
Chapter 712 CALL PEDRO

Chapter 712 CALL PEDRO

[A/N: I couldn\'t inform before becasue when I thought that recovered, I was sent to the hospital. Everyone thought it was Dengue but the blood test showed the it was Typhoid. It was justt the first stage, so I only suffered from high fever and pain... and the rest is history..... I never thought I would miss my bed so much. I didn\'t use Webnovel these past few days thinking that you guys are scolding me for not giving you updates. I was really scared of that. Good to be back. Thank you very much for your prayers! ^_^]


Hua Lan couldn\'t sleep properly. She heard Carlo\'s voice and rustling sounds. He was groaning in a low tone too. She realized that that old man was having trouble while sleeping. She didn\'t give any heed to it.

In the end, her patience ran away. She got up as she couldn\'t take it anymore. "Oof! Can\'t you let me sleep?"

She rubbed her temple while frowning and then glanced at him. "What is wrong... hey, what happened to you?!" Seeing his nose bleeding and he was unconscious, her voice changed automatically.

She got up quickly and moved closer to him. She saw his face was ghostly pale, his thin lips were dried, his nose was still bleeding. His eyes were closed and he was frowning. Droplet of tears rolled down from his eyes. He seemed to be in pain.

"What\'s going on?" She asked while shaking his body. She didn\'t know what happened, but she knew that he wasn\'t acting normal.

Carlo opened his eyes. Noticing Hua Lan\'s subtle worried look he reached out his right hand.

Hua Lan didn\'t move away. She let him touch her face. She asked, "What happened? Are you in pain? What type of medicine do you need?"

His cold fingers brushed on her warm cheek. She neither flinched, nor did she feel disgusted by it. It\'s not that she wanted to show that she was worried. It\'s just that she felt bad. Even if she was worried, she wouldn\'t admit it to herself.

Carlo had a hard time opening his mouth, but he still did. "I-I\'m so..rry..."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Hua Lan was confused mostly because he was behaving differently for no reason.

"W-we shoul...d ha...ve saved y-you soon....er." Carlo could hardly breathe as his lungs couldn\'t take oxygen.

His heart stopped breathing not only because he forced himself to feel her emotion, but also because he could also feel the sufferings she went through.

She was just a five years old child who was supposed to get parental love.

But the world was too greedy to give her a little bit affection.

Carlo felt so bad that he couldn\'t breathe properly. He felt immense guilt and sorrow that they were late to save her. It wasn\'t his fault, and he knew it. However, all he could think was, \'I could make her life better.\'

Hua Lan was taken aback after she heard the reason of his apology.

"You saw my past." She immediately understood what made him like this. If he didn\'t know what she was feeling and thinking in her prison life, he wouldn\'t act like that.

Sometimes the best medicine is to apologies even though it has nothing to do with you. Sometimes a simple apology can melt a wounded heart in no time.

Hua Lan, a thirteen years old teenager, suddenly felt that her empty heart was being filled with certain emotions. The things she didn\'t feel for a long time, the things she couldn\'t get for a long time; all came into her heart at once.

Slowly, her eyes became blurry and tears rolled down from her eyes. All those things those were buried deep inside her came out like tsunami. She couldn\'t stop her tears.

When Carlo gently wiped away her tears, Hua Lan frowned and hurriedly wiped her face. She was displeased to herself because she showed her weakness to someone else.

In her world, though The Cobra became a part of her daily life, they couldn\'t become her family. When they took care of her, she still believed that they wanted to use her to get the treasures which her father left behind. No matter how good others were towards her, she didn\'t trust them. She thought that everyone was wearing mask just like her aunt.

Trust wasn\'t in her dictionary after she was sold off.

However, when Carlo apologized and he showed that he was in agony after knowing how painful it was for her, Hua Lan\'s heart moved.

When she was in training, she saved many innocent people by killing the bad guys. Those innocent people cried out in happiness and thanked her multiple times. Sometimes, she was shooed away as they feared her.

But this was the first time, someone acknowledged her emotion. Someone realized how much pain she was in all these years. This thought made her feel that her burden had lessened. She felt lighter.

Soon, Hua Lan controlled her emotion and wiped her own tears. She rubbed her nose and frowned. Seeing that she was trying to control her emotion, Carlo also sobered up a bit, however, he coughed vigorously and spat out some blood.

"H-hey..." Hua Lan was nervous to see his bad condition.

Carlo held out his hand and said, "I\'m okay. I just need to take a few hours of sleep."

Hua Lan argued back, "What are you talking about? You are bleeding? What medicine do you need? Tell me, I will bring it to you."

Carlo lied. "There is no medicine."

Hua Lan went into a deep thought. "How can that be? There must be something. Maybe Pedro knows... I can\'t contact Pedro, but you can use telepathy, right? Contact him."

Carlo shook his head. "...I can\'t.... I\'m too weak now."

Hua Lan immediately nodded. "Oh, okay." Then she stood up and walked towards the small pond. She took something sharp and unhesitant cut her hand.

"What are you doing?!" Carlo shouted seeing blood flowing out of her hand.

Hua Lan nonchalantly said, "I\'m injured. I think there was poison in it. Call for Pedro." She didn\'t believe that he couldn\'t use his power just because he was injured. He was a sole member of The Cobra after all.

Carlo was speechless. He didn\'t realize up until now that this brat was very sly. He could do nothing except for calling Pedro through telepathy.

They thought that Pedro would take one or two hours to catch them. To their surprise, he came within twenty minutes. And the first thing he said was, "Congrats on getting along with each other."

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