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Chapter 131 Capturing The Spy

The Dean\'s Office,

"The situation is getting out of control," The dean mumbled, his system\'s consciousness standing besides him as it observed the crystals which had videos of students clearing the dungeon.

"Don\'t worry. From what I observed, it would take some time before the dungeon fully evolves. Right now, the dungeon boss has increased the number of spawns to increase the rate of evolution," The system consciousness told.

Listening to it, the dean sighed,

"I know, I can feel the amount of energy released by the dungeon but that\'s not the issue, the is something else," The dean said, unease evident on his face.

"Care to tell me what is more important than the problem at hand? Even I am not certain that the dungeon wouldn\'t evolve. Anything could happen, but no.. Here you are, crying about something other than this. Therefore, do tell me what the important problem is," The consciousness retorted, its words laced with spite and sarcasm as it looked at the dean in anger.

"Don\'t blame me, the matter is of great importance," the dean spoke as he continued, "I did some research and amongst the students, we sent to clear the dungeon are spies from the outer world. Not only that, I just got the call that someone from the big families is also involved. Therefore, the spies are bound to cause more trouble than the dungeon itself," The dean explained, his voice husky as he lifted his face. His previous composite was gone as wrinkles were evident along with deep dark circles below his eyes.

Listening to what the dean had to say, the system went into thought. Scratching his chin, the consciousness spoke,

"That sure is a big issue and from looking at the state you are in, you don\'t have any concrete proof, do you?"

The dean nodded as he took a small bean-sized object out of his pocket and spoke,

"However, don\'t worry. Our evidence will be here any moment now,"

Saying that, the dean\'s expression took a 180-degree turn as he smirked and crushed the bean-sized object with his fingers.

Outside the office,

A man stood outside the office. The man wore a hooded robe that covered his face as he placed his hand on the wall and listened to the conversation happening inside.

This was possible because of a magical tool given to him by his superior; Moore. As for this individual\'s ability? It was the ability to converge shadows around himself to make him invisible.

However, that was not it as the ability also allowed him to completely erase his presence and be as silent as one could.

This was the person that Moore had sent to spy on the dean and monitor everything happening within the office.

The person used the magical tool to spy on the dean while right behind him stood a person who silently observed him. As the person continued to do his work, the person behind him used a magical tool to block the space around themselves.

After listening to the whole conversation that happened between the dean and his system consciousness. The person took out a communication device and sent out a message stating,

"The dean has become very of our operations, please take the next steps carefully. Awaiting further orders, Out" The man said and tapped a button to send his recording. However, to the man\'s surprise, the device did a strange sound as it turned off.

"Beep… Tring… Boop,"

"Huh?" Confused over what happened, the man raised an eyebrow as he tried switching it on. However, to no extent. The screen stayed blank.

Seeing this, the man panicked and thought,

"I might have forgotten to charge it,"

With that, he turned to charge the device, and just as he turned, he understood the situation he was in. His face turned pale as his teeth clattered in fear.

It was because the person standing in front of the man was one of the trusted aides of the dean. The person was Old Man Abraham.

Apparently, when the dean had sent Old Man Abraham to check on the dungeon, Old Man Abraham had felt some presence around the office, and therefore, he investigated it.

While investigating, Old Man Abraham learned that someone had been spying on the dean for quite a long time. Relaying his findings to the dean, Old Man Abraham, and the dean devised a plan to lure out the spy and capture it.

Hence, all of it was nothing but an act staged by the dean where the dean acted as the victim while Old Man Abraham closed in on the spy.

Looking at the spy, Old Man Abraham grinned eerily as he spoke,

"Such a nice face you have, why don\'t we remove your hood,"

Saying that, Old Man Abraham reached out his hands to remove the hood. Removing the hood, Old Man Abraham finally had a good look at the man\'s face and was shocked.

He was shocked because the man wasn\'t a human. At least not entirely. The man had human-like facial features but there were some additional facial features as well. Such as horns on top of his forehead and slits instead of eyes. Not only that, but the man\'s ears weren\'t normal either. Instead of ears, he had simple holes which allowed voice to enter within them.

With his cover blown, the man\'s increased as he asked Old Man Abraham,

"Who are you?"

Hearing the man\'s question, Old Man Abraham smirked as he whispered in his ear,

"Your worst nightmare,"

Whispering that, Old Man Abraham raised his hands as he used his ability to capture the man,

[Aura Dominance:- Aura Shackles]

This was the technique that Old Man Abraham used as he captured the man. Old Man Abraham\'s body glowed as a black aura condensed around him. The condensed aura concentrated around Old Man Abraham\'s hands and started taking the form of shackles.

The shackles moved forward as they approached the man and coiled around his body and bound him to one place.

With the man captured, Old Man Abraham sighed as he spoke into his collar,

"I have got the man, bringing him in,"

Saying that, Old Man Abraham used his aura once again as he lifted the man in the air and made him float in front of him while Old Man Abraham opened the door to the dean\'s office.

Walking in, Old Man Abraham greeted the dean as he spoke,

"Prometheus, your parcel is here. Give me my payment,"

Saying that, Old Man Abraham opened his palm as he demanded his payment.

Seeing this, the dean sighed as he opened his desk and took a stone out of it, and threw it at Old Man Abraham. Old Man Abraham caught the stone and started observing it while he threw the spy on the ground.

The dean ignored Old Man Abraham and instead, concentrated on the spy.

"Ohh, a hybrid bred from the mating between a human and some species from the out world. How interesting," the dean exclaimed as he approached the spy.

While approaching the spy, the dean\'s system also took its corporeal form and appeared behind the dean.

The spy looked in fear as the dean approached him and placed tapped on his forehead. The moment the dean tapped on the spy\'s forehead, the spy fainted while a greyish most escaped from his orifices.

"Old Demon, get to work," The dean ordered his system consciousness while the dean himself did something else.

The dean walked to a specific shelf in his office. The shelf had various files neatly placed on it, walking to a file. The dean took it out, revealing a strange contraption behind it.

The dean tapped on the contraption as he inserted a little bit of his mana into it.

With the mana flowing into the contraption, the shelf slowly changed shape as it morphed into a passage.

Looking back, the dean glared at Old Man Abraham and spoke,

"Enough playing with the mana stone. It\'s time to take him down there and extract the information,"

Listening to the dean, Old Man Abraham straightened his posture and stored the mana stone in his spatial storage. Standing up, he followed behind the dean and walked inside the passage.

The dean\'s system did the same as it also followed behind the dean and disappeared the moment it walked through the passage.

As for the whitish mist that was released from the spy, the dean\'s system stored it in a crystal and brought it along with him.

Walking inside the passage, the dean and the others appeared in a warehouse. The warehouse had strange equipment in it, experimental and magical along with various tools.

The dean laid the spy on a table and strapped him with spiritual binding chains. With the spy strapped, the dean motioned his system\'s consciousness and asked it to wake it up.

The Old Demon approached the spy and elongated its hideous nails. The nails elongated as they grew to five inches. After that, the old demon lifted his finger and thrust it into the man\'s eye.

"ARGHHHHHH" The man woke up in agony, his body writhing as he cried out loud,

"My eye!!"

Seeing this, the dean rubbed his hands as he muttered,

"Ohh! This is just the start"


A/N:- The arc has gotten interesting with the volume finale right around the corner. I hope all of you would continue till the end.

Other than that, I would like to thank the following for helping out the novel,

1- Abugo_Oke

2- Jamesdrew1120

3- Jason_Marc_Harris

Also, special mention for Rumtwist.

The mentions are for those who come in top 3 golden ticket voters or have gifted the novel.

Have fun!!

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