
Chapter 30: Murderer!?

Chapter 30: Murderer!?

Lowering her weapon with a heavy blush, Ava looked down, not daring to gaze at me. With a charming smile, I shook my head, "Lady Ava, how could you look down. Raise your head; an amazing woman like you needs to show some confidence."

Looking at the girl who was about to pop a fuse, I chuckled, turning my attention to the two other young girls. Staring at their noble disposition, I smiled charmingly, "Ladies, could you tell me where I currently am,"

Stepping out gracefully, I saw a young female warrior with a short scar over her magnificent face; she bowed, "Ashen Prince, It's an honor to meet your acquaintance; my name is Yanla Silmor, Ava's cousin, to my side is Mana Silmor, my little sister. You are currently a few hours from base camp. If you head north, it should take about five hours to arrive."

"If you would like, you could come with us. We are currently heading back," Ava shouted before covering her mouth, "I-I-I I mean, only if you want to." she murmured, blushing heavily.

Seeing the adorable young girl so flustered, I smiled, giving a slight nod, "the more, the merrier, right?"

Yanla sent a cold stare at Ava but didn't speak, giving me a forced smile, "If you will, my lord."

It was clear that Yanla was not too fond of me, but I didn't really care. Directions were one of those things that I was just terrible at. North, south, east, west all look the same to me. Not taking her attitude to heart, I looked up at the morning light before we headed off.

Ava was quite the interesting target...I mean person. She was quite the innocent child of an Earl, and Earl Ryan Silmor was quite the character. It was quite odd seeing his daughter so pure and innocent.

The journey to base camp was quite enjoyable with some people who wasn't a cold iceberg. Even Yanla lighten up a little as she would occasionally speak but there always a tension between us I couldn't help notice. She was very guarded against me, for good reason. But none of them knew my real personality.

Gazing at base camp, I turned towards Ava, Yanla, and Mana, "thank you all for the escort; I am in your debt. Please visit the House of Snow if you need anything."

Giving a small chuckle, I waited a few minutes watching Ava and her party step into the base camp before I followed behind. With my performance that was being monitored, I suspected there would be trouble in the days to come.

"ITS YOU, YOU'RE THAT BASTARD THAT MURDERED RON," A loud venomous shout sounded, gathering the attention of everyone within the camp.

"It was you that threw him towards that blood-tipped Anzu, MURDERER!!!" Another grievous man shouted with tears in his eyes.

A light smirk hung on my lips as I looked up at Grimlor and the council of judges coldly staring at me.

Grimlor had a grim expression, as did King Oswin and other judges. Witnessing me slaughter must have really put things in perspective. Feeling like an outcast, I laughed, "Principle Girmlor, do you have anything to say with regards to these allegations." I asked, not showing I felt any remorse.


"You bloody monster, how could The Acadamy of War cultivated a monster like you." A nobleman that held a scowl roared, cutting Grimlor off mid-sentence.

My brow shot up as I gave the nobleman a perplexed stare, "Viscount Gordo, Is there something that you are alluding to?" I questioned, narrowing my gaze, "Whether they are beast or man, It was well within my right to do what I did. Don't you agree, Principle Grimlor?"

"Within your right? You helped murder an innocent man, then proceeded to go on a murdering spree slaughtering everything that walked this world. You're a bloody psychopath," A man by the name of Dylan Lesien, a lowly Barron, shouted.

Shrugging my shoulders, I laughed curtly, "Was this not a competition? Was it not allowed to scheme and plot. That pathetic insect Ron failed to use me as bait and died paying the price. As for those beasts, well, are they not just beasts. Mindless creatures that we used for Game. Little Barron, you will do well to hold your tongue lest you end up like Wynnstan."

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD," Dylan bellowed as a burst of qi assaulted me like a truck.

Yet, my head remained high, still stained by the blood of my prey, "It is not your place to speak; a low aristocratic like yourself should fuck off. Daddy is speaking to the Principal of War."

A load murmuring resounded as everyone covered their mouths with laughter and dread. Looking around at the faces of those who held a deep fear within. I snorted, not caring what they thought. Who were they? My plans are already coming to fruition. By week's end, King Oswin himself will be begging me for my help.

"ENOUGH!!!" Grimlor shouted in a powerful voice hushing all the little murmurs that filled the area.

"Arsène Snow was well within his right to do as he did. While his action led to the death of Ron, it was clearly an act of self-defense. It was Ron who attacked first, thrusting his sword towards Arsène."

Barron Dylan and Viscount Gordo faced morphed as they spat with disgust. Not willing to accept my fate, Dylan stepped out with anger, "Grimlor, this is preposterous, is there be no punishment for..."

"A fallen Barron family daring to insult the house of Snow's spawn, how interesting. Dylan, tell me where do you garner such courage." Grey's cold, sinister voice sounded as he gracefully stepped forward.

Each step causing a monstrous pressure to descend. Dylan faced change, but to his horror, he fell to his knees as blood burst from his kneecaps, painting the very ground crimson.

"Fallen from grace, your family's land was all but taken, and you, a decedent of the Lesien House, was forced to plow grass like a commoner. What right do you have to even speak."

Shivering like an abused girl, Dylan shook his head wildly, "M-my Lord..."

"Who allowed you to speak, insect!!!" Grey's cold voice sounded once more as he placed his foot on Dylan's head, slamming it down to the ground. A muffled groan echoed as Dylan whimpered with blood and teeth protruding from his lips.

"Duke Greyson, please. Dylan is still a Barron of Asterion. This is not the place to show such indecent behavior. " An attractive woman with golden hair and light azure blue eyes said with a melancholy expression.

Grey lightly smiled, removing his foot from Dylan's head, "Marquess Wayee, you are quite right." he said before giving me a pleasant smile, "Arsène, you will kill Dylan, I don't care how you do it, but his entire house must die."

A light smile floated upon my face as I bowed, "By your will Duke Greyson," I shouted, with a radiant tone.

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