
Chapter 943 The Kings Mark

Lilith hovered close, peering deeply at the storm of Necrotic Energy congealing over the emerald city. A building tension had already begun to weigh over our shoulders, as one by one, the various Planer Lords of the Twelve Planes began to emerge from the void to watch.

But with an icy expression, they watched as Balor stood like an icy king, his hands poised behind his back as he rose above the legion before him. Between Heaven and Earth, Lurrian glowed, constructing a towering pillar of light.

Balor's eyes snapped to me, and a smile emerged. "Arsene Snow," he said, chuckling devilishly, drawing the eyes of the Sovereigns. "I do hope you comply with us."

My eyes narrowed, and Lilith spoke. "You shouldn't worry about my Sene. Are you not worried that the Demonic Mother hasn't heeded any of your calls? Surely you are curious."

"I was but with Lord Belphegor as our new *******, my unease with the other Fallen Lords has…waned." Said Balor fearlessly, arching his lips as though victory was in hand. "So stand there and bear witness to the Kings Mark."

Balor lifted his arm, and a plethora of Reptilian Scales reminding me of a dragon scaled his flesh. Draconic in nature, a seething pressure emerged from the void, causing the winds to reel with fear.

The clouds faded to black, and the azure skies dimmed, leaving only a bleeding black sun. The Laws of Time that govern this small word dissolved, bringing about a stagnant world.

"What is this power?" I whispered.

"He's serious," Said Lilith, leaning closer to me, her voice icy to the touch.

​ Noting the indifferent expression of the other Sovereigns, I maintained a poised expression as well, merely watching as this was all I could do.

"In ages past, we fallen were known as devils. The devil made me do it. It's his fault. Do you know why?" Said the voice of Zantar mockingly

Unable to physically see or sense him, I remained silent.

"It was because, upon our fall, Lord Beelzebub created a combat form based upon the Dragon Lucifer had become. This battle form had become so feared so far and wide that we came known by lower lifeforms as the devils. It was why the devils are all horned beasts and why they carry wings. The day Lilith fled from Adam, her naivety in the formation of devils and demons, the true nature of the word became lost.

Light danced and bent and finally receded into the void as a tall fallen with long black wings emerged a mere two meters from me. Zantar chuckled, tilting his head to Balor, " Look upon my Lord, my King. Look as he enters his true form. Look as he becomes a true devil." He turned to me and then Lilith. " Only a body is needed for you."

The hairs on my neck were already on end, but I still said nothing. Only watching as the Power emanating from Balor continued to scream, howling a destructive wail to the Heavens and the Hells.

A resentment burning like flames flared from this 'Fallens' eyes as he opened his scaled palm, which looked more like a claw, and spoke. " Mark of the King,"

Suddenly the frozen skies paled of color as an encompassing sigil appeared over the skies, bleeding a regal aura tainted by the Hells and the Heavens. The Sigil carried a humming sound, but as the sounds of shattering glass entered my ear, I watched the Sigil suddenly shatter into billions of trillions of fragments. And like falling stars fell over the city below.

One by one, I saw the embers of fragmented light touch the forehead of every angel, Lord, god, and beast alike—even me.

But with a cold strike of her blade, Lilith cut the Sigil, trying to form over my head, and stared with an icy grimace with a black sword in hand.

"It matters not if you cut the Mark of the King; Arsene is already under contract," said Zantar narrowing his now scarlet gold eyes. "He will bend to our will, will bend to my—-"

Cutting her blade over my neck, the sounds of shattering glass once more sounded as Lilith sneered, "There. The contract is gone," she said just as the bade phased through me without the slightest bit of harm.

Zantar's prideful grimace sank into a twisting scowl as his shoulders trembled. " I'll kill you."

"You've said that before," Said Lilith crudely, flicking him off with her left hand while her right held the black blade, Laevatein.

Zantar's expression only contorted further as I, too, understood his pain. My wife gives zero fucks to everyone.

But I still chuckled, drawing Noctem from my Soul. "Well, the stage is already set. I hope we don't miss the game between you and the devils. I'm sure Asmodeus and the other kings will be more than welcoming of your arrival."

"We underestimated that blade. Its edge can cut even the Laws of Hell."

"Sheath your blade Zantar." Balor's booming voice commanded. "Arsene Snow has no choice, for his will is the will of the Order. The Gates to Iluthath shall be revealed to the Fourth Heaven once more."

The burning aura around Zantar dwindled as he turned around, bowing quite profoundly. "Thy will be done."

"Flee Arsene. Flee to Iliya. Ready your men, whatever you wish to sacrifice. But know upon our arrival, the ebbing storm of my blade will—"

Bellowing in laughter, I sneered. "I've waited a long time for this. Fuck your scheme. Your mouth makes more words than a horse's ass."

"The Fallen of Hell are all here, the Order of Chaos, and probably many more are all here watching, waiting. Enough of your drivel, send your legion, and let the festival begin."

Wrapping my arm around Lilith's slender waist, I Shadow Stepped beside Freya with an icy expression. "Is Layla in place?"

My knight fell to one knee and answered. " Yes, my Lord."

"And Yu Jing?"

"Still absent."

Cursing beneath my breath, I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. ' Everyone is counting on this. Let's just hope whomever idea it was to fake her death knows what they are doing." Shaking my head, I turned to Lilith in my arms. " You ready for this? They'll try to kidnap me after the gates burst, but they'll kill you."

"I've got Laevatein. It'll be fine."

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