
Chapter 968 - 968 To Ruhera City, Black Market

“Where should we go?” asked Reinhard.

“We are going ahead of schedule,” said Lyon.

“We’re going there? The colosseum?” asked Rayus.

“You sure that’s a good idea?” asked Noah.

“Nothing is a good idea until it involves a beautiful woman, Noah,” said Lyon before quickly shifting, “At least that’s what Reinhard would say.”

“Hey!” Reinhard knew what his teacher was dodging but who in the world could garner the mercy of the lady who ousted an entire camp of bandits with a single blade?

“I will get the carriage ready,” said Rayus.

Lyon nodded before Rayus went on his way. The former let out a sigh, “Man, this is really tiresome.”


“That’s what you said back then as well,” said Selena. “Don’t worry darling, there will be a time of peace.”

“Not a boring peace I hope,” said Lyon before he contemplated. An idea struck his mind before he looked over at his wife. “Selena, you know, I’m curious about one thing.”

“Hm?” Selena raised her brows, “What is it?”

“I mean,” Lyon shrugged his shoulders, “Based on my... you know, circumstances. I reckon that you know Second Heaven more than anyone here?”

“Well...” Selena caught the three students had their attention on her as well. She looked at her husband, “Can’t say that you’re not wrong.”

“M-Madam... you’ve been here before?” asked Noah with eyes fueled with astonishment. He knew the strength that swelled within her was more than adequate to belong in Second Heaven, but such an individual and he had never heard of her.

“This place is nothing,” said Selena, “The more we ascend the heavens, the less we will see.”

“Madam, you’ve been to Third Heaven?!” asked Reinhard.

Selena looked at Reinhard without batting her eyes. She then noticed the cantering horse coming toward the group. “Let’s go, darling, the more I breathe here the harder it is for me to keep my desire to end this stupid town.”

Lyon smiled wryly, “Hehe... alright, let’s go.” He grabbed her hand just in case before both of them hopped in the caravan.

Rayus who was the master of the caravan looked at his two friends, with his brows furrowed. “Did I miss something?”

“Well, a bit,” said Noah before he nudged Reinhard’s arm. He got up and sat beside Rayus on the driver’s seat before Reinhard followed on the other side.

“Hmm...” Rayus was a bit annoyed but he was the one that needed to get going. The horse cantered toward the north gate whilst cultivators that they passed bowed at their sight. The three students were a bit uneasy about the honor that they were given by them at first but it slowly diminished away as they entered the wilderness.

( The more we ascend the heavens, the less we will see ) Noah recited Selena’s words inside his mind. The woman was implying something, something that he was not prepared for. His eyes widened a bit as his lips unconsciously parted. He gulped. He narrowly glanced to the back but couldn’t see through the thick curtains that covered the inside of the caravan.

( Madam Selena, she must have gone through Paradise before! ).

Reinhard sighed.

“What?” Rayus asked.

“I’m just glad the Guh City drama is over with,” said Reinhard.

“Oh?” Rayus raised his brows.


“Never thought that I would hear those words from you, haha!” Rayus laughed.

“Shut up,” said Reinhard as he narrowed his glance. “Why are you even picking this merchant caravan anyway? Can’t you use more like, I don’t know, something a bit more not merchant? The last time we have something like this, well, it ended up with two dead bodies.”

“Because it’s less eye-catching, we need to stay low profile in Ruhera City,” said Rayus. “And you better not do anything stupid.”

“Hey! Why me?!” asked Reinhard.

“You almost lost your neck up not long ago,” said Rayus.

“That’s going too far, right Noah?” asked Reinhard. He furrowed his brows after a second had passed and Noah didn’t follow up on his question. “Noah?”

Rayus furrowed his brows before he glanced over at Noah who was staring at the curtain of the caravan. He nudged him. “Oi.”

“Huh!? What?” Noah raised his brows as he looked at Rayus. “What?”

Reinhard gave up and shook his head. “What are you thinking about?”

“Some... stuff...” said Noah, occasionally looking at the road ahead.

Rayus sighed and didn’t press further. “We got a long way ahead of us.”


Meanwhile, at the camp of the Burgeon Swan.

Niamh was looking around the camp with his grimoire not in sight. His eyes were bright as he was deeply respected everywhere he went in this place. However, the place where he needed to go to was nothing remotely as such.

It was a neutral ground. A place where nobody knew anybody. A place where one should cover their identity. This was the place where any sort of items one seeks may exist, but only if they have the right amount of money.

Niamh had entered the black market, a place many seek but hide at the same time. The black market was a neutral ground that even Burgeon Swan had no authority over. He even had to cover his face from top to toe with a cloak, considering what had befallen his giant group.

As he walked, he could feel the eyes of the patrons upon him, their curious gazes following him as he passed. They could tell he was different from the other cultivators and seekers that came to this market, with his fancy robe and formal walk.

He ignored them all. He was here on a mission. Finally, he spotted the merchant’s stall, tucked away in a dark corner of the market.

The man behind the counter was small and wiry, his eyes sharp and piercing. The merchant looked up as Niamh approached, his face breaking into a sly grin.

“Well, well, one look, and I can see that you are here to seek something hard to find, ah forgive me, of course, you are, everyone is,” the merchant’s sly grin remained. “Tell me, what do you seek?”

Niamh refused to blow his cover in front of him. He leaned in close, his voice low and urgent, “I need to go to the Mortal World.”

The merchant raised his brows as he watched Niamh lean out. He looked at Niamh, sizing him up and down. “That’s...”

“Do you have it, or do you not have it?” asked Niamh.

The merchant grinned even wider, “Well, of course, Returning Jade Stone to the Mortal World, an object nobody seeks in Second Heaven.”

“Show me,” said Niamh with his eyes daggering. However, the intimidation was nothing for the experienced merchant.

“Sure,” the merchant smiled, “Wait for a moment.”

Niamh saw the merchant turn around and was searching and scraping for something under the table. It didn’t take long before the merchant stood up once again. He turned around with the same grin and revealed a Returning Jade Stone in his hand. Niamh’s hand unconsciously reached out for the Returning Jade Stone but the merchant pulled it away.

Niamh furrowed his brows, however, he couldn’t use his name in this place.

“The price for this delicate item, is quite steep,” said the merchant with his sly grin.

Niamh crossed his arms, “How do I know if this will send me to the Mortal World realm?”

“You don’t,” said the merchant, “but you’re here looking for me because of my credibility right? I mean, not a single customer of mine was left unsatisfied.”

Niamh was scowling under his cloak but the merchant was right. He knew the reputation of the merchant in the corner of the black market.

“Well?” the merchant said, his voice inviting.

Niamh nodded. He snapped his fingers before a pouch rested on his palm. He put the pouch on the counter and the delicious sound of tokens thudding made the merchant grin wider. “Now give me the Returning Jade Stone.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” the merchant gestured with his finger tik-tok left and right. He grabbed the pouch and put his intent into it. Once the merchant knew the exact amount he placed the Returning Jade Stone on the counter. He nodded a few times. “Excellent, pleasure doing business with you, my friend.”

Niamh was not so happy getting the Returning Jade Stone in his hand but he won’t find solace in staying in the place for another hour either. As he walked away, he could feel the eyes of the patrons upon him once more, but he didn’t care. He had what he came for, and nothing could stop him now. He left the black market, his mind racing with the departure toward the Mortal World realm.

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