
Chapter 1121 Clues?

Thaedan, moved by the gravity of the situation and aware of Lyon's immense power, spoke with a tone of earnest supplication. "Mighty Ancient Tree, I implore you to heed our pleas. The matter we seek your guidance on holds profound significance, and the one who stands before you, the Zodiac Emperor, is not to be underestimated. He is the epitome of resolve and determination."

The ancient tree seemed to ponder Thaedan's words, and a deep silence filled the forest as if all of nature itself awaited its response.

The ancient tree's initial disbelief quickly transformed into anger. "The Zodiac Emperor, you say?" it thundered. "That man, he who dared challenge the wrath of Paradise and Purgatory... Lies! Lies! Lies!"

As the ancient tree's fury rumbled through the forest, the ground quaked beneath their feet. Tremendous veins of pulsating energy erupted from the earth, wrapping around Thaedan and coiling him tightly.

Thaedan's voice quivered with desperation. "No! Please, you must believe me! Continuing this will only lead to a catastrophe!" He cast a frantic look toward Lyon, whose furrowed brows hinted at his waning patience.

"Gh!!!" As the coils tightened around Thaedan, he winced in pain, struggling to maintain his composure. Meanwhile, Karina began stretching her muscles, preparing for whatever might come next, and Kesya jogged in place to keep her muscles loose.

Lyon clenched his fists in frustration.

Cecile waved her hand and gave a firm command, "Kesya, Karina, time to teach the old stem a lesson. Raze the forest."

The ancient tree let out a hearty laugh, "Hahahaha, this is amusing, you can try, you are all very welcome to try!"

Kesya grinned with a hint of sadistic amusement as she embraced her incredible power. With eerie laughter, she unleashed her might upon the forest. The ground rumbled as trees crumbled to the ground, a symphony of destruction echoing through the forest. The group was making their message loud and clear. The layers of illusion began to crack under the overwhelming force, revealing hints of the forest's true form.

The ancient tree's laughter faded, replaced by a growing sense of dread. It had underestimated the determination and power of Lyon and his companions, and the forest began to bear the scars of their relentless assault. Initially amused, now found itself in the face of overwhelming force. It trembled as the forest around it crumbled under the power of the two formidable women.

The tree spoke once more, this time with a note of desperation in its voice, "Wait! Stop! I can help you... but promise me you won't harm me!"

Cecile with a hint of satisfaction in her expression, "You have our attention."

As the menacing veins coiling around Thaedan gradually loosened, the patriarch of Greenleaf found himself released from the tree's grip. He collapsed to the forest floor, gasping for breath and struggling to regain his composure.

The ancient tree, sensing that it had no choice but to cooperate, spoke with a tone of urgency, "I will help you, but I need your word that you won't harm me or the illusion any further. I can sense that you're not here for mere treasure, there is something else driving you... come."


As Lyon and his companions stood before the jumble of trees, the forest seemed to respond to their presence. The dense vegetation parted before them, creating a path that cut through the forest like a wave parting in the ocean. It revealed a special, almost mystical pathway, and Lyon, ever determined, took the lead.

He didn't hesitate for a moment. With confidence and unwavering belief in his abilities, he stepped forward, knowing that no traps or illusions could hold sway over him and his companions. The ancient forest, with its hidden secrets, had yielded to the power of the Zodiac Emperor.

Thaedan, still recovering from his encounter with the ancient tree, marveled at the unfolding scene and joined his companions in following Lyon down this newfound path.

At the end of the path, the group stood before the rejuvenated ancient tree, a sight both surprising and awe-inspiring. Contrary to what the legends had described, the tree was not the massive and towering giant one might expect. Instead, it had a slender, almost delicate appearance, as if it had weathered drought, yet its fresh, vibrant leaves spoke of a different story.

The tree's thin form belied its age and power, and it stood with an air of ancient wisdom. It lacked a conventional mouth, yet it possessed the unique ability to communicate. As they gazed upon this extraordinary tree, they were filled with curiosity and anticipation.

The ancient tree's leaves quivered as though they were bowing, and its slender form seemed to incline slightly. It was a peculiar sight, witnessing a tree exhibit such deference. The tree conveyed its apologies through its rustling branches and trembling leaves, showing deep humility.

In a voice filled with reverence and gratitude, it spoke, "I humbly apologize for my false assumptions, great Emperor. I never anticipated your return and your enduring youth. I express my deepest gratitude for your mercy in sparing me."

Lyon nodded graciously, understanding the ancient tree's perspective. "Your apology is accepted. We have come with a pressing matter, and we seek your guidance and wisdom to help us."

The ancient tree rustled again, a sign that it was ready to listen to Lyon's request.

Lyon, with his signature calm, spoke to the ancient tree, "I am seeking any information regarding the cloaked healer, for she might be my wife."

The tree responded by muttering, "The Benevolent Empress..."

"Yes, Maria," Lyon affirmed. "I believe that the cloaked healer is her."

The ancient tree's branches swayed as it recollected the past. It began its tale with a soft, rustling voice.

The tree began, "Many ages ago when I was withering and near death, the cloaked healer, whom you speak of, approached me. She was kind and offered to heal me. I was skeptical at first, after the betrayal of other beings, but her actions intrigued me, for few would be so compassionate. I accepted her offer, and she used her unique abilities to rejuvenate me, a concoction beyond comprehension. The energy of the concoction she provided revitalized my core and the soil, and I felt a resurgence of life. And it only cost me a single flower."

Lyon leaned in, his expression eager as he listened. "Did she ever mention her name?"

The ancient tree replied, "She did not reveal her name or identity. She was always cloaked, and her voice remained veiled in mystery. But her aura exuded kindness and benevolence."

Cecile interjected, "Do you know where she went after that?"

The tree's leaves rustled gently. "She departed for various places in the realms, offering her unique services to those in need. She wandered, bringing solace to those who sought her aid. I believe she is guided by a noble purpose."

"I'm sorry," the tree began, "had I known that she was the Benevolent Empress, I could have... I could have offered her so much more in return. She gave me life, and I had no inkling of her true identity. My actions, or lack thereof, were a disservice to one as noble as her."

Lyon turned back to the tree and reassured it, "Do not blame yourself. She chose to help you out of compassion, not for reward.

"Do you have any clue?" asked Selena.

The ancient tree spoke with a sense of solemnity, "I am connected to the broader realm of Third Hell, and I have searched through my connections, but I found no trace of the cloaked healer, Maria. I apologize for not being able to provide more information."

Rui, still by Lyon's side, chimed in, "It's a reminder, Lyon, that no matter how small or unexpected, the path to what you seek may lie in the most unlikely places. We'll find Maria, I'm sure of it."

As Rui revealed himself to console Lyon, the ethereal being's presence was calming and soothing. It whispered words of encouragement to Lyon, assuring him that they would find Maria.

Meanwhile, the ancient tree continued to speak, "I have encountered a being of such a kind before. It was a vivid ghost, wandering in the Third Realm. However, it was an arrogant rodent."

Lyon's brows furrowed as he asked, "An arrogant rodent?

The tree explained, "This ghostly creature claimed to have connections throughout the realms and had knowledge of many secrets. It was condescending and believed itself to be of great importance."

"Don't tell me..." Shen muttered. "Oh damn it, I was hoping we found him last..." said Sun.

"It must be him," Rui nodded. Lyon's brows slowly raised. A master of stratagem, magic, talisman crafting, and an absolute asshole to talk to, "Uncle Minx."


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Have a nice day everyone!!



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