
Chapter 1415: Three is Greatness!

Chapter 1415: Three is Greatness!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

One is the beginning, three is greatness, six is power, and nine is the peak!

When Su Ming let out his third Dao Spirit Voice, he already reached greatness! As his voice echoed in the air, the madness in the third roar crashed into the second Dao Spirit Voice still echoing in the three hundred million lis. Once it fused with the lingering sounds of the two previous voices, it instantly swept out in every direction!

The distance his voice covered kept on expanding. Three hundred million lis, four hundred million lis, five hundred million lis... When the first three Dao Spirit Voices overlapped with each other and reached a terrifying one thousand million lis... the entire sky and earth in that area rumbled and roared. When Su Ming’s voice spread out, it looked like it became the king of every region it passed through!

Seven Moons Sect was located to the west of Ancient Zang. At that moment, Su Ming’s third Dao Spirit Voice did not envelop the entire western region, but most of it had been affected.

Besides Seven Moons Sect, there was another sect and two clans located in the west of Ancient Zang: Five Directions Sect, Flying Feathers Clan, and Sky River Clan. They were equal to Seven Moons Sect in terms of fame and were nearly on equal footing in terms of power.

At the instant Su Ming’s third Dao Spirit Voice enveloped their regions, the cultivators in the sect and two clans immediately felt it clearly. They snapped out of their meditation and opened their eyes during their morning training.

Their expressions differed. The lower-leveled cultivators were mostly confused, not understanding what had happened. Only those who had practiced cultivation for years knew more, or more accurately speaking, those who had already reached Avacaniya Realm or were already in Dao Divinity Realm knew what the roars that caused the world to rumble signified.

When they cast their gazes upwards, they found the sky filled with ripples, and Su Ming’s divine sense was contained in them. His face could be vaguely seen within the ripples. When the ground trembled, Su Ming’s presence could be detected. All of that bore testimony to his Dao Spirit Voice!

“This is... someone sounding his Dao Spirit Voice. He is using his voice to fuse with the world so that he can transform his Dao Body into a Dao Spirit!”

“Judging by the direction... it should be Seven Moons Sect! But all cultivators from Ancient Zang’s seven sects and twelve clans always sound their Dao Spirit Voices in their respective sect or clan’s forbidden grounds. They won’t let others know about it, because Dao Spirit Voices are incredibly important and cannot be interrupted!”

“Seven Moons Sect actually allowed this cultivator to sound his Dao Spirit Voice like this? They’re definitely planning something!”

Divine senses were sent among the cultivators, who had been shaken by what they heard. Su Ming’s full cultivation base continuously spread out while he was above Seven Moons Sect, and the distance he could cover had already reached it farthest point. With his cultivation base, he had already managed to sound three Dao Spirit Voices, but... Su Ming’s eyes sparkled at that moment. He could sense that with his current cultivation base... he could let out another Dao Spirit Voice.

‘Since ancient times, most of those in Dao Spirit Realm can let out from one to three Dao Spirit Voices. Only a few can let out more than three roars, and only a handful can let out six roars... Even rarer are those who can let out nine roars... but all those who had managed to do so and are yet to die... have become Great Dao Paragons!’

Su Ming’s eyes sparkled when the descriptions of Dao Spirit Voice from the jade slip Xu Zhong Fan had given him rose in his mind.

He sucked in a deep breath and circulated his cultivation base to the max. As it continuously erupted from him, his third eye at the center of his brow opened. The three Dao Bodies in that eye all shone with glittering light, their power activated to the limit.

At that moment, Su Ming opened his mouth and let out his fourth Dao Spirit Voice!

The fourth Dao Spirit Voice instantly covered one hundred million lis in every direction, then tumbled even further into the distance. Wherever it went, the world roared. The ripples in the sky and the tremors on the ground seemed to form an illusory face, and it swept through everything while the roar echoed in the air.

It fused with the previous three Dao Spirit Voices and shook the sect and two clans in the western side of Ancient Zang. As it continuously spread out, the entire western region was finally filled up with his voice. His roar was clearly heard by every living being in the west!

But it... was clearly still far from enough to shake all of Ancient Zang, as what Gu Tai intended. There were quite a number of people among the powerful warriors in Dao Spirit Realm of Ancient Zang who had let out four Dao Spirit Voices. Four voices... could not cause any sort of shock. At most, they would make the ears of the cultivators in the western side ring. Su Ming was still far from being able to shock anyone.

However... at that moment, Su Ming’s cultivation base had already reached its limit. If he just relied on the power of his cultivation base alone, he would not be able to let out a fifth Dao Spirit Voice. After all, it was not a simple roar. It was him letting out a voice that could almost be said to be the voice of his life after fusing all his cultivation base with his soul, his life, and everything that made him who he was.

And only that voice alone could shake the world. Only it could serve as a brand that would make the world remember him.

When the world remembered his voice, the ripples would baptize him. The tremors on the ground would transform his Dao Body. When it reached its peak and Su Ming retrieved everything back into himself... he would be able to truly reach Dao Spirit Realm!

In truth, if he had retrieved his will and presence after he let out four Dao Spirit Voices, he would also step into Dao Spirit Realm, but his future if he settled for that would be limited. So it was not the path Su Ming wanted. To grow stronger and be able to open his eyes once he fully Possessed Xuan Zang, he had to become much stronger!

His goal was the ninth level Dao God. His goal... was Boundless Dao!

While the four Dao Spirit Voices echoed in the air, a powerful determination appeared in Su Ming’s eyes. He had already emptied his cultivation base, and there was the taste of blood in his mouth. His body had begun trembling amid the ripples in the western sky and the tremors on the ground.

Aside from the difficulty of letting out the Dao Spirit Voices, he had to gather together everything in his life. When he forced it all out of his throat, it was the same as draining his body. He would recover his full strength once he retrieved everything back into himself, but until he did so, the drain would only become more severe as he continued letting out these Dao Spirit Voices.

When the world changed, the ripples in the sky appeared and the ground trembled, the drain would become even stronger. That was why there were few cultivators who could sound more than six Dao Spirit Voices.

‘My potential is normal. I knew this when I was in Dark Mountain. After all, even Abyss Builders have different potentials aside from their innate talents... So, with my potential, four roars are my limit.’

A cold sneer appeared at the corners of Su Ming’s lips. No anguish could be seen within it, because since the destruction of Harmonious Morus Alba, he no longer felt any anguish. As he slaughtered people from Saint Defier and Dark Dawn during the later stages in Harmonious Morus Alba, he had already sunk into a state of madness.

At that moment, his understanding of his own potential only brought a strong refusal to admit defeat to Su Ming’s heart.

‘I might only have this much potential, but I will let out more Dao Spirit Voices! Because, aside from my cultivation base, I still have... my wills!’

Su Ming swung his arm, and his will of True Morning Dao World erupted from his body with a bang. Once it appeared, the invisible power that was clearly different from what existed in Ancient Zang instantly surrounded Su Ming’s body, and his hair flew up.

Su Ming lifted his head, and with his will, he let out... his fifth Dao Spirit Voice!

At the instant he let out that voice, the western side of Ancient Zang trembled. Excitement appeared on the faces of cultivators in Seven Moons Sect. They stared at Su Ming, remembering how he had cleared the Dao Divinity Shadow Descension Rune forty years ago!

At the same time, a rarely seen excitement appeared in Gu Tai’s eyes too. He watched Su Ming while feeling incredibly certain that he had not made the wrong call. That presence... was the unique presence belonging to the ninth level Dao Gods!

When the fifth Dao Spirit Voice echoed in the air, it instantly filled the entire western region of Ancient Zang as well as the sects and clans in it. At the moment they were shaken, the voice spread out even further. This time, Su Ming’s Dao Spirit Voice spread to the central region of Ancient Zang, as well as the north and south!

If there was someone who could stand at a spot where he could overlook all of Ancient Zang, they would definitely see a powerful wave of sound spreading out from the west with loud rumbles.

In that arc was Su Ming’s nearly invisible face!

In the northern region, there was a golden stand, and Asura Clan stood tall atop it. At that moment, they were affected by Su Ming’s Dao Spirit Voice. The young man who was sitting on the huge, ferocious beast within the world in Asura Clan opened his eyes at that moment.

His eyes shone when he lifted his head. Su Ming’s Dao Spirit Voice reached his ears in a faint murmur. The appearance of that voice immediately caused the young man’s expression to change. At the same time, Di Tian, which had originally been buried in his right eye, manifested once more.

“It’s Su Ming! This is Su Ming!”

Di Tian laughed. His laughter held a wave of excitement and exhilaration, because Su Ming’s appearance made him even more certain of his beliefs, that everything around him... was fake!

“Shut up!”

The second prince’s expression was dark. He lifted his right hand and tapped his right eye. Immediately, the laughing Di Tian disappeared from his pupil, but the second prince’s expression only became even darker.

The second prince, however, was not the only one to notice what was happening. All of Asura Clan heard Su Ming’s Dao Spirit Voice. The echoing voice, the rippling sky, and the trembling ground made the expressions of almost everyone there change!

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