
Chapter 57: Do It

Chapter 57: Do It

With cold detachment, I could see Oswin, Wybert, among the other Heavenly Masters trembling in rage and a tinge of excitement as the foul scent of death graced the throne room.

"It's just as I said, Your Grace. The Nexus Armor is mine, and I have no intention of handing it over." I lightly responded, "I am no longer a part of the Snow House, so I need protection."

"Then Die!!!" a loud voice proclaimed.

Time had already slowed as I pushed my already dried dantian to use some leftover qi. With her golden hair glimmering, I could see Marquess Wayee appear before me as a slender palm shot towards my head.

Turning my attention towards the king, I smiled as the palm stopped a centimeter from my head, blood dripped falling from my chin as I anticipated the king's response.

"...stop...Wayee," Oswin begrudgingly stated.

Sending the gorgeous woman a wink, I gently wiped the blood from my face, "Well, shall we talk about price?" I asked, not caring for the sinister intent flooding the palace, "One million per hundred Spirit rank armor. Multiply that by a factor of ten for each rank we rank up."

"NO, this kingdom can't support that!" The financial minister Bryan shouted with his long grey bread trembling madly.

"Then raise the taxes; this is a country that doesn't tax its slaves for some reason and among other things. Don't make excuses; I am well aware of how much this kingdom has." I lightly said, sending an innocent look at Bryan.

With an aged look, he grew pale, looking at the king for help, "...we...we.."

"Can do it, " I interrupted, "there are over twenty billion men and women in this kingdom. I am more than sure we can come to an arrangement."

"Stop this," Salazar shouted, gripping me by the collar, "Are you not a citizen of this kingdom? how can you just send us into bankruptcy?"

"Us? I am giving this kingdom a chance. Burn Godwin down and enslave their people, and you will have more than enough resources to pay me. It's nothing personal, just business." I lightly said, pushing his hands away.

"I shall take my leave; I am sure you all have things to discuss. As always, it was a pleasure, your grace." I humbly said before removing myself from the throne room.

Looking up at the still darkened skies of pendragon that reeked of ash and sulfur, I grinned as a shadow appeared next to me, "My lord, all the preparation are finish within this kingdom. And the second wave will soon hit Godwin within a few days." the shadow lifelessly stated.

"Plagues are one of the worst things for mortals, even if you're a cultivator. Could you send me a report of the death list? We mainly targeted the defenseless to kill off any way of drafting people into this new war."

Bowing, the shadow left as I arrived home. With a weary day, I laid on my bed as I closed my eyes, trying to invite the darkness in. Only for a massive screen to appear in my room.

"Arsene," Grey's cold voice sounded, ruining my mood.

"Uncle? how can I help you?" I bitterly asked. Didn't I leave the family? Can't you leave me alone? At least for a day.

"What did you do to Dra's network," He coldly asked, his tone at absolute zero.

Arching my brow, I arose, "what do you mean," I asked in bewilderment, "Didn't you take care of it as soon as Dra was taken into custody?"

Nodding his head, Grey gripped his chin, "I did, but it would seem that bastard had a backup plan. Any Idea of what could have happened."

Flashing through my memories, I nodded, thinking of only one man "Selma," I cautiously replied, "He is the only one in this kingdom that could have predicted our moves behind our backs. Uncle, send out the barbarian's, set aflame Dra's home, and kill his son wherever he is...Even if he is in the palace."

"Why," he asked in bewilderment, not clearly comprehending as to why.

"No reason...that's the point. We need Selma on his toes," I hurried to explain, "I don't think he could have taken over Dra's network but merely delayed our rise. We need to move fast, and Dra will be a good pawn."

Watching as Grey severed the connection, I dropped to the bed in exhaustion. Selma was truly bothersome, but we still need him in this war. I am far too young and weak to defeat him on the battlefield, not to mention in military tactics. Then again, I don't really care if Asterion wins.

Closing my eyes, night came and went in a flash as a blanket of heat assaulted my godly body. With a long whine, I lamented, "Why is it so hot...Damn, I miss the modern era; AC is life."

Quickly preparing, I suddenly gasped as a young girl with long purple hair appeared in my kitchen,"...NO! NO! FUCK NO! YURAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" I bellowed as a deep set of amethyst eyes appeared with a hint of amusement radiating from within.

"Yes," She said, seemingly answering my next question before it was asked.




Shrugging her shoulders, Yura smiled as she patted Nora's, causing her to purr, "You can stay as long as you like." She blazingly stated,

With a heavy blush, Nora giggled, "Yura is the best,"

Gritting my teeth, I slapped my head, pondering if I was air. Am I a simp?...that must be it. Two lifetimes and it's only now that I realize that I am a simp...Your not shit, Arsene! Kill yourself!

Bitterly skipping breakfast, I stepped into my carriage as the two young girls joined. Staring at me with mischievous smiles. While it was odd for Yura to behave like this, but it was one hundred percent better than the cold brick she was.

"Yura? Are you aware that some higher being tried to scan me?" I asked, remembering the conversation with Bael."You wouldn't have anything to do with that?"

Gasping, Yura's eyes grew wide as she looked up with a hint of annoyance. A light grin, however, arose before vanishing as she nodded in a bright tone, "...Yes...It must have been Mother or Father, but how did you know."

Glancing at Nora, I covered myself and Yura in a sphere of darkness, "Bael told me, you won't happen to know of him, would you?"

"Yes and no," She exclaimed, shaking her head, "While I hold some knowledge regarding the demon and Devils, I have yet to unlock that kind of knowledge. But there are some things I just cannot speak of."

"Unlock?" I muttered, sending an intriguing smile towards the young goddess covering her mouth at her mistake.

Inherited memories, something I had heard in my past life. Allowing its user to hold knowledge from their ancestors depending on how powerful their bloodline is. A somewhat overpowered ability if used correctly.

"Are you human...is that even your real appearance," I asked, looking at her lack of emotions. Unless she was truly happy or angered, it was terribly hard to see her express emotion.

"...Nevermind, forget I said anything," I whispered, removing the darkness. I could see Nora eyeing me with rage. "Dumb dumb, don't do that."

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