
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Just a few days from the ball….

Also in the territory of the frontier, the advertisement of the second Prince was carried out everywhere, and the report announced that there was no bride’s counterpart.

Since we were ordered to stay as a parent and child, we were living a recluded life at our mansion.

Wrinkles are growing on my father ‘s face and his hair are falling. That said, I was sad to lose my garden work that I was immersed before.

When there will be the weeding, I’ll recollect the hat with from my room.

Everytime I take a break on the bench, I am worried about the other guests.

When I have I present him some herbs, he unconsciously chooses his favorite herb.

In the time of tea, my father is concerned about whether the cookie turns red before it gets cold.

The time I was in the royal palace was less than a month ago, but the time I spent with my Highness and Peko was so enjoyable. Even if you push it into the bottom of your memory to try to forget, it will back with force.

It was when I counted a week that the solitary life ended.

The sunset came close, and the messenger from the royal palace came.

It seems that punishment from your Majesty is clearly told, the messenger is said to be just the harbinger. I looked at my father’s face, and when I talked eye-to-eye with someone, I get panicked since they give me an answer.

“Lady! Anessa! They are coming!!!” told one of my maids

“What’s going on? The messenger came right now!”

“Even if you say so, take a look out of the window! The carriage is already stopping in front of the gate!”

From the side window where I ran immediately I saw what he was talking about, in front of the gate. A wonderful horse carriage door opens even with golden and white decorations, and coming out from the door there were polished leather shoes, going on the prepared stepboard.

It was His Highness …!

“It seems that there is something you want to say directly, that you are going out yourself.”

I can not escape any more.

I was hungry and I came to pick up my father to meet His Highness.

Under the setting sun the gold hair was red shining bright. It seems that I was a little late as the adult ‘s ceremony was busy. The cheeks are sharply scraped and the childhood is missing already. The shadow of the eyes is due to fatigue or because of the dusk? His Highness Prince Itaka was stroking his hair behind: it looked like a grown-up young man.

I can not see him fairly speaking with my father, I had to lower my line of sight. A golden head of pure gold with shining eyes like diamonds with a white formal dress. Sword in his belt that was elaborately embroidered with a shoulder strap. A sword inlaid with jewels that strikes the eyes. Although it is a decorative sword, will it be effective if used in combat?

My father guided the Prince to the mansion while talking.

When the grandma who sat down on the sofa in the lounge was in front of us, we were confused as to whether it would be good to sit next to her, but the High Priest urged us to sit on the opposite sofa.

When tea was brought to us, his Highness ordered us too meet with him and his knight.

“I’m sorry I had to visit this kind of remote neighborhood right now, luckily I’ll return immediately return to the royal palace without esitation” said the Prince, “It was fun to watch the outskirts of the Kingdom, because the affection I have for Baron Dalton, I wanted to see your territory once again.”

“Did you visit my territory? Shamefully, there are not any rare items such as special products.”

“Nature is valuable, because cities and towns and citizens have more damage due to demons than small villages. The reconstruction of the whole of Lionia is still far, but the people are vibrant here. Don’t you agree that us human are really strong willed?”

“Y-yes, you are right… I pray everyday for my people, I prayed also for your travel, for you to find a good place to visit… But I was also waiting in fear your judgment”

“That is true, Your Majesty decided your treatment”

My father was holding his breath. Royal punishments can not be goos, they are usually harsh.

Was he informed directly by His Majesty? … … Looking at our pale faces, he smiled a bit.

“Baron, Your Majesty is well aware of your loyalty and skill, so we took a decision about this matter… We will confiscate half of your properties!”

“I think you know I have a miserable property, there is nothing in my house at all, I will show you a catalog anyway, but I’m sure you will not be satisfied at all!” It seemed strange, but my father was looking a bit relieved… Did he tought the punishment could be even worse?

“Of course, I will look at the catalog, but half of the offering is a good decision… Your Majesty’s words are absolute – did you understand?”

I understood after why my father was relieved. Usually even if you devote half the property of the poor aristocracy, you can not buy one royal pardon.

Even if you do not raise your annual salary or tax revenue, you can only cover it a little, so it’s Majesty was really clement. “The knight accompanying me to your territory told me not to publicize this case. Although I understood that it was a fierce decision and the selection of the bride has not been made yet, we cannot let poeple to get rebellious because they might fear poverty.”

My father was so impressed that he jumped out of the sofa and rubbed his forehead on the Prince’s shoes. I closely held my eyes and kneeled with my father in shame.

“Thank you very much! Thank you! Thank you!”

“Please raise your head, I just told your Majesty’s words,, please directly tell your Majesty if you would like to thank him”

While listening to the voice of His Highness I tought that our family had many problems since a long time and had been unable to raise his face for a long time….

There is no place like the Royal Palace near the frontiers.

It was inevitable to host his Highness, the Prince, at our residence, the house of lord Dalton.

It was the best we could offer him in our mansion, but it’s like offering a knight a stable boy’s room.

The chef was likely to faint with our poor dishes, but I’m sure he did all he could to get the best ingredients to make him a delicious dinner. Maids or servants were also ready for sure to prepare the mansion in a fuss with haste and precision. I hope everything was enough decent for His Highness.

As I was asked by the chef, I headed to the garden to collect fresh herbs, and in the twilight I went to maid and asked fresh linens for his Highness room. There is no feature such as keeping wrinkles on the sheets. Even poor aristocracy must handle personal things with care.

The bed smells moldy because it is not used? It was a long time since the sun didn’t enter the room. Eee, let’s throw in a perfume bag and hope it will get better! Is the candlestick scraped? You should turn your backwards! A stain on a carpet? Lay back the furniture and hide it! Is the vase unnatural in the middle of the floor? This is a trend on a remote side or in a frontier!

By the time I got the minimum decent appearance I was a exhausted. I would like my father to entertain the dinner, but I will not be forgiven if the Prince find his room not to his taste.

I returned to my room and chose a dress from the wardrobe. I have no fashionable dresses like Teresa. The plain brown dress was my favourite, because the dirt can’t be seen on it. I tied your hair and put on a light make up.

An unfortunate woman was looking at me from inside the mirror. Even though I have the same face, it is a fact that my personality is no bright like my sister …. With a bitter smile, I tought to an inexperienced woman I would have looked like exactly the same.

“Good…”, I directed to the palace as a bride candidate for a young and beautiful prince. I was so ashamed, my face was bright red.

I don’t like a single aspect of the royal life. I have not longing for a life in a castle. I did not want to have a connection with the upper aristocracy. It is all unnecessary to me but it’s necessary.

But, for some reason, I was saddened to think His Highness would have not liked me.

I never drank alchool, but this time I tasted it.

Even my father, whose anxiety over the last ten days was out of control due to his warm heart, seemed to have drank too much wine, and was a little waving even though he was in front of his highness. It is impossible to get of the fumes of the alchool in just a short time. My mother’s eyes are narrowed. There is probably going to be a proibition for alchool for the rest of my life in this house.

There were other drunkards other than my father. A barrel that is not even a bottle in front of Captain Jack. If the captain is a kore, he is also a knight who is a subordinate. I am switching from a glass to a mug. Whether you are tired of a long journey or not, the maid is turning around with wine and beer to the servants and the coworkers, and the cellar at our house has soon to be empty.

I gave up on the situation and gone away because of the drinking and singing dongchan noises.

I was relieved that I had not to talk directly with your Highness.

When I returned to the room, a bright moonlight was coming in from the window and I forgot to close the curtain.

The moon glitterly sits in Midairen, perfect for a night dreams… … It’s getting cold. I did not apologize directly to His Highness yet because I was a coward and I preferred to hide.

“Tomorrow they will return to the royal palace. I would like to find the courage by then” I tought.

I could not sleep in bed, but I slid our of the room secretly.

It is always when my heart is troubled that I go to my favorite garden.

I sat down on the bench and took out a small bookmarker from a sleepwear pocket. The paper has gone because I was keeping it away during confinement. While stretching the broken corner, I looked at the pressed flower of one side.

In the yard of the manor, I also grew a reel and bloom at the foot of the bench. Lilot with a blue small petal seems to deepen its blueness in the moonlight. A cool aroma arrives with the night wind.

“- Good evening Good evening, isn’t the moon beautiful?”

I was shocked and I could not look back.

The sound of stepping on the earth was getting close to me.

“You will get a cold in such light clothes.”

He put his jacket on my shoulder to warm me.

His highness, Itaku, sat next to me, and was dressed with black pants on a white shirt. I wonder if he changed his clothes back to his room. I thought that all the royal clothes were gold and silver embroidery, but there seemed to be simple clothes as well. Only Houjou ring was shining in his hands.

I never like the way they combed the Prince’s hair, but in the royal palace this hairstyle was trendy and always made me feel a little tense.

Is he here to lecture me again? Imagining the scourge of tomorrow is annoying. I was told to consoled, ”

“Heh, I saw someone heading to the garden, so I followed that figure…Why are you here in the late evening?”

Dark blue eyes were looking straight at me.

…… This is surely the opportunity the Mia God had given me to apologize to His Highness.

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