
Chapter 314: Sif- Fear

Chapter 314: Sif- Fear

What the hell has happened. He appeared upon the battlefield like an abomination, seen only within the Hel's. He was alone, his army was nowhere to be seen, yet he charged.

Many had called him a fool, myself included, but as the days and months passed, we finally understood. I finally understood this was no man nor demon.

He was a monster, a beast, an abomination, unseen by creation. He did not grow tiered; his Qi never dried, and his body would continually begin to heal no matter what happened. There was no holding him down, as trapping formations did not work; he would always teleport out.

Circles that would call forth meteors could be called without any preparation destroying millions of lives on both sides. Arsene, Ashen King, had dominated the battlefield alone.

It had been six months, and the only constant was his laughter that rang in the hearts of everyone as he feasted upon their bodies like a crazed beast. We had tried sending a few valkyries and gods, but all were killed by those minotaurs that had joined him. They did not slaughter like Arsene; no, they made a home upon the battlefield. Gradually making their way towards my city each passing day, butchering, torturing, raping, and killing without any discretion.

"Sif, you have to stop this," Said Tyr, from the air.

Observing the crimson lake growing and the laughing demon with a flaming spear, I scuffed, "Stop? After this, do you think I could? Do you know how many died due to this thing? What happened?"

"No idea, but Hella may even make an appearance; Astrid paid me a visit. She said that Arsene needed to be stopped. Too many are dying, and none of the souls are heading to Valhalla nor Hel. She said there is a great imbalance that could affect all nine realms."

TIgtning my arm guard, I turned to the one arm god I'd not heard from in months. "What do you expect me to do? He has thirty New Gods by his side, and they are from the Nines. I am trying to hold back the Vanirs and giants; this base city is of great importance."

Driving me a ruthless slap, I clenched my cheek, starstruck by his action. Tye, however, arm flashed one more, branding my cheek with his handprint."Did you forget who I am? Or what I represent? I know what this base means, Sif, but I am looking at the bigger picture. We retreat and allow Arsene to kill the Vanirs and Giants instead of our men. Let him kill them, this is only Midgard, but we have lost an uncountable amount."

Gritting my teeth, the echoes of thunder and lightning began to echo out from the heavens. "You truly have some balls, brother!" Thor bellowed, gripping a large ax within his hands.

"You dare appear on the battlefield? Last I'd heard, Freya said next time she met you upon the battlefield, she would take more than just your hammer." Said Tyr mocking my husband.

"I see why father, dismissed you!" Thor thundered, quieting the battlefield, or rather the demon upon the ground.

Feeling a chill upon our souls, we looked towards the stained demon covered in black and red blood. Licking his hands, the flaming spear within his hands vanished as he arose into the air.

"So, you must be thor, the little god that could?" He sarcastically mentioned.

Clenching the fist, the glint of divinity shimmered, creating a spear and sword within my palms. This was quite an excellent opportunity to end this, but his demons were strangely watching. Waiting to see a show.

"You have quite a tongue upon you." Said Thor arching his head. Revealing his handsome face hidden behind his golden hair that hung wild. "Tell me, where is that wife of yours? I am quite curious about how her pussy taste."

Tightening my fist, I turned, unable to look at the man I call husband. How many has he taken? Is it so common for him now to speak as such in my presence?

"Sif is it?" The Devil spoke, sending a chill down my spine.

He licked his lips, eying me like I was his next dish. "Quite a beauty. It's quite a shame you belong to another. Respect is so hard to find, don't you think?" he said, pulling the strings of my heart for some reason.

Bitting my lips, I could not help but turn to Thor, stepping upon the air to my side. Gripping my waist, I trembled at his touch. Feeling his warm, powerful hands after so long. Why? Why do you not even look at me anymore?

"I did not take you to be a cannibal. Can you truly say you are fit to even rule?" mocked Thor gripping me tighter.

"Cannibal?" Arsene muttered, wiping his stained cheeks revealing a paleness I'd only seen within the dead. "I stood by my woman, gave her everything, and in return, she offered me all I wanted and more. How I rule is irrelevant, for all that matters is her. If she asked, I would comply or have her experience my joy. Can you say the same?"

Arsene was speaking with thor, but his words were pulling at my soul. Veering to my husband, I could see a deep loathing that made my heart want to break. Why did he become like this? We were so happy long ago.

"You a king, yet you only have one? How pitiful; I may have offered Astrid up for you if she were still here. Having such a young and innocent pus—"

"THOR! YOU FUCKER!" Tyr screamed, gripping his collar, "You do not deserve to be a king! You're a monster!"

Tossing me way without a second thought, my eyes widened as Thor's entire body exploded out, deafening the battlefield with his thunder. Yet Tyr remained still, his arm seared but still gripping the collar of The God of Thunder and Lightning.

"He is, don't you think?" Arsene venomously whispered, slithering closer to me, "Tell me, Sif, do you think he is a monster? Astrid, her end was so tragic, but what of the Fallen valkyries that were forced to spread their legs. Did thor not break two of them? You were there, were you not? Didn't you also watch as he fucked them so hard one decided to explode her own head?

"Shut up! Shut up!" I screamed, holding my throat that had ran dry and my eyes that had blurred. How could I forget... How could I forget what he did? I can still recall her screaming, calling for help, screaming for me to help her!

Mother, she had called out... Master, she cried... begging me for hours, days yet...

"But that didn't stop him, did it?" Arsene said, placing his arm upon my shoulder, "Thor laughed, continuing on till her corpse ran cold. And there you were. Watching till he finally crawled back into your arms."

"Stop... Please," I whimpered, trying not to before an enemy, but, but! Looking up with teary eyes, the Devil laughed. I was stronger than him. I could kill him now but, he knew... My arms had grown heavy, and my heart bled as his words that brought back memories I tried with everything to hide returned.

"Arsene, please stop," I feebly begged, clenching my hair as her cries echoed. She was so innocent, loving, and loyal. She would have done anything

"You had him bend you over, didn't you. You did not feel shame. You wanted him. Didn't you, DIDNT YOU! You had him fuck you till he was screaming your name, by the very woman who he fucked into killing herself. You did not care he raped one that you trained, raise even. You just wanted him to touch you. Hold just like he did the first time."


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