
Chapter 194 Emperor Lucas

A slim and all-black Metagen could be seen arriving from a distance. If not for the unique signature of a Metagen, I would\'ve mistaken it for a Darkgen.

As I watched it draw closer, I\'ve already prepared myself for anything that could happen. Nysia would handle what\'s happening on that side with the Anzeans while I would handle things at this side.

I\'m still skeptical about the Anzeans\' true intentions due to the Principal\'s warning before coming here but until now, aside from helping them catch me, they didn\'t make any other move.

And today, they requested a meeting with the leaders of the Trinity. As to what will be the result of that meeting, I will know later. Even if they suddenly work with us through that, I wouldn\'t put my complete trust in them.

"The 4th Hero and the one who destroyed everything I built up. We meet at last."

When the Metagen reached a certain distance from us, it stopped and the cockpit opened. The Pilot inside flew out and hovered in front of me.

"Likewise. I was wondering when will you show up before me, Emperor Lucas."

From his appearance, it couldn\'t be denied that Leianne is his daughter. His eyes also had the same glint which showed his ambition. Compared to her that was kind of pure, this guy\'s ambition was full of craziness. No wonder she found herself conflicted.

"I believe you\'re taking good care of my rebellious daughter. I\'ll be taking her back soon. You see, I need her smarts to complete my ambition."

Rebellious daughter eh? According to Leianne, when she still shared the same vision, she\'s the one filling up the gaps from his plans. Now that she\'s not by his side, his plans probably had numerous imperfections.

Is his real purpose here Leianne and not the old man?

"Ah. I\'m afraid you will not be able to do that. You see, her ambition is much better than yours. You\'re too old fashioned like a villain who only wants to see the world burn."

I get that he wanted the world to himself but if he\'s not strong enough, he\'ll just be cut down. Even if it\'s not me, Nysia will surely do that as the main character of this world.

"Is that all you\'re here for? I still have to tend to our new member here. Or are you also here to take up my invitation?"

Since he\'s playing with words, let\'s fish out information about him first. That Metagen of his was an unknown build and it hasn\'t been seen in a major battle yet. Also, his ability concerned Darkness just that for years that have passed, no one has seen him take the battlefield. He\'s always behind, scheming things to benefit him.

"So that invitation extends to me as well. Maybe if you leave this world, I might consider that invitation. You can take your wife with you for all I care. This world doesn\'t need meddling Heroes like you."

All this time I\'m observing everything around him, he\'s really a Transcendent and someone stronger than that idiot Julian and the old man.

The energy around him was swirling around in a disturbing fashion.

"Unfortunately, as much as I want to take her away from here, I can\'t do that. This world will become a gateway to our world if I let it be assimilated by the Dark World you are hosting. Don\'t worry, we\'ll leave this world but you won\'t be there to see it."

I\'ll make sure to uproot someone like him before leaving this world. It\'s much better to leave it in Leianne\'s hands.

"What if I told you that I\'m trying to infiltrate them and destroy them from the inside?"

"That\'s possible but why will you do that?"

As if he\'s strong enough to destroy the Dark World. Despite his smarts, he\'s too ignorant about the real strength of our enemies.

"Because I love this world."

He answered with a smirk and he opened his arms wide as if he\'s embracing the world for himself.

"Surely, you jest. You\'re already on the path which leads this world to its destruction using your own hands."

"I only love the world, not the inhabitants living in it. That\'s why it has to be destroyed once and be reborn as a new and stronger world."

Ah. So it\'s like that. He\'s hopeless. There\'s no point to reform this guy, even if he\'s strong or smart.

"I see. In that case. There\'s no point talking with you here. Can you die for me?"

Short-Distance Teleportation!

As soon as I said that, I instantly Transformed to my Energy Incarnate Form to appear before him.

With his smirking face and defenseless body fully captured in my vision, I unsheathed the Willful Sword and delivered a simple slash covered with the blue-colored Swordforce.


However, before the Willful Sword could touch his body, it emitted a large amount of black smoke.

No. It\'s not just emitting it, his body also transformed itself and turned him into a smoke-like entity which immediately dispersed from where he was standing. Due to that, the Swordforce-covered slash of the Willful Sword didn\'t hit anything.

Ah. It reminded me of that certain character in a popular anime who has the same ability to turn into a cloud of smoke.

When I put the sword back in its sheath, only then did the black smoke gathered and reformed a few meters away from me.

Though he\'s not hurt, the clothes he was wearing have been cut open.

"I see. The 4th hero is this decisive. Good thing I prepared myself to react to any situation."

The Emperor said as he looked down at his ruined clothes while tracing the leftover energy on it.

"That\'s some useful ability, can you tell me what else you can do?"

"Give me Leianne and I will tell you."

This is the 2nd time he mentioned her. Is he really here for her or he\'s just masking his true intention?

That ability of his feels like it\'s almost the same as my Energy Incarnate form. Almost invulnerable to physical attacks and vulnerable to an energy-based attack. If he was a little late at doing that smoke transformation, he\'ll surely be cut open.

Also, he didn\'t notice that hole on his sleeve. He only noticed my sword slashing at him and not the following Air Bullet which I aimed at his arm.

That Level 1 Spell is already too weak to even prick a Transcendent\'s body.

"Nope. Not happening. Why don\'t you talk to her by yourself? She\'s not someone under me, you know? Besides, you\'re good at swaying someone to your side. That idiotic Julian is totally under your palm."

That\'s now his new title. Despite becoming a Transcendent and someone who survived the warring era of this world where he established his country as one of the remaining three factions, he\'s too much of an idiot. Maybe he was supported by talented subordinates before. Who knows?

"Like you said, he\'s an idiot. My daughter isn\'t. You\'re misplacing her talent at scheming and devising devious plans to being a leader of that little alliance of yours."

The Emperor shook his head and sighed. Afterwards, he turned around and flew back to his own Metagen.

Is that it? Will he leave just like this? Apart from showing a bit of his ability and his demand to get his daughter back, he didn\'t even mention his father behind me.

Like I thought. He\'s a lot harder to read.

"I see. Thanks for the advice. I\'ll talk to her later and we\'ll devise a plan to cut you off from your ambition once and for all."

The Emperor didn\'t reply to my words and instead, he flashed a mocking smile as the cockpit of his Metagen slowly closed.

As his Metagen started to turn around to leave, I felt the sudden change in the surrounding Meta Energy.

In a blink of an eye. The turned back of the Emperor\'s Metagen slowly turned illusory before completely disappearing in front of my eyes.



The surrounding Meta Energy from where he disappeared churned and swirled into a hurricane. It\'s invisible to most people but for me who\'s sensitive to it, I could see that he unleashed a certain skill or ability.

My Adaptability wasn\'t triggered by any killing intent directed at me which means…

That Emperor\'s target isn\'t me!


In a split second, a resounding explosion rang out from behind me.

When I turned around the Majestic Mammoth was already hurtling downwards from where it was standing earlier.

Using a decisive kick upon reappearing behind me, the all-black Ultimate Metagen successfully landed a sneak attack to the old man.

This guy. He can also use teleportation. This must be his show that he can also do what I did earlier.

However, unlike him, I wouldn\'t be able to do that inside a Metagen. My teleportation came from my Energy Incarnate form and it couldn\'t be mimicked by a Metagen.

"Did you say something?"

Lucas\' mocking voice rang out from inside that Black Metagen as it turned to face me, ignoring his own father that he had just kicked down.

I smiled and shook my head.

Following that, I ignored him and looked down at the cracked Majestic Mammoth.

Even from above, I could see the huge crater which the fall created. The 20-meter tall Ultimate Metagen embedded deeply on the ground.

That old man is a Transcendent, he wouldn\'t die from just that.

However, it\'s really surprising to see him be this decisive. It\'s like seeing myself from him.

"Are you not going to help him?"

"Why would I? He can fight you on his own. Old Man Liam!"

After answering him, I shouted below and at the same time as I did that, I activated both Domain of Valor and Bulwark of Invulnerability.

Two overlapping circles of energy immediately expanded from me which covered the Majestic Mammoth that was slowly rising from the rubble.

When the Emperor felt that, he turned his gaze away from me and looked down below.


Hissss! Bang!

Before he could finish his sentence, the Majestic Mammoth surged forward with a hissing sound as it skirted through the air resistance.

Old Man Liam then activated his ability which instantly covered the fist of his own Metagen with his own Meta Energy and the manifestation of his ability.

Just like how he was kicked earlier, the Majestic Mammoth delivered a devastating punch towards the black Metagen\'s head before it could react and sent it hurtling upwards.

"Nicely done, old man."

I threw him a thumbs up from where I was hovering in the air when his momentum stopped. Even if I couldn\'t see his face, he\'s surely having a conflicted expression right now.

Not that I care though. I want to see the extent of this father and son\'s feud.

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