


Martha shivered under the watchful gazes. When she opened her mouth, nothing came out. She wasn't sure if she should reveal the whole plan. If she did, she had to face the consequences. On the other hand, this tiny commoner was nothing. She had no power. Even if Martha didn't say anything, nothing would harm her. Someone had her back.

Mu Lan warned her, "Time's up. Now, if you have anything else to say, say it in the interrogation room. We have a torture machine in a dark cell. My dogs will love torturing you." She showed her white teeth. She looked like the devil herself was enjoying her enemy getting tortured.

Mu Liang: "..."

Noel: "..."

Both men's eyes turned towards the girl who was smiling evilly. What torture machine? What dogs? They were living here for such a long time, but they never heard of it.

Mu Lan's act was so natural that Martha was losing her confidence. There was a doubt in her eyes. 'She is bluffing, isn't she? She cannot do anything to harm me. First young master would never let her hurt me. I'm aristocrat-'

"Noel, call the guards and let them take her away. I'm not patient enough to stay here all the time to see her face." Mu Lan said with a bored tone.

Martha looked at her in disbelief. "Y-you ca-cannot-"

She didn't finish speaking, Noel walked towards her and said, "Ms. Martha, please don't make my job harder and cooperate with me." His voice was mild and polite, but his tone carried a certain hostility.

Martha didn't know what to say. 'It's true... it's true that she is really the mistress of the household.' Martha heard the rumor of Mu Lan taking care of the Mu Household from the castle maids but she never cared about it. Now she felt like she was so stupid for not believing those rumors.

Noel called two guards to come inside and to take care of Martha. Right then she realized the whole situation. She understood that this Ms. Lan wasn't someone she could deal so easily. She made a mistake.

The moment those bodyguards approached her she said, "I will tell you! I will tell you! We have no interest in dealing with commoners. So we decided not to give you proper teaching. And so-"

Mu Lan calmly said, "And so you changed the books, wasted my precious time and took the money. Ms. Martha, are you tired of living? Don't you care about your reputation at all?"

Martha sneered. "What would happen to me if I harm the fallen family?"

Mu Lan raised an eye brow. "Fallen family?"

Martha insulted. "A commoner took the power of the Mu Family. It is nothing but a fallen family."

Mu Lan chuckled in a low tune. "Fallen family you say. Why don't I show you how ruined this family is?" She glanced at Noel. "Bring me the contract which was signed by Ms. Martha."

"Yes, Madam Mu." Noel politely said.

For some reason, Martha got chilling. She didn't like this carefree attitude of Mu Lan.

Noel gave Mu Lan the contract and she read it thoroughly before looking at Martha. She smiled sweetly, "Fallen family, you think you work under a fallen family. Still you signed the contract because of the large sum of money and gave a poor performance. Not only that, you even insulted your employer. Since you have such a low quality and took high amount of money, you deserve some punishment. We, Mu Family don't lack of money, so we won't force you to hand over the payment you got. However, we will breach the contract and Mu Family will make sure that Ms. Martha won't get fine quality jobs from now on. Since your agency can't use you in a good place, they will have to fire you, isn't that right? Do you think you will get any job in Europe anymore? Tsk, tsk. Ms. Martha, you should have acted rationally."

Mu Lan's voice was as sweet as honey. But her honey had hidden sharp knives. Noel and Mu Liang saw her cruelty for the first time. They were amazed by her performance.

On the other hand, Martha's face became deadly pale. She couldn't believe that it was happening. Right before her eyes, her resume and contract papers had been torn apart by Mu Lan. With that, all her career and future had been turnished. Just like that.

Mu Family rejected or neglected someone meant that person had no future in Europe even if they had strong backing.

Martha couldn't be saved either even though she had that person backing her. She kept depending on that person and believed that no matter how ruthless she was, that person could save her.

"Please take Ms. Martha out of our territory. We don't want her to be rotten in a fallen family, do we?" Mu Lan gently said as f she was treating a guest.

Martha trembled. "P-please..." her voice was so small that no one could heard her.

"What did you say Ms. Martha?" Mu Lan asked.

"P-p-please.... Don't do this...." Martha began to sob.

Mu Lan shrugged. "Ms. Martha, please don't act like we are bullying you. You brought this upon yourself. Didn't you say that we are fallen? Then why are you so scared? From now on, we have nothing to do with each other. Please take care of yourself. Noel, take our guest out. She had done her purpose."

"No... no please.... I beg you. I will do anything. I will tell you who your enemy is. I will tell you who is after you. Please don't do this to me...." Martha covered her face his her hands.

Mu Lan smiled. "But you already said who wanted to harm me. You women are so jealous of other's happiness. Your jealousy took you down. Now what will be next? Your wrath? I'm a simple girl who doesn't understand how rich people act. So please spare me from your enmity."

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