her husband not to say anything to his brother.

At first, her husband was reluctant to agree to it, but after seeing how determined his wife was to leave the city while urging him not to say a word to his brother, Amy\'s father knew that something was going on between his brother and his wife.

But he didn\'t force her to spill the beans, instead, he respected his wife\'s wishes and carried out his task discreetly and swiftly, while hoping to get a good explanation once everything settled down.

After all, this was his brother they were talking about, he had always been able to handle Brian since he was the younger of the two twins.

But what Amy\'s father failed to understand was that Brian Stark had completely changed from the brother he once knew and loved.

Now, to Brian, his brother was an obstacle in his plans, a weed he had to uproot, a sacrifice he had to make for the greater good of being with his beloved till the end of time.

And what better way to solve his problem than to end his brother?

There was no way his brother would willingly give his wife up to him and Brian knew that if his brother returned from the business trip Amy\'s mother told him about, Amy\'s Dad would do whatever it took to find his wife.

And Brian Stark couldn\'t let that happen.

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