
Chapter 1019 Lilith Snow - The Pale Lord

Was I wrong? I like the name. What's wrong with Izalith? Why does he even hate Vita? It's so stupid. He gave me permission. He told me to pick whatever name I wanted. So why is he mad?

Dummy Sene.


Big Dummy!

Big-Big Dummy!

I did nothing wrong! Hmph! How can he be so mad? It's only a name.

"Are you still moping?" A sharp voice caught my ear, stirring me awake.

Peeping up towards the burning eyes of my valiant knight smiling, I pouted almost immediately.

"I'm mad at you."

"Are you now? Why's that?"

Vita slipped near me onto the bed and rested her head against mine as she sighed. " Why don't you tell me? What's on your mind."

"Sene is mad I named our child after you and me. "

"Pshhh! Really? He's such a child."

"I know, right!" I admitted, but my mood didn't rise much. " But… maybe I should've told him."

"I did tell you that, but my Queen is so hard-headed."

Sinking deep into my pillow, I moaned. "Sene is really mad this time... I don't know what he'll do."

"He'll get over it. I'm sure once the little one is born, he'll forget all about it. But for now, just let him fume. Nothing you can do."

"... I don't think I should take relationship advice from a woman with no husband or children… no offense."

"Some offense taken. Goddamn. My lady came with boxing gloves on." Said Vita smilingly as she leaned her head onto mine. "But it's really up to you, my lady… he's in the Abyss right now if you want to run to him."

I shook my head, feeling my heart sink at the thought of facing him. Gods. My cheeks were still burning with shame at how he looked at me.

"Good. Then I've got a mission for you, my lady, since you don't seem like heading to the Origin Realm any time soon." She said, grabbing my attention, and the timbre of her voice dropped a few octaves. " We need to go to the Plane of Oblivion. I'd like to grab the hidden treasures Zariel hid."

Recalling that scheme, my brow jumped, as did my shoulders, as I suddenly remembered that treasure trove." Oh shit… wait, where are Balor and Zantar? Can you sense them?"

"Balor… No. But I can sense Zantar. He's on Iluthath." Said Vita coldly but shook her head. " But ignore him for now. The treasure. That's what they were after, remember? That was why they gave you that sword, Riverfall."

I wonder… "Do you think Sene will be mad if I kill Zantar for him? Or if I go after Balor?"

"You know where Balor is?" She asked me with a surprised look in her eyes.

Rising off the bed, I opened myself to the world, allowing all things to run through me: Images of old and new seemed to flood my systems, turning my cheeks pale. Bolts of pain streamed through my heart and soul like daggers in my heart as I groaned before closing myself off.

"He's in the… there's not a word for it yet. But it's a zone that's a past subspace. It's… hard to describe, but he's evolving. Turning it what Lily called A Teleth… A true being of chaos." I muttered, narrowing my eyes as I had also peered into what Zantar was doing.

… He's planning on attacking Sene… in the Hells.

"What's beyond sub—"

"Don't worry about it." I coldly said, shaking my head. "If you wish to know… you'll have to find that answer within the Depths of the Abyss. But for now, let's go to the Oblivion." Touching my stomach, where pulses of life hummed, I smiled. " Mama is going to teach you two how to steal. Oh, what's it for anyway?"

"The System, my lady. A system needs treasures, right? Zero and I talked, and we decided we should upgrade the ones within the treasure that need upgrades and leave others that don't. We've already devised the basis of the laws of the System, which we need you and Arsene to review as the parents."

Seems like those two are getting along.

"I see. Let's get to Oblivion, then." I said, and with a snap, my eyes widened as we materialized within the heart of Rense Loren before a small child sitting on an iron throne with the coldest look. She had long ashen hair and a grim look in her pale eyes that didn't seem to take away from her doll-like features.

"Lilith Snow. And her most trusted advisor and Freind Izavith. What brings you all to my lair?"

Glancing at the Chosen acting as guards, I couldn't help but smile at Cleo and Kurt, draped in armor befitting knights. Shifting my gaze back to the Pale Lord, I spoke.

"Zariel left some merchandise here."

"It's mine."

"Does the Silver Devil know?" said Vita coldly. " Not even you are foolish enough to annoy him."

"I am not frightened by a child."

"Even if that child controls the Weave?"

The Pale Lord went silent. " I admit… the Weave does cause me some discomfort, but its user has no idea what he truly holds. Nor how to use it."

"It will seem you've been asleep for longer than I thought. Even Lucifer and Mephisto do not dare fight the Silver Devil when he loses control. Anything can happen. The boy, as you call him, has just enough control to kill you and me. What's it matter if he's a little weak?"

"I watched the fight between him and Belphegor. And honestly, I wasn't impressed." The Pale Lord yawned. " Leave. The treasure is—"

"I don't think you understand. I'm taking the treasure. Not sure why Vita teleported us here, or perhaps it was your doing, but I'm not here to ask. If you interfere, I'll have all thirteen generals attack this realm." I coldly interrupted.

"Even if that means I become an enemy to you and your kids?"

My smile deepened into an arc that could slice through flesh. " My kids are grown… And if you think they aren't protected, then attack."

The Pale Lord's lips curled downwards in a disapproving arc. "You're quite a bold queen. Are you sure you wish to challenge me?"

I almost laughed. Did these people not understand the complexity of the Abyss? Or perhaps my people haven't been able to show their true power.

"Do you wish to challenge me?" I said back to her.

The little Loli stood to her feet, and Vita took a step forward with a hollow look that utterly crushed the rules of Law in this small heaven. Time splintered away to nothing as dead laws after dead laws began to fill my eyes.

"I'd rather not help the person who helped the twins… but I will kill you if you act against my queen."

The pale Lord sneered. "Children… all of you. Lost little lambs who don't even realize who we, Eternals are. Have you any idea how we came into being?"

My frown deepened. But I said nothing.

"The Arrogance of the Myriad Gods and Abyssal Fiends knows no bounds. I'll permit this transgress. But know. You will come to regret this decision."

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