
Chapter 192: Father and Son

Chapter 192: Father and Son

Following behind the Golden eyed young man, I smiled as he took us into an elegant-looking room. Mostly composed of white, I could feel the heavenly qi of heaven and earth resonating in the air, causing me to smirk.

"It's so stupid that all those of the high class have qi, yet you still hide it."

Sending me a glance, the golden-eyed man snorted, "It's to keep the rabble in their place. No one wants a genius like you to rise. So we enforce such ridiculous rules. Change is not something we are avid lovers of."

"So I take it you are not welcoming of the spiral rings I created?" I coldly asked as Zanris poured me a glass of water that was present. It was not clear like most water but rather a transparent azure, like the vast ocean.

"Far from it, this could be a major invention. I am not just here to represent my auction house but our main branch within the central continent. We would love to have such an invention." He said as I took a sip, growing surprised at the vast amount of qi I was taking in. It was almost equal to the amount of qi I took in from about an entire day of cultivating.

"I will not be giving you the rune. Even if you mindfuck the Dwarves, they themself cannot give it to you. Soul attacks will not work on them." I suddenly informed as a look of disbelief filled the golden eye man. "I have taken precautions regarding such things. As for me... well, you can try, but I'm sure blood will rain over Midgard in the event of my death."

Bluffing with lies and truth, I relaxed, taking another sip. I spoke once more, "what is your name?"

Narrowing his gaze, he sneered, "My apologies, I am Trygve Englehart. Son of the late battle king Seral Englehart."

Humming in response, I rested my palm against my cheeks with a carefree expression, "Well, Trygve, son of Seral. Why should I make a deal with you? The word of my design has already spread throughout Midgard. I could just make a random auction and have the Vanir or Airer clan act as protection. They would be more than glad to do as such. "

Freezing like a statue, a cold atmosphere began to fill the room as Zanris simply smiled at my side. Silvia, however, sneered, "You have a lot of nerve Trygve. Not only were your actions rude and unacceptable you are starting to anger me. I suggest you remove your head out your ass and look around."

"She is quite right," Zanris commented, "Insulting a high elf of the House of Scara and someone who was personally appointed by Lord Torgeir. Even if Magni Works have a few world gods, do you really believe they would anger any of these people?"

Not saying anything. I simply enjoyed my water. In my opinion, Trygve was a fool. Believing he was the smartest man within the room. His arrogant behavior was annoying, but I didn't want to do any of the work needed. I was done with crap like this after my last 'tryst' within Pendragon. Sure I may make plans regarding killing and screwing people over, but politics was not something I wanted to deal with.

Although the ways things are looking, I will have no choice. With a cynical smile, I placed my empty glass as Zanris quickly filled it back up, "How about we start over, Trygve? It seems you believe me to be a child. While I may only be fifteen, I assure you my knowledge regarding politics far exceeds yours. Unless you wish for your own organization to kill you, I suggest you leave and return with a better attitude. "

Analyzing the horrid expression, Trygve left in a hurry, sweating bricks like the fool he was. Licking my lips, I closed my eyes, taking a big sip as Silvia burst into laughter, "he is so stupid."

"Agreed, but he is a fifth Star Elemental cultivator." Zanris carelessly stated, not showing any fear or trepidation, "That is the peak, of Elemental star and a Low-grade Nascent soul. "

"And can you kill him?" I whispered, sending the young Lilim a feral grin.

Licking her lips towards me, Zan giggled, "Master, he would not last long. I am a six-stage nascent soul and a fourth elemental star cultivator. He would have been a challenge before but now that I am a Devil. HEHE"

Smirking, I nodded, knowing all that Lilims were capable of. While they were not at the peak of demonkind like me or the royals. They could match them easily. Lilith was not known as the Mother of Demons for no reason... Although it is odd that Lilims were not considered demons but rather devils, I guess this is semantics since it's not that big a deal. Although from all the games I played in my past life, they are represented as demons.

Closing my eyes, time began to fly as I stared at Trygve through the walls pacing back and forth with sweat covering his brow. Snickering to myself, my eyes suddenly went wide as I saw a familiar face.

"Is he not the waiter that called me a simp? Ooh, that's why he looked familiar. Father and son, but why was he.... son of a bitch."

Narrowing my gaze, a cold chill filled the room, causing Silvia to stare,

"Arsene?" she called, but my mind continued raging as a vicious plan began to form.

<orion, gather="" all="" you="" know="" about="" what="" you="" can="" regarding="" trygve="" englehart,="" more="" importantly,="" his="" child.="" he="" holds="" his="" golden="" eyes.=""></orion,>

Suddenly a knock echoed through my door as I watched Trygve along with his son step in. Bowing, Trygve apologized, "forgive me for my earlier behavior, Lord Snow... It was unbecoming."

remaining silent, I simply stared at his son with indifference. Noticing my silence, Trygve looked up before turning to his ashen son.

"So, you were not a waiter. How interesting, makes me think of what you were doing when my wife and I were having dinner? Care to explain?" I lightly asked as the air began to thin. A cold sweat began to fill the air as Zanris eyes began to glow with sin.

"I...I...I... you must have mistaken me, Lord Snow. I have never worked as a waiter in my entire life." He repisipercated in a hesitinte tone. "I am an Englehart. Doing such a thing would be..."

"Humble?" I interrupted with a smile, "crawling your way around with the rabble, but I shall take your word regarding this matter. Please have a seat so that we can discuss my terms."

Releasing a sigh of relief, I simply smiled, but Zanris was not fooled as she continued to stare deeply into her new prey.

"Oh, I almost forgot; what is your name?" I asked with an indifferent light masking the torment I was going to rain down his throat.

"Brerson Englehart."

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