
Chapter 540 DO YOU LOVE HIM?

Chapter 540 DO YOU LOVE HIM?

"We didn't kill him. How did we stoop low?" Mu Feng asked. He didn't show it, but he was upset.

It happened in the past too. No matter how many times, Qi Ying always opposed to Mu Feng's work. But that's his job, he couldn't just burden his big brother. He couldn't leave like that.

But this pure heartened, simple minded, naive woman couldn't get it. He couldn't live without her. Again, he couldn't leave his family business like that.

Looking back and forth, Isaac's girlfriend smiled and said, "Ms. Qi, I heard that you have a flower garden. Can I see it? Let's go there together." She stood up and took Qi Ying's hand.

Qi Ying's heart was restless. So she agreed.

The girlfriend said before leaving, "Boys, enjoy your meeting."

The two girls went to the flower garden. Qi Ying didn't have any flower garden here. It was Jing Sheng's garden. The girls sat on the chairs and a maid served snacks and cold drinks.

The girlfriend sipped in the glass and glanced at Qi Ying. "Ms. Qi, why do you have such a long face?"

Qi Ying knew Mu Feng's occupation. She knew that he killed for living. But she didn't want him to be like that, he wanted him to live peacefully, no killing, no harming, no bad deeds.

Today's news made her very upset. A whole family had fallen down and the idea came from her man. Those who were bad, they would be punished by law, there was no need to dirty one's hand.

How could she make her beloved understand that?

Qi Ying answered, "I'm not upset. I just don't want him to do bad things."

The girl beside her smiled. "So you want to change him." She put the glass down.

Qi Ying shook her head. "I don't want to change him. I just don't want him to hurt others."

The girl understood her point. "So what you are saying that, he can get hurt and he can't strike back."

Qi Ying frowned. She stubbornly said, "There is a law for the people who are bad."

The girl burst into laughter. "Ahahaha..... bad people? Ms. Qi you are amazing. I mean, in this world, you are living in luxury of the man who is the King of the Underworld and you sure use the phrase 'bad people', 'law'. Ahahaa.... My stomach hurts."

After laughing so long, she caught her breathe and said, "I forgot to introduce myself. "I'm Sarah, Isaac's girlfriend."

Qi Ying said, "I know you. I saw your movies. You are an excellent actress."

Sarah chuckled. "Thank you for the praise. I have been acting for twenty three years. I have seen people who are the worst. Among all the worst people, I found Isaac. He is a powerful arms dealer and the first time I met him, he killed the director of the movie I was acting. Our first meeting was bloody."

Qi Ying's face turned pale. "Why didn't he kill you? You saw him killing a person."

Sarah gazed at her. "You aren't as naïve as you show it to others, Ms. Qi. Well, the director tried to harass me, and that's why Isaac killed him. This guy, he has some nerve. He confessed his love when the corpse was still warm."

Qi Ying curiously asked, "What did you do?"

"I fainted." Sarah lightly answered.

Qi Ying: "..." She was expecting this.

"After that, he would always come to find me. He is such a sweet guy. He always being red rose whenever he came and loves eating my food. He is a womanizer. He is always with two girls. He is so fierce towards his enemy. He kills people instantly." Sarah was looking at the garden. "And I came to know the real him. He is everything what people say around him. Ruthless, cold heartened, bloody killer etc. However, he was a sweet and pure soul which only belongs to me. And I accepted him for who he is. I'm not pure. I slept with directors and actors. But I have a pure heart too. And that only belongs to him.

Listening to Sarah, Qi Ying could relate Isaac with Mu Feng. But she had to admit that Mu Feng was far better.

Sarah looked at her. "Ms. Qi, I love my boyfriend for who he is. But it looks like, you love your boyfriend for his looks and properties."

Qi Ying was startled. "That's a lie! I love him." She couldn't imagine being without him. She already suffered a lot.

Sarah's eyes were filled with ridicule. "Love? What do you love about him?"

"I love him when he is so sweet and forgiving. He always cares about me. He loves me dearly and never let me get hurt." Qi Ying was proud of the Mu Feng who was so cool and handsome. He was a good guy towards her.

"So you only love him for his good points, not for bad points." Sarah sighed. She expected more from Qi Ying. "This isn't love, Ms. Qi. This is fantasy. This is what a fan feels for their celebrity or idol. Do you how a fan behave? As long as their idol is the most handsome, most loving, coolest, they will love and support the idol. They forget that an idol is a human, idols have flaws like normal human beings. The moment the idol make a simple mistake which isn't actually nothing to do with outsiders, the fans will curse or unfollow the idol. And you are exactly the same."

"Huh? How's that possible? I know he is doing bad things but I still stay with him." Qi Ying protested.

Sarah said, "Staying with him? You are burdening him with your idealism. You are making him unhappy. You think you are right and you are forcing him to think and act the same. You don't love him for who he is. You want to change him the way you are imaging your fantasy boyfriend. Buthe is just like you and your friends and family, he is a human with flaws. Did you think that way, or did you try to accept him that way?"

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