
Chapter 857

Chapter 857: Cheerrs

A violin rested on top of a violinist’s shoulder. He slowly turned his head and put his chin against the chinrest while the hair of the bow gently kissed the strings. His four fingers were on the string, and his eyes looked at the conductor up front before nodding.

The conductor nodded seeing the affirmation from the violinist before he looked at the rest of the orchestra. He raised his baton past the altitude of his hair along with his other hand. He looked at the sheets of music below his eyes before his chin raised. Then, he waved his baton.

The fluent melodies of the instruments immediately created a harmony that elevated the atmosphere in an instant. The glamor of the sparkling chandelier. The fragrance of the elites and the mouthwatering, glistening array of foods that were served for free.

Everyone was putting up their best outfit, but they still maintained their adventurer spirit. All of them brought their weapons with them, spouses with them, and as well, their pride and glory with them. This was the place not only to amaze but also to converse. The place where the elite adventurers share information that was highly classified, more so that even the big guilds didn’t know.

Though they were all smiling, one thing that fascinated them was the thing at the center of the hall. It stole all the spotlight. A small podium where Leviathan Party’s achievement was placed. The severed head of Bahamut, the raging beast of the sky.

“This is getting out of hand, she severed a damn Bahamut,” an adventurer snorted a smile.

“Yeah, look at how clean she cut it, I thought no blade could ever graze that beast,” said another adventurer who was crowding at the show.

His friend nodded, “Yeah, the Fang is really unstoppable, perhaps they could take another step deeper.”

“Well of course they can, after all, they are the pioneer, please you guys, have some respect for the Fang, would you?”

The obnoxious voice immediately made the two of them frown inwardly, but their faces showed a different story. “Ah, Sword Prince, nice to meet you.”

The one called Sword Prince had blonde hair that was draping against his wide shoulder. His jaw was defined and his eyes were deep blue. His sword was sheathed inside a leather scabbard and was by his waist. His build was leaner than most adventurers, but his strength lay in his speed and agility. His presence was minimalistic until he voiced his word.

“Nice to meet you too, of course, by the way, have you seen the Leviathan Party? I hardly noticed them.

“Sorry to say, but I think they split up, I saw Lorey in the garden at the back,” said one of them.

“Bah, who cares about that magic-addicted freak,” said the Sword Prince whilst waving the back of his hand with an obnoxious smirk. “I want to see my love, the Fang of Leviathan.”

“Isn’t that one-sided?” said one of the adventurers.

“What did you say?” the Sword Prince turned cold.

“No, nothing! I was saying that I hope the Fang sees your noble heart,” said the adventurer hurriedly.

“Yes, yes! Pity my soul, I’ve been trying to impress her, but look at this, she beautifully severed a Bahamut’s head, how can I be called a Sword Prince, if I couldn’t take her as my bride,” the Sword Prince sighed after a short while.

( Damn, he is in his own fantasy, better get out here ) thought the adventurer before he tag along with his friend.

“But maybe, this is the right moment, right? This is the right moment! I will have her heart today, it’s perfect, right guys?… guys?” the Sword Prince looked left and right but found none.

A sound of ticking glass was heard before everyone turned around to see a well-dressed man. His hair was pomaded and there was an insignia of the Harp Guild on his chest. He was well-built and brimming with confidence from the smile he gave. He waited until all eyes were on him and the orchestra paused their instruments before he spoke.

“Welcome everyone! Maybe it’s a little too late for me, to say this, but please enjoy the Guild Link’s little gala,” he smiled. “As you may now know, and definitely could see the fascinating result, the Leviathan Party has once again dug deeper into the unknown! We are inching closer to uncovering the Mortal World as a whole.”

The crowd clapped as one of them praised, “Good job Leviathan Party!!”

“Yeah, good job!!”

The separated members were each smiling as they handed over the applause to their faces. The praises, the treatment, only the best of the best could have it. However, Zelena was having the most smiles given to her as she was the one that give the Guild Link the Bahamut trophy head. A clean cut that severed the beast’s stubborn hide.

Sakya was standing by Di’s side in a corner of the hall.

“So care to tell me if he is going to be here or not?” asked Sakya.

“Oh, he should be arriving soon,” Di smiled. “Meanwhile, why don’t you share your stories about what you found at the peak?”

“Heh,” Sakya smirked, “You won’t believe it even if I tell you.”

“Might as well hear it to kill time,” said Di. “Better than hearing Yubain hyping up.”

Sakya drank a quick shot, “Fine.”

Di raised his brows and focused his ears on his guild leader.

“I just saw a man, a human with a dark crown, killed the Great Ivory Wyrm at its own lair. He was so cool, he said the beast to leave.”

“What?” Di furrowed his brows.

“I’m telling you, the beast swept him but the man didn’t evade.”

“Is he crazy?”

“He blocked it with one finger! One freaking finger! But here is the thing, he didn’t even use any weapon as the Great Ivory Wyrm retaliate from the sky about to shoot a beam that would definitely shape the peak up a new one.”

“He punched the gut out?”

“Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! He used words,” said Sakya with a smirk after seeing Di’s face of thousand questions. She rolled her eyes.

“The applause won’t cut it, Yubain,” a man came out with a smile.

He had long white hair. His jawline was well-defined and his complexion was paler than Yubain, however, his muscle-built belied it. His forehead had three faint creases and he was wearing a white adventurer garb with the insignia of White Crow on his chest. His black eyes were sharp and his brows were daggering. He had a cup of wine in each of his hands before offering one to Yubain with a raise of his brow.

Yubain nodded with a smile before taking his offer, “Thank you, White Crow.”

“I think that we should raise our glass to Leviathan Party,” said White Crow before adding, “The greatest vagrant party to ever grace our land! C’mon, don’t be shy all of you, raise your glass.”

Yubain caught Sakya with the corner of his eye before he called her out, “Sakya, come here and join us.”

Sakya sighed before he left Di’s side and grabbed a cup of the wine of her own. She joined them both and raised her glass toward the members.

“C’mon, all guild leaders should be here,” said White Crow, “Farash of the Water Guild, and Moris of Leaf Guild, join us!”

“Yes, yes, fine,” a man showed up and had the same height as Sakya and had unkempt hair. He put one hand inside his pocket and the other holding a wine. His eyes looked like they never see the sun, nor did his muscle meet any protein. His cheeks sunk in but mana occasionally swirled and hovered around his figure.

“Alright, where is Farash?” asked White Crow.

“Sorry, I was just from the garden,” a pleasant voice came from the corridor as taps of high heels soon followed a tall woman that wore a deep-collared V dress with a slit on each side to reveal her thigh and her sideboobs. Her complexion was not as pale as White Crow. She had blue lips and a bit of glitter from the lipstick that she used. Her hair was azure-blue and she had a slender body like that of the wave of the ocean. A born-seductress, Farash.

She picked up a filled-up glass before standing by the others.

All guild leaders from the Guild Link finally assembled in a line. They raised their glass together before the rest of the adventurers except the Leviathan Party gradually did the same.

“To Leviathan Party!” said Yubain before the adventurers echoed the same word.

They all drank the cup of wine to respect what Leviathan Party had done. However, after Sakya put down her glass from her lips, her eyes instantly wide opened as she caught a figure standing at the entrance. Her pupils shrunk as her lungs deflated at the sight.

“You’re here,” Di smirked before he turned.

“There he is,” Abaddon muttered from the side.

“!!!!” Zelena had her eyes opened wide as she saw the person whom she ever got close enough to whisper to.

( Lyon!! ).

“Heh,” Lyon smirked as he arrived at the gala.

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