
Chapter 466 Showing Confidence

With that shout of the red-skinned Rank 3 Transcendent, the over 50 Rank 2 Transcendent that was trying their hardest to stand up from the side effects of Ailment Fog all flew out of their safe zone, despite being filled with reluctance.

Upon seeing that, I alternately looked down to the Rank 3 Transcendent and towards those Rank 2 Transcendents\' direction to gauge my next move.

The effect of the Ailment Fog still lingered in all of them and due to that, their stats were still lowered.

It\'s the effect of Stat Debuff that came along with the side effect they were feeling that always depended on how strong the enemy was.

When it was still an Orb that\'s its main effect. However, now that its true nature as a repressed Skill was revealed, that stat debuff was just the side effect. That\'s why even the Rank 3 Transcendent was affected. The Ailment it was causing to those caught by it was the main effect.

Although it\'s hard to accurately gauge, the Rank 3 Transcendent was probably only feeling a slight reduction in stats hence he was so confident earlier. As for those Rank 2 Transcendents, those weaker than me would\'ve felt a greater stat reduction.

They could ease it up if they focus their Energy Control in fully circulating the Energy in their bodies to expel the Ailment Fog that seeped through their skin and their seven orifices.

"Nysia, go all out against that one. I\'ll propel you up towards the same level as him. Jayna, Lunaria and Elise come out and… let them know how strong Rank 2 Transcendents are in this world."

As I sent the telepathic messages to my four Companions inside the cockpit of the Sanguine Aegis, another storm of Energy gathered behind me.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Before the three women arrived at my side, Energy Chains with greater numbers than what I used against the Rank 3 Transcendent shot towards the incoming Rank 2 Transcendents.

Upon noticing the same Ability I showed earlier, even weakened, they all became cautious as they instantly utilized their Pathway Skills that seemed to originate from a Physique-type Pathway.

Their red-colored Level 2 Source Energy materialized and covered their bodies, creating some kind of body armor. Following that, red wolves with eyes as black as the night appeared in front of them and lunged forward, facing the chain with their maws wide open.

I see. They\'re from the Nightwolf World. The body armor and the wolves they summoned… they\'re most likely their version of Crown and Pillars.

And as for their Transcendent Pathway, it always varied from person to person.

"That\'s… Do we have to move now, Daisuke?" Jayna asked while rubbing the ring on her finger. It\'s the previous Orb of Ailment and most likely, she\'s now itching to use it in battle.

"I\'m always ready, Daisuke. The purple sky was favorable for my Ability. The hidden moon became visible." Lunaria pulled out a dagger from her Necklace and like Jayna, she appeared eager to do something. Apart from the few experiences she had from closing the Breached Portal, this would be the first time she was going to fight someone at her level.

"I, as well. I\'m ready anytime, Daisuke." Elise curtly followed, the Flamebird from her Ability was now as big as an Ultimate Metagen. And with its intense golden flames, even the toughest metal would surely melt against it.

"Un. I would be concealing you three. Position yourselves near that area they created for themselves. These guys wouldn\'t just land here and do nothing. Jayna, use your ring and supplement the Ailment Fog existing inside it when they retreated back."

Acknowledging my words, the three women moved closer to me before the Void Concealment completely covered them.

I had my fair share of experience against an Invasive World in my past as well. These guys. Every Invasive World was cautious, they wouldn\'t blindly send their experts to die.

So for these unusual movements from this group of Transcendents, I began growing some doubt as to their true purpose.

As the three women moved out while being Concealed, the Energy Chains finally met the red wolves of the Nightwolf World Transcendents.

The first Transcendent and the one at the forefront who summoned an Armor and a pack of red wolves exhibited either a Psyche-type or Elemental-type properties. It was evident when his red wolves ignited in scarlet red flames as they lunged toward three Energy Chains aiming to take down their summoner. Perhaps they would attempt those chains down.

The second Transcendent exhibited Spirit-type properties when the armor he\'s wearing and the wolves that barked at the incoming Energy Chain resonated together as if they\'re one entity.

The third, fourth and fifth Transcendents also exhibited different kinds of effects that were reminiscent of other Source Energy type properties, trying their hardest to not repeat their leader\'s mistakes.

However, being at Rank 2 Transcendent the other Source Energy type properties were at most only enhancing their main Pathway to a certain extent.

As soon as those wolves hit the Energy Chains I sent through the World\'s Will\'s Authority, they instantly disintegrated to Energy Particles, resulting in different kinds of backlash to their owners.

One of them instantly fell down like a kite whose strings got cut, the other ignited himself in green flames and immediately spun in an attempt to put it out.

Just like how they had different Transcendent Pathways, they also suffered different backlashes.

When those following them saw the brave ones\' plight, at least half of them immediately turned back and entered their erected safe zone while the others who continued, did their own maneuver to try and dodge the Energy Chains that were aiming to restrict them.

"Retreat! That one has a weird ability to restrict us. We have to make the beacons and portals instead!"

One of them then shouted, disregarding their leader\'s command to go out and face us.

They were probably muddled earlier from the Ailment Fog resulting in them flying out even with their reluctance.

They were swift builders and that was evident by the Pillars they erected to create a zone devoid of Level 3 Earth Energy for them.

However, when I appeared before them, they stopped what they were doing and looked at what kind of native this world has. Due to that, they all fell victim to my Ailment Aura.

At this point, the Sword Skill that I unleashed didn\'t need my input anymore. With Nysia and her Sanguine Aegis assisting it, it would only be a matter of time before it reached the strongest enemy we\'re facing to date.

That guy, after sending his command and seeing Nysia sped up also stopped his overconfidence as he began exhibiting his Pathway Skills.

To fully support my wife, while I was watching the over 50 Rank 2 Transcendents play the game of tag against the Energy Chains with their red wolves, every buff and domain that I could cast were all simultaneously activated.

Naturally, the three women I concealed with the Void Concealment were also included before they left.

Domain of Valor. Bulwark of Invulnerability. Energy Zone. Enhancement Aura. Defence Reinforcement. Spirit Domain. Emperor Domain. Energy Storm. Void Zone. Legendary Support Domain

Partly ignoring the excessive burn in my Energy reserves to let these foreign Transcendents fear my prowess, I then split my attention to focus on siphoning more Energy from the seven worlds connected to me to offset it.

However, even if I did that, it\'s not enough to handle more than 10 Sustained Skills. If I also added Bedevilled Outburst, Energy Incarnate Transformation and Energy Amplification, the meager 100 thousand units of Energy I possessed would be burned quicker.

Either, this was something that needed to be done. We\'re outnumbered. The best we could do at the moment was to show them our confidence and intimidate them with it.

"But… the fog and…"

One of the Rank 2 Transcendents who retreated also hesitated to go back. The Ailment he suffered had just subsided, he was afraid that if he entered again, he\'d suffer another Ailment.

"Idiot! What about the fog? Then stay here!"

The one who shouted for retreat flared up leaving behind that one Transcendent who was eventually wrapped around by the Energy Chains aimed at him

If one entered a disadvantageous battle with a scared expression, there\'s no doubt that one was doomed to lose.

But with this extreme confidence despite being outnumbered and weaker than their strongest soldier, they would start to wonder why are we confident and that would mess with their minds resulting in an upper hand in morale.

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