
Chapter 611 - Lilith Homeless

"We are in the middle of nowhere." I softly reminded, trying my hardest to mask the growing anger. "And help is over a decade away. Tell me how this is not bad?"

"Then we head north!" He confidently remarked, shooting me a smile.

"You couldn't even follow a straight line!" I bitterly cursed, "We are officially homeless! Every direction for you is north!"

"You're damn right! If every direction is north, I can never go the wrong direction, my dear! You just need to keep moving till you--"

Punching the shit out of Sene so hard, I felt a few bones crack. I basted this fool off his feet and out of my sight. How could there be such a thing as a functioning idiot? Never have I seen a God with such a cripple sense of direction.

Peering at the Hellish Flames beginning to die down, leaving only a cloud of ash, my eyes trailed off to the many disciples all looking around with confusion. Many had died to the Ring of Baels flames, but there were still many who lived, and the most important one being Arken. The captain of this vessel.

I had mended most of his injuries, but any excess movement would cause each of his wounds to reopen. He was the only one with a map of this god-forsaken place. Sene and I might need to kill everyone and use the Gate of Abyssal Night to teleport away if things get out of hand.

"I have a solution!" Sene muttered, approaching me with a bloody nose, smiling from ear to ear. He glanced at the two little dragon girls huddling around my legs. "Let's just use Ty. A high god like her is probably faster than a ship. We take Arken, the Chosen, and have little eat him when we arrive. That way, little Ty's little secret will be safe."

"That's a little messed up. Although, It might work. Think the Chosen will have a problem with it?" I whispered, glancing at Kurt and Siegfried, calling out names to get a roll call of all those that survived.

"Little Ty, wanna do something for daddy!" Sene shamelessly asked, pointing to everyone below us, "You see all those people. Papa wants all their souls. Screw Arken. I forgot I could just eat his soul. It's a win, win."

"No, it's not, or did you forget your cripple sense of direction so soon? Even with a clear image of where you are heading, we are screwed. Keep him alive," I warned, unable to stop myself from shaking my head. Sene is going to be the death of so many people with his direction. What happens if he accidentally steps into an Eternals domain?

Patting Ty's small but lovable head, who seemed somewhat confused. I smiled a little softly. "Ty, we just need you to kill everyone but Kurt, Siegfried, and that man there by their side-lying lifelessly. Do it without none being the wiser, ok? Then bring daddy all the souls."

"Ty wants a deal then!" She suddenly claimed, startling us. I glanced at Sene, who radiated nothing but pride. Swelling in tears, he nodded.

"What is it?"

"One hundred hugs and head pats, just for Ty!"

"Twenty-five!" Sene Argued.

"Ninty-Nine!" Said Ty standing her ground.

"Seventy-Five," Arsene swiftly said, taking her into his arm; drool slipped down Ty's lips as Arsene smirked sinisterly.


"This is called the honey pot method." He informed, patting little Ty's head, who could not be bothered to care; she had all the cards but failed to get a good deal.

Shaking my head, Arkanos pulled at my robe, "Big sis is dumb." She said with a hint of jealousy. Lifting her into my arms, I smiled and kissed her plump cheeks.

"Than teach your big sis," I said, glancing as a swirling power flickered so fast, I saw nothing but a hint of a scarlet glow before only darkness remained. Shifting my eyes away, all that reflected before my heart was a misty cloud of blood. Washing over Kurt and Siegfried, their bodies turned stiff as they each glanced at us with hollow eyes.

"Ty Slam!!!" The Dragon Girl howled, giggling with crazed laughter, similar to her father.

Touching my stomach, I could only weep for humanity. Are we going to raise a monster? Then again, I guess it's humanity's fault for being so weak. It will be their honor to die by my future babies' hands. He will surely be the next ruler of this Heaven that I am sure of.

Taking hole of Arken with a bit of divinity, Arsene pulled him close, "Are you two just going to stare? Come on, let's go. Shit. I forgot I needed to act sad. Oh no! what happen, Amilia? We must flee! Grab the children, and let's go!" Sene poorly acted out, gardening darker stares from the two chosen.

"You're a damn monster." Kurt barked.

"I think that has been established. Where the hell have you two been? Hurry up, let's go before Arken awakens. We need to get our story right, or would you rather we give up on the mission?" Sene rushed to say as Ty's small body began to swell with power. Filling the Realm with a draconic power that bled darkness, a large sinister-looking dragon with a single large horn that appeared to look like a spear appeared on its forehead. Fluttering her wings that span over two hundred meters the color of a royal black, I could not help but be a little intimidated by Ty's dragon form.

Howling to the all-powerful heavens in the far reaches of space, a vicious pressure so intense my bones were on the verge of shattering, raced over me, continuing till the various stars around us died out. Losing their light, Ty lowered her draconic head and glanced at Arsene.

Placing my hands over the scales of black that hid a scarlet glow beneath, I could not help but marvel at Ty might appearance.. Without a doubt, she was a monster through and through, capable of overthrowing mighty Zeus.

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