
Chapter 192 The Wedding

After deciding that night, we started contacting Yuko and the other girls to tell them about our decision. There\'s the cooldown of the Interdimensional Communication so it took 3 days to finish telling them about it.

Though we sounded like we\'re asking for their consent, I also expressed my desire to marry all of them. That\'s why even if the others felt like they lost their chance to be the first, knowing I\'m serious about marrying them was enough.

Yuko and Yumiko consented to it almost immediately before saying it will be their turn once we go back to Earth.

Zerina couldn\'t say anything at first but when Yuko urged her to tell me what she wanted to say, Zerina also expressed her desire to be married to me.

Jayna was speechless at first before she timidly reminded me about the competition and how her dad liked me to be her Spirit Pair. She even took back the words about waiting for 10 years for her coming of age.

Erin repeated what she said but with added information, she wanted to conceive our child right after the wedding. She\'s too eager to become a mother.

Avelin, on the other hand, was still innocently following what Erin wanted to do. When Nysia heard that, she used the time to explain it to Avelin. For the first time, she panicked from the knowledge she learned. However, when she looked at me, Avelin immediately calmed down and smiled while expressing her own thoughts about wanting to marry me.

If I didn\'t send my Support Incarnation to one of the Heroes to check the situation there, I would\'ve sent it to Avelin to spend time with her. Her reaction was just too adorable.

During the calls, even if they\'re also aware of it, I still told them the news about me becoming a Transcendent and the immediate battle that I faced. Yuko nodded upon hearing it as if it\'s natural that I will win against the two Transcendents.

They could now adapt two more Source Energy types due to the Enhanced Adaptability from me, however, since they couldn\'t leave their own world yet, it was put aside for now. I\'m also thinking about what type I should let them adapt to. The System Type could be good for others but I\'m worried that they would only get a normal system. Psyche Type and Spirit Type are good as well; awakening new ability and getting their own Transformation. Physique Type also has its own merits for strengthening one\'s Physique as well as the Augmented Skills that could be upgraded to a Halo. There\'s also the Crown and Pillars that I haven\'t reached yet.

Every Type has its own merit, eh?

Well, if it comes to that, I\'ll show them the choices and let them pick by themselves. After being a Transcendent I had a hunch that if I ask the World\'s Will, I would be able to get a skill to create a Portal leading to this world. As long as I get permission from the World\'s Will of any Level 1 World, they could grant me that. The only problem is how to contact every World\'s Will.



During the 3 days that have passed, apart from preparing for our wedding, every information we got was pooled and discussed.

Firstly, the camp which the triplets pointed at. We four made a trip there sneakily but what\'s left was a deserted place. There were traces of living but the people occupying the place were moved somewhere else. Even if it\'s fruitless, the triplets\' information checks out and that\'s the lease for their life. Like with the Moonlight Queen Lunaria, I broke the cube embedded on their chests. Afterwards, I had them join the League and swear loyalty to it. They\'ll be under probation and will be managed by someone.

Secondly, the Order of Light\'s Cradle which is now a separate entity, reclaimed the Black Markets that were being used by the Dark Host, capturing the Dark Emissaries living in it. It was swift enough due to the leadership of both Sovereign Princess Elise and Imperial Princess Leianne. They put up a program for the vagrants to be employed by the Order. That way not only can they secure food for their mouths, they can also secure their future. Some can even directly become a Pilot or Operator, giving hope to them. Of course, the effects of it can only be seen months into the future.

Thirdly, Nysia will send Lexie and other trusted members of the League to the Scorched Forest after our wedding. To investigate it as well as protect the tribe. Dannae\'s mother turns out to be a famous Pilot from the Empire 20 years ago who suddenly went missing. She\'s not from a direct line of the royal family but she\'s connected to it. Leianne didn\'t know about her because of how young she was back then, however, Nysia and Elise know her too well. The Fierce Princess Dianne who\'s widely known for her explosive attacks.



Along with the fireworks which lit up the sky, the wedding ceremony between Nysia and I had started.

It\'s a simple yet extravagant one due to our identities being both Mythic-ranks.

Seeing her walk down that aisle in her bridal gown that was made from the finest silk we could find and a thin veil covering her face, all of the eyes were glued to her as she graciously traversed the few steps towards me.

I could hear the guests murmuring their words of admiration. Well, I couldn\'t care less about what they think. At this moment, my whole attention is hers and hers alone.

When our wedding was announced the day after my return to the city, the citizens of the Free City all rejoiced at the good news.

Even if everyone was aware of the conspiracies that were revealed, a happy occasion like this, especially something that concerns their League Leader, is more than just a happy occasion. It\'s a historical moment.

Most lower members of the League who looked up to her thought she wouldn\'t marry anyone. Her age is a public knowledge so they had the idea of whether Nysia will be single for the rest of her life. That\'s why after hearing about this piece of news, they rejoiced as if it\'s their own wedding.

Upon seeing that reaction from them, Nysia couldn\'t help but be embarrassed. However, whenever her contacts from the three factions would call to ask if the news is true, she would proudly answer them with a yes.

"I am more than convinced now. We really needed this ceremony. Seeing you in that gown is more than enough reason."

I took her hand and pulled her closer to me. Under the eyes of everyone, I\'ll be taking her today as my wife. The ceremony is supposed to be simple, it\'s just exchanging our words that we\'ll take each other as husband and wife with the guest and whoever\'s watching as the witness. There\'s no religion in this world and there are no customs to be followed. Vowing to each other is enough. Others don\'t even bother doing a ceremony like this but for the sake of fulfilling Nysia\'s dream, this has to happen.

"You\'re still teasing me at this moment."

Despite being pleased by my words, Nysia gently squeezed my hand as her little show of retaliation. At this moment, the most feared strongest Mythic-rank Nysia Athonae is nowhere to be seen, there\'s only this lovely and gracious lady.

"I\'m just stating the truth. You\'re too lovely today, Nysia. Can I take this veil off now?"

"I actually don\'t know why I need to put this on. It became harder to see you."

Through Amry\'s input about weddings in our world, she suggested a bridal gown and veil for Nysia that is most commonly seen. Since it\'s from our world, Nysia was eager to incorporate that.

But now she\'s complaining about it. Should I tease her more?

"Well, this is how most brides look like in our world. You know, according to our law there, I\'m still underaged and not eligible to be married yet. You\'ll be arrested."

I jokingly said as I slowly pulled up the veil covering her face revealing her reddish-pink eyes that were locked on mine.

Nysia is the same as me at this moment, her whole attention was on mine and mine alone.

The surrounding guests who were watching the ceremony including not only the 3 Heroes and the 3 Ladies but also the Matriarch of the Moonlight Confederacy were all silently watching us converse with each other as if we\'re the only people in this world.

"Arrested? As if age still matters between us. You\'re even more mature than me most of the time."

Nysia shook her head and brushed it off like that. With how she lived her life before and us being Transcendents, a Mortal law wasn\'t enough to bind us anymore.

"You\'re right, with the possibility that I\'m a reincarnated old man, age really doesn\'t matter between us. So shall we start?"

"Pfft. Alright, old man Daisuke. Do we really need to say it? Can\'t we just kiss in front of them and be done with it?"

This girl… she\'s feeling shy again.

"Will that be a good memory for you?"

I looked around and the guests were all eagerly waiting for what\'s going to happen next.

"Un. I\'m already happy enough that you granted my wish. Besides, we can still make more good memories in the future."

Nysia whispered and stepped forward to close the remaining space between us.

Upon seeing her this close, my arms slipped on her side to pull her in my embrace.

Nysia is slightly taller than me, however, because of what I did, she ended up leaning to my chest with her head pressed upon my chest.

Her arms also slipped to my side as she tightly returned my embrace and after a while, she looked up to me, with her glistening red lips waiting for me to take. Kissing her in front of them will end the ceremony but I wanted it to become something memorable for her.

I put on a smile before I started to speak with a voice that everyone could hear and without breaking our eye contact.

"With all the guests at this venue, those watching the current broadcast everywhere in the city and the World\'s Will who\'s watching wherever it is as witnesses, I\'m now taking you, Nysia Athonae as my wedded wife."

Even before her face completely turned red, my lips were already dropped on hers. It\'s just a normal kiss with our lips tightly pressed together. Nysia\'s reddish-pink eyes trembled as small teardrops ran across her face.

Since we\'re this close together, I could feel the emotion she\'s feeling right now, it\'s more than just happiness, she also felt relieved. Relieved that after all the years of hardship, she finally found peace beside me.

Nysia has been fighting for all her life. Having this wedding is something like a reward for her. Besides, there might come a time where I won\'t be by her side, giving her this memory and showing my love for her will be something she can look back to.

"And I\'m also taking you, Daisuke Kuramoto as my wedded husband. Thank you for appearing before me."

Nysia declared when our lips separated. As soon as she finished, she pulled our lips back together.

It couldn\'t be called a perfect wedding ceremony but under the eyes of everyone, we\'re now recognized as husband and wife.

During that second kiss, Lexie started clapping her hands which followed by the three heroes and afterwards, all the guests. But even with that loud clapping, there\'s still only us in each other\'s eyes.

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