
Chapter 763: Shall Aid!

The chief’s pupils shrunk. He felt none from the arrow piercing his forehead, but the glare of the little creature was unbelievably belching with superior killing intent.

“Fenrir!” Karina exclaimed before she struck a palm against the large opening of his abdomens.


The little black wolf immediately struck its claws against his face hazardously before Karina’s destructive palm pushed the giant orc away from her.

The chieftain dragged the soil with his heels as he was pushed back several meters away to the concern of his army. Their eyes bulged up, as they saw their leader take a direct hit from her.

“Chief!” the orcs immediately grouped up.

“That’s a heavy struck you gave,” the chief gained his balance back before he pulled out the arrow on his forehead. “You think this toothpick can kill me?”

Karina frowned. (Fenrir’s claws didn’t manage to even leave a single scratch, how thick is his skin?).

“What?! You’re still alive?” shouted Jugen from the far end. “But it landed on your head!”

His fellow cultivators had blacklines over their heads. (It’s rather amazing that you would think that would kill him. We wouldn’t have gone this far if we could…).

Zitian raised his brows. (I see, you two siblings are much alike. In terms of mending the situation you two are the best!) thought him as he noticed how the tense atmosphere once again died down.

“What idiot, you humans are,” said the chieftain. “Our skull is thicker than yours.”

“Heh, does that mean you’re stupid?” Jugen laughed.

The orcs glared at them with their killing intent surged.

(Forget what I just said) thought Zitian as he sighed. He knew it was too good to be true in the beginning, and time didn’t take too long to prove it to him.

“What are you after you orc! What do you look for in our kingdom!” shouted Karina.

“I already told you before! We are looking for a way to return home!” said the chieftain with his little over a thousand orcs standing by. “We shall get what we want and leave this forsaken world for good! Either by the bask of your blood or not!”

(Damn it, they really are stupid, they didn’t even tell us what it is!) thought Karina before she waved her hand. “Guys, don’t use mana at all! They won’t work against them.”


“T-Then how should we fight?”

“With everything else, you fools!” shouted Chun as he readied his stance. “It is our best bet.”

“SKIN THEM ALL!” shouted the chief of the orc before creating the world.

“FEED THEIR HEARTS TO THEIR MOTHERS!” shouted Chun as he leaped forward, leading the pack for the human side.

(Damn psychopath…) thought Jugen as he gulped hearing the eerie in Chun’s words.

Both sides rally with their war cries before the great fight immediately begins. Blood spurted out against the sky as soon as the first clash of metals was heard. Wails from both sides scorched the firmament as death and scars were given to each other.

“We are outnumbered, Karina,” asked Crux in the middle of the fight.

“I know, we just need to stall! This commotion is enough for Phantera to hear! They would surely come to aid!”

The chief didn’t join the fray and instead, furrowed his brows. Something felt off as they saw them falling one after another. It was a clear one-sided fight, but Nostria didn’t back down. The only ones that could take down one of his kin could count on one hand, but he didn’t make a move.

(Why is he standing there?) Karina frowned as she noticed the chief didn’t move an inch. (Is he really that confident in winning).

“They are really stalling…” the king frowned. “What are they after?”

“Probably because of Nostria’s famous guardians, Your Majesty,” answered Connak.

“The what?”

“Nostria has twelve guardians that Lyon had saved from a famous labyrinth among this part of the region.”

“A famous labyrinth you say? Interesting, never knew such a thing would exist in this part of the world, what is the name of this labyrinth?”

“Labyrinth of Simak.”

“Simak?” the king raised his brows. “Simak… Simak… now where did I hear that name before.”

“You’ve heard of it before, Your Majesty?” asked Agist.

“Yes, I am confident that I read it somewhere before, or was it heard, but I’m sure that I know that name.”

“A name? As in a person?”

“I faintly remembered it but, I think that it is a name of a person,” the king closed his eyes. “Forget it, we can revisit that topic later, now then, can you tell me about these guardians of them?”

“They are protecting the Nostria kingdom with their superb cultivation level, and I presume the Legion would understand that they would be a huge hindrance for the orcs to advance smoothly.”


“They are keeping them busy elsewhere, Your Majesty.”

“So you’re the group hubby is hunting down.”

She was the embodiment of a barbarian, with two axes in her hand. Her orange hair was vibrant and lively much like her personality. Her eyes didn’t faze as she stood against an array of enemies with another beauty by her side.

“Don’t get too confident, Ryona,” Kyoko blew out a gentle smoke from her lips as she stood with one arm under her breast. Her azure and ruby eyes looked at their enemies with half of the lids closed. Her fluffy azure nine tails divinely flowed as she heralded the realm of magic at the tip of her hand.

“But we need to finish them off quick, Nostria needs us. You know how hubby would act if he found the place destroyed.”

“I know, but you know how he would react if you lost a limb?”

“Aww~ he would be mad?”

“He is already a madman,” Kyoko chuckled. “The heavens might feel his killing intent if that were to happen.”

“Alright then overseer,” Ryona nodded as she pointed at the array of cloaked cultivators right in front of them, with her ax.

“Will older brother come to Nostria in time?” asked Miko as she stood with the rest.

“As they heralded him as the king, then he should come to his people’s aid,” said the holy knight Tristan.

“But how does he know that Nostria is under attack?” asked Albert. “Parriot looks like you need to do us a favor.”

“Why me?” asked Parriot. “Just because I have… oh… right, I can do that.”

“Yeah,” Vale perked his wolf ears, “We will open you a path, you should go and blend in just fine, after all, you’re the best in this regard. We believe in you, Parriot. Go inform Deo’s king, that his home is in danger.”

“Damn it guys, you make me tear—”

“Off you go!” Elaine kicked his butt away as his curses were unheard when he zipped the air.

“That looks like a new record, good job sweetie,” Dina smiled.

“Thanks, Grandma Dina.”

“You’re very welcome,” Dina then darted to Grim and Duffous, “Now, both of you lads, do make me proud.”

“Y-Yes!!” Grim held tight his scythe. “I shall reap your soul!”

“Then I shall eat it,” said Duffous as he slapped his potbelly.

“Look’s like they need some bashing,” said Pedro with his squeaky voice.

“Buh! Hahahahaha!” The array of Legions started laughing after a slight delay of stun. “Wh-What the hell is that vo—!!”

A strike from two of Pedro’s fingers penetrated his chin before pulling it down and crushed his face against his high knee. The quick succession left them breathless, even those from his friends.

“Woah…” Tristan gulped. (Remind me not to joke with him carelessly).

“Charge!” Kyoko shouted as she clasped her hand with a clap and led the attack with giant magic brands forming randomly in the air.



Nine guardians and their overseer going against over a thousand members of Legion commence at the same time as the battle at Nostria.

Parriot as a dove was being hunted by the few of the legions. Though his butt was aching from the merciless blow Elaine gave him, the situation was dire. Both sides need help, they knew they couldn’t hold out against such large forces. They need a miracle, and they knew who exactly fitted that word.

“To think that we are foolish enough to believe such cheap lies,” Parriot muttered. “There was nothing in this world that.”


“Honey! Did you hear?! Nostria is under attack!” shouted Leyla as she opened the door before her pupils shrunk. Her husband had already worn his gear.

“Wait for me here, I shall not betray my benefactor,” said the king of the Phantera Kingdom.

Leyla closed her eyes as she placed her hand on top of her heart. “Be safe!”

“Of course,” the king smiled before leaping through the window where his armies had waited below.

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