
Chapter 457: Gaius Winterblack - Prince of Order

Chapter 457: Gaius Winterblack - Prince of Order

"When I sensed you left, I had thought something went wrong. Was I right?" Christofer, Second King of The Demonic Knights, questioned, approaching my daughter and me with a smile that did not reach his eyes.

"Head to your cultivation cave and ponder over your defeat," I commanded, patting my daughter's shoulder, whose expression was bitter.

"Father we--"

"Go," I firmly declared, crossing my arms grimly.

Biting her teeth, I snorted, knowing I had spoiled her dearly. I should have taken a whip to her back all those years ago. Stomping her foot, Elena stormed away.

"Kids," I spat, holding myself back. What can you do? She is, after all, a grown-ass woman now.

"Lord Gaius," Christofer called once more, a bit impatiently.

"The mission was indeed successful. The whore, the first prince, impregnated is dead. But all the men I sent are dead, including one of yours. Serg."

"That is saddening news," Christofer muttered, yet I could hear the indifference, "Who killed them?"

"I didn't quite get all their names, but one was called Abbadon, the one who is to marry Yu Jin. His bones are less than a hundred, but his gaze is ancient for some reason. Who can say how old he truly is. So many things exist in this world."

Narrowing his gaze, Christofer, The Dark Passenger, smiled, "A name was all I needed. He shall be dead in a week."

"Do as you please. Did you bring it?" I asked Indifferently over the entire matter.

"But of course. A deal is a deal, after all. We might be demonic cultivators, but a sense of decency is always welcomed amongst our kind. Would you not agree, Gaius Winterblack?"

"Just hand it over; I am in no mood to question semantics with you."

Finding amusement in my words, Christofer chuckled, waving his hand, forcing space to materialize the Artifact my clan had been looking for since eons past.

All I could do was gasp at the tattered blade that was once held by the Prince of Order, now in the hands of this disgusting bastard. Snatching the blade away from Christofer, I shuttered, feeling my blood churn at the sin running through my veins.

"So it is indeed true. But where did you find it?" I questioned, tracing my fingers over the rusted sword that was shattered at the center of the blade, leaving only a jagged point.

"Alos is one of the few Realms where one may find fragments left behind by the Astral Sea before it mysteriously vanished. A few years back, one of my knights found it, and we have been trying to find a way to restore it to no avail. Was it not for you? We might have thrown it away long ago. Do you know the owner? It is still soul bond."

"I have always known the owner, but dear, not speak his name," I answered back, touching my chest, thumping so heavily I thought I was about to pass out.

"Just a little more," I muttered, turning my gaze to Christofer smiling disdainfully.

Paying the man no mind, I waved him off, "I will not be walking you out, happy doing business with you." I uttered, teleporting deep into the land of darkness. Not letting my feet touch the ground, I hovered, moving forward into the depths of night.

'The Land of Fractured Dreams, Plane of Darkness, Skies of Judgment, and now Blade of Order," I uttered dreamily at the land I had molded in honor of my sin.

Approaching a towering Ebon statue of a Young Man with long hair with a blade upon his back. I fell to my knees as I had always done.

"Reincarnation, after reincarnation, forced to watch all those I care about die, forced to repeat the same mistakes, forced to live a life of pure repetition knowing its end, but being unable to change it. I understand my mistake, but you must show mercy. It has been so long."

Wiping the tears blurring my vision, I quivered at the never-ending torment forced upon me by the Prince. It did not matter how powerful I became, how crazed I grew. My daughter, like my wife, would be forced into death by my very own hands.

And with their death, I would defile their bodies till they began to rot, before my eyes. At the same time, their souls would be forced to watch and experience the rotting of the flesh, the desecration of their remains. They would feel everything before being torn away by a great power then added into my collection like trophies.

Force to relive this Hell never growing tired of the torment. It was sick, disgusting leaving me broken for far longer than I wished to admit. Killing myself never helped, for I would simply be reborn per the Prince's Will.

"m'lord." I hopefully cried, touching the blade that now rested in my hands. "Please, Please forgive me," I begged, for it was all I could do before true absolute power. What can one do but break? "Two Chaos cycles have passed since that day, m'lord. And now. And now I have all that you asked. All I seek now is death, true death."

"No," a voice so cold and indifferent, my soul froze in pace as the firm, ruthless voice echoed from all that existed.

Chocking up at the endless cycle of torment, my throat began to burn, and my eyes began to stink. "Please, "I feebly begged, "Just let Elena go. Not this one! My wife is already gone due to me. I cannot lose Elena now. Finding one's soul mate each lifetime only to strike her down during her happiest moment is too much. "

Hearing nothing but empty silence, my heart for the endless cycles I have lived shattered so hard I-I-I broke once again. "Dear God, PLEASE!!!! STOP!!!!! STOP!! ! JUST STOP!!!! KILL ME!!!!"

"I did not know he would kill them. I didn't know! It was a mistake! one I have paid for. Just please," I wealy and helplessly cried. "Just end me, please."

"No," Said the Prince indifferently, shattering the last of my hope. "For it is not my decision to make, whether you run amock freely, but rather, Arsene's decision. Shall we see if you shall fail him as you did I?"

"M'lord, He is... He is... He is your..."

"He is your salvation, from my wrath. Fail him as you did me, and I will personally send you to The Ninth Level of Hell, Levatus. You and the rest of your family form ages past. You think your punishment is harsh. Wait till you see what true Hell is."

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