
Chapter 118: Clear Path - Seven Sins

Chapter 118: Clear Path - Seven Sins

I had felt warm and cosey once I awoke. I did not need to turn as I knew whose arms were wrapped around my body. I did not have to speak as she turned towards me, smiling with a delightful hue as our lips touched.

"Morning, sleepyhead," She called out as I felt warm. I didn't feel any sexual desires as I gazed at her true face. No, I felt at home as she held my face with her palm. "It's been a few days. Can you move, or do you want to say here for a while?"

I didn't bother to speak as she knew the answer to her own question. A mischievous gleam seemed to flash as she gave me her spellbinding giggle that captivated my attention, "So will my husband not speak to me after his dear wife cared for him this past week?"

Shaking my head, I held her body that laid on top of me. Feeling her embrace, I didn't wish to speak, merely thinking about bael and his little play. I felt oddly at peace...in this garden. The winds were perfect, the fragrance that reminded me of the past. It all was perfect as I teared up.

It's a bit sexist, but I felt like a little bitch at this moment. I missed my family, a cannibal missing his parents. If anyone ever heard me, I would die. It's humiliating, but I miss them. Watching my brother and father killed while my mother almost raped before my face really put things in perspective. I think I understand more what Lilith went through when I forced her hand, although I don't regret what I did. They still need to die.

"Lilith, I think I understand. What I need to do, After we kill Nora. Let's leave; I don't want to wait anymore. It's a waste of time; I need power. I am a devil; I will need to wage slaughters against all of humanity, I need to be forming contracts, I will be what I was meant to be."

"A devil?" Lilith said as I shook my head,

"No, my power is more than that. I will hunt being of legends, monsters of nightmares, and feast on their bodies, absorbing their bloodlines. I will not be a devil, but something more I will be my own creation. I have the Flames of Hellfire, something surpassing my very understanding, but it's not enough. I need more."

"Greed," Lilith whispered as I arched my brow.

"Yes, Gluttony, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, now Greed. It's odd how much I felt in such a short time. It was so subtle I didn't even notice till I could feel them all increase without my notice. but you didn't you."

"I did," she lightly said, "but was it wrong, Sene? I knew you would overcome it and find your path. And even if you didn't, I would have died with you."

"Hell yeah, you were wrong," I yelled coldly, chopping her with my <arsene chop=""> on her head. "Girl, stop being crazy. Tell me about shit like this. So I can be aware, damn, don't act like those idiotic cultivators that are silent about something because they think you cant handle it. Shit, I almost died to my own emotions; that's such a bitch ass way to go out... Oh, hey, how did he die? Oh, he died to his emotions. WHAT!!! COME ON!!!! At least cut my head off, shit **** me to death if you must, at least that will be tragic."</arsene>

Pushing her off of me, I glared daggers into her as she looked down, twittering her thumbs, "I'm sorry, Sene," she lightly said.

"It's fine, I think, although I may just need to add to your punishment, but how will these sins affect me in the future," I asked as she shook her head,

"The same way, just think of your past, Arsene. From the moment you woke as a demon, think of everything you have done. It has always been there beside you, ruling your action. It's just you couldn't name it. Although oddly enough, you fought it for a while. Your lust for me, your rage at the princes, your envy for Edain. It was all there.

"I envied Edain?" I scuffed in disdain at the very thought as she smiled leaping back into my arms, "Please, I could practically feel the jealousy as you looked at him. Why did you think you two didn't get along?"

"Cuz I'm a dick?" I said she burst into laughter. "Well, there is that, but never to me."

"But will I gain any powers, or are these sins just here to fuck with my life," I angrily question as she shrugged,

"A little of both, Bael is a Devil of Wrath, and Asmodeus a Devil of Lust. Both of them hold a specific power over these sins. While most demons or devils cannot grasp their sin, a rare few start to develop it early on. I will say your highest affinity is pride. Focus on that, and you should start comprehending the mortal Law of Pride.

"Pride, huh, thought it would be Gluttony oh well, Pride is fine, I guess. I am an arrogant asshole anyway." Jumping out of bed, I stretched as I felt my bones pop. "Did I breakthrough?" I asked, turning to Lilith.

"I think you are at the peak of Realm of Fire. You need to pick body cultivation Arte before you continue." She said in a cute tone. I, However, frown, cursing Baels name below my breath.

"Oh, what did he promise you?" Lilith asked as she stretched her body on our bed, not really caring that much of what bael had promised.

"Nine Hells of the Abyss," I coldly said as Lilith burst into laughter,

"That doesn't exist, Arsene. He made that up." Lilith explained with confidence as she snorted, "Had you agreed and killed me, he could have just made a simple Arte and named it that, and boom !! Contract fulfilled. The only one who can use Abyssal energy or its Artes is me and those I deem worthy. No one, and I mean none, can use it much less gain enlightenment over it. Shit, even abyssal Demons from the abyss cannot use abyssal qi."

Seeing her so sure, I frowned, "But I do need a body Arte, and now I am hesitant to use Drar'ethiul's Artes."

Smirking, Lilith flicked my head, "such a dumb-dumb," she expressed with a tap to my head. Suddenly a massive influx of information rushed through my soul, filling my mind as I froze. "Nine Hells of the Abyss."

"Yes, I like that name more than the original name 'Abyssal Body Arte.' While you will not be able to produce Abyssal Qi, your body will be as strong as an Abyssal Demon...I don't need to tell you this, but this Arte is the highest grade possible. Eternal Life is all but guaranteed at the end of the Gate of Fire, although you are already immortal being a race from the Nines," Lilith said as her face turned a little pale.

"You really are my sugar mama. It looks like I may have to postpone your punish..."

"don't you dare, I just bought a mountain of fucking heavenly water. You best keep your damn promise," Lilith yelled before covering her mouth. "Oops, shit."

"AHAHAHA," Laughing, I took the little girl's arm as we left for breakfast. Today was the day Nora would be here. Peering up at the afternoon sun, Lilith and I left. Sitting in the carriage prepared by my maids, I felt a little awkward as erica, Olivia were both presently staring at me. Olivia seemed to hate me for some reason, it could be my sweetness, but anything is possible nowadays. I did steal her little princess.

"I already have a sugar mama unless you can support me. I'm not interested." I send covering up my chest as Olivia radiated killing intent.

"I'm celibate," Erica suddenly voiced with an indifferent smile.

Opening my mouth wide, I sighed with a heartbreaking expression. "Life must be hard," I exclaimed, patting her head as she glared with a will full expression unbecoming of a maid.

Glancing at the giggling Lilith, I suddenly tapped my chin, "Where did you buy a mountain of Water?"

Olivia seemed a bit taken back as she spoke, "I got it for the ladyship, but she never said what it was for? Is it for you?"

"Surely not, while I may have to take a few sips after I'm done. Leia will be the one taking it all in." I explained as Lilith drooled, her imagination running wild...Definitely a true masochist. I knew she was one, but seeing her like this really put things into perspective. She really is crazy! First a male rapist, now a masochist. Oh Arsene, do you just attract the crazies?

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