
Chapter 531 - Divinity

There were ways to increase such a flow, but for the most part, the highest a god could take it was thirty-three; but according to my lineage, it was almost impossible to do so.

The amount of drops within one body represents the amount of potential they hold at any given moment. For the most part, Devil and Demons are ten times stronger than normal men from the other eleven Plains, while I am four times stronger than devils themselves.

However, this was not the best way to measure strength, but rather the potential one held to be that strong. As it stands now, I could fight evenly with a devil, but my potential in each realm would be higher down the road in the same realm as them.

At the Peak of Star-Lord, I would be four times more powerful, but I am the same until then.

Nevertheless, I see why divinity is so rare to have. If you receive only a single drop each hour as every other God does, you would have a finite amount of divinity to use in battle. If one can draw divinity in like I can, it still would not do much in the long run.

The most I would be able to do was heal some injuries.

Pulling away from the Divine Ring, humming in my chest, I sighed, "This is going to take forever, but I truly feel sorry for those without followers. They must have it even worse."

Smirking, I shrugged. Pulling out the crystal Tang Feng gifted me, using the slightest bit of divinity I could muster, ran across my fingers and onto the stone. Humming to life, a radiant azure glow sprang over me.

Pushing me across space and time, I narrowed my gaze at the turbulent spiral winds trying to dig into my flesh. I didn't feel the least bit queasy, but the ride to Alos was not in the least bit comfortable.

Landing on my feet, a bit of annoyance ran through my heart. It was a bit unsettling, as the slightest movement during the transportation process could have had me blasted out into a foreign realm in the bed of chaos.

Pushing through the doors, I was met with the surprised face of Eroma. "Your back?" He shouted with a bit of glee! "The hell have you been?"

Narrowing my gaze at the dark divinity upon his body, I felt a bit off-put. Mother of Demons, Lilith's touch was still there.

"Taking care of business," I replied, making a note as to speak with Lilith about this change.

"Oh Yeah? Cool-Cool. Oh, before I forget, Falis is in." He said as my lips curled up.

"I have been wondering where you sent him; you really got him in?" I asked with a gleeful smile.

"Yup, he is now an official member of the Holy Swords. The process was a bit easy for him, as he was a monster. He is now a chosen; it will not be long before they make him a god, I think."

Cracking a smile, I nodded. "Good. Now, care to tell me how long I was gone for?"

Bellowing in laughter, Eroma shrugged, "How am I supposed to know? I have been getting my dick wet each day. I fucking love this city. These women, having lived for so long, are up for anything. I love it."

Narrowing my eyes, I frowned, a bit jealous. I wanna plow too. When was the last time I had a toy like Lisa? Although she had a messed up end.

(A/N: I actually feel sorry for Lisa.)

"What about Einar?"

"We are in competition to see who plows most. I am up by seven; it seems the angel cannot hang. Guess his wings can't help to get him up."

Chuckling a bit, the said man of conversation stepped out of his room with a victorious smile. "Your back! Good Shit. We never really got a chance to talk."

"Whose fault was that? All you have been doing is chasing Woman." I said, receiving a rather prideful smile.

"You not mad, though. Booty, my brother. It's all about the booty." He claimed, stepping down the stairs waving me off.

Twitching my brow, I shook my head, "Wow... Where is Lilith?"

"Who knows. I think they left. I heard the door close a few hours ago. Guess they went out to eat."

Lowering my head in thought, I glanced at the satisfied expression of Eroma and smiled. "Tell me about Larisa? What did you see?"

Losing his satisfied expression. eroma frowned, "Arsene, stop. Richter is still your brother."

"And Larisa's grandfather is hunting me, like a dog. I think it's only fair; I hunt her." I replied, licking my lips. "I hate her name, but she is not bad."

"What are you planning?" He asked solemnly.

"Well, before I left, Richter went missing leaving his dear old wife alone. A shame, really, as his little brother, I think it's only right that I test his brother's wife. To see if she knows him."

"Don't. That may be the worst thing you can do, Arsene. Must you torture him like so?"

Shrugging my shoulder, I rolled my eyes, "He made his decision. You know I don't believe in second chances; I'm not Jesus. There is not that much competition in me to forgive such a transgression on multiple counts by that selfish bastard."

"I will not help you with this. Anything else, I am game, but not this. You need a wingman; I am down. You need someone killed. I got you. But against family, I will not help." He solemnly said, turning his back, making his exit from my line of sight.

To think Eroma was so considerate. Hmmm, am I in the wrong? You know what, who cares?

Stepping into my room, I made for the bathroom and looked at the mirror. "Lilith should do this; her Abyssal Qi has so much more components than mine, but for now, it should be enough to trick that woman."

Wrapping my face and body with a bit of divinity. My godly features began to shift. Changing into a rather downgraded version within my old bloodline, creating the image of Richter reflecting back at me.

"Big Bro, I will protect you!"

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