
Chapter 359: Andor - Supreme Judges of Nox

Chapter 359: Andor - Supreme Judges of Nox

"So what now? Will you just let me go? You have with you a High-God." Ashna scornfully stated, arching her head high.

"I thought she was a mid-god?" Said grey glancing towards Freya, smiling cheekily. "Seems someone is still hiding secrets. But no. We can't afford to lose the staff and two Demi-Gods. You and Andor are free to leave."

"Just like that?" I asked, meeting his cold eyes.

"Just like that," He replied with a slight smile.

This bastard! Is the Snow family so lucky? First Arsene, now Greyson. How is it that the Snows seem to have it all?

"What is it you want with my wife and me?" Ragnar coldly asked, lowering his sword the moment Freya held her in her clutches.

"We will see," Zanris cutely muttered with a heavy blush eying Grace. "She looks so soft."

Dismissing my blade back into the void, I smiled, lifting my head high, "Seems like we underestimated you. Arsene was indeed correct to hand you control. But are you sure you wish to side with him? Prince Sitri can offer you far more than you can imagine."

"Tell me who is more powerful, a King of Hell or the Beast King, Bahopmet?" Greyson questioned, taking his leave, leaving me stumped for words.

"By the Hells, is he serious?" I muttered. Watching Freya, along with the others taking their leave. Confident we would not attack, they vanished, leaving Ashna and myself alone.

"My master will not be happy." Ashna coldly stated, "It seems the destruction of Midgard along with the other realms are—"

"I do not believe Rience has the authority to decimate what is mine." A childlike voice echoed, sending shivers down my spine. "What say you, Areon? As a war hero, Do you think Nox will betray me?"

Quaking in her very skin, Ashna's face turned paler than snow. She fell to her knees, shivering in fear as two beings appeared. Meeting the cold, destructive stare of Areon, my heart froze as blood trickled from my lips.

"Kneel," He commanded with absolution.

Unable to resist his command, I fell onto my knees like that of a dog learning to sit. Unable to even perceive what shame was, my heart felt at peace before the King before me.

"Lord Aeron." Ashna fearfully muttered with a toxic air of fear that seemed to spread to me. For the first time, I felt dread for someone that was not Prince Sitri. I could not stop shaking, no matter how hard I bit my lips and tongue. All I could do was shudder. "You're awake... Congratulations."

Opening my mouth, I had wished to speak, but the small child with a radiant air of life smiled, leaping onto the being that seemed to emanate the concept of destruction from his very body. Simply standing next to him, I felt my soul beginning to deteriorate. All that I was slowly being destroyed before this man.

"Tell them the news, Areon," Yggdrasil announced with a cheeky smile.

Raising my head, I saw Areon roll his eyes, "Still the same as always, Ygg. No wonder you became friends with Levi and that Witch." he said, shifting his destructive gaze towards Ashna, who dear not meet his eye.

"The Nine Realms, Known as the Norse Pantheon, has officially become a part of Vivictus and is being funded by myself. Should your Master, Beastmaster Rience, wishes to attack. Prepared for two wars."

"YOu cannot do this!" Ashna brazenly shouted, rising from her knees." The Head of the Seat now belongs to Master. You are going against him?"

"What fucking seat? I stand with the damn founders of Nox. The words of a Beastmaster mean nothing to me." Said Areon shifting his gaze to a being standing behind us.

Shocked by his appearance, I remained still. This was not something I had much of a say in.

"And if I wished to stand with Rience?" Soloman asked, stroking his grey beard with a cunning glint of an old fox.

"Even you, Soloman, cannot face all of the founders. Arsene will be placed on the list of champions. Should he not match up, we are more than willing to give him up."

"No." Soloman hardly told, placing his hand behind his back. "There are few who can face me, and you along with your little faction serve no threat other than entertainment." he lightly said, as if Areon was nothing more than air, "But I will contest you this victory within this realm. Midgard is far too hot. Prince Sitri has played with fire, and I will have no part. What say you, Dear Prince of Hell?"

Touching my head to the floor, in haste, his dark, sinful voice sounded, "A coward, are we? Does Asmodeus put you in so much fear? This was the trial he handed me; it's not my fault Lilith was a casualty."

"Indeed, and he will unquestionably not fault you, but can you say the same for the boy by her side?" Areon coldly stated as Yggdrasil climbed down from his slender neck with a grim expression.

"Who? The boy who is less than fifty? Come now, even if an archangel appeared before me, why should I be fearful? Arsene understands nothing. He is nothing more than a lesser devil. That cannot even understand the power of us True devils." Master darkly scorned. But his words were true. Like Arsene, and myself we were not born within the Hells. We have no idea the cruelty and power they hold.

"Yet, here he stands," Yggdrisel added, shifting into a majestic beauty far different from the cute child she was, aging into what seemed to be a young woman around eighteen. She held long emerald green hair that hung to her back and a ravaging hourglass figure. Placing her hands upon her waist, she narrowed her gaze that seemed to capture life itself.

"So the bitch speaks? Where it not for your relationship with that witch, and lady Levi. I would have had you upon my bed."

Lifting her lips upon a face that seemed to pull at even the darkest of monsters, Yggdrasil giggled, "How vulgar you remain, Sitri. But that does change the fact that I have a close relationship with Levi-chan, who is family with the Beast king and the sleeping sin."

A little intimidated by her pure, untouched stare that skimmed over my body, I trembled as a new sensation I could not even describe encompassed my soul. It was soft, caring, almost like home, but more.

"On your feet," Sitri commanded, sending Areon and Soloman a profound stare, "We will indeed see. Who has the last laugh? My deadline is upon us, and in my hands, I hold what is dear to that boy. My victory is but assured. I will win; I will always win.

"We shall see, but in the meantime, I am here for that woman who sacrificed my people in order to enter my realm." Yggdrasil lovingly said, pointing towards the shivering Ashna.

"And what of it?" Sitri fired off. "She is here under my command."

Losing her joyful smile, I felt my heart begin to break as she sighed, "Truly a vulgar man you are. I want her."

"Who the hell are you to demand me?!" Ashna shouted, glaring with fire in her eyes.

"I see, so it seems Beastmaster Rience has not told you who I am?" Yggdrasil kindly informed with a peculiar glint, "I am one of the seven supreme judges and leader of the Demonic Fraction that handles demons and devils due to my close relationship with Levi-Chan."

Paling in horror, Ashna shivered, "when... When did this happen!"

"Long after your fall," Areon metallically expressed, sending Sitri a stern look. "You may want to change your direction, or the moment you enter Hell once more, all the Kings and Princes of hell will be after your head."

"Well played, and here I thought you would have remained silent, hiding your identity. This must be worth it." Master amusingly said, betrayed by the burning heat beginning to rise from his scaly body. "But revealing such information was not wise. The identities of each supreme Judge are to remain hidden."

"I am more than strong enough to handle the backlash. After all, I have the help of two founders," Yggdrasil told with a vibrant smile. "Not to mention my status as leader of The Demonic Fraction."

"Indeed," Master muttered, pondering over something. "When Arsene returns... Tell him we are waiting."

"But of course, oh Prince of Hell."

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